On 16 Jun 2009 20:40:56 GMT, JimB0ss (no@spam.org) wrote:
:After reading Isis' suggestions yesterday tried to post at 15000 lines per part, but Astraweb
:doesn't accept anything above 12500. So returning to 10000 lines.
Sorry, J, but Astraweb has a 10000 line limit (1536 KB barrier).
Most NSP's will handle up to 30000 lines (4096 KB barrier).
Actually, that is 12000 & 32000 lines respectively, but since articles actually
vary in size, you need to allow about a 2000 line 'safety factor'.
Also, PowerPost can only 'remember' settings up to 12000. After that, you need
to go to PowerPost <Setup> <Program> and set the higher yEnc settings EACH TIME
you bring up PowerPost. (This needs to be done_before_you add any files.)
Sorry for any confusion,