fresh fuel on the fire? I have no idea what you meant by that, but
I thought of one more point to make, in case you should try to follow
the instructions for parsing old headers. As I mentioned, at least on
my newsserver, there are about 10 years worth of content still
available, as well as new stuff coming in all the time. As long as
you keep a record of where you are in the process, and dont get too
many headers at one time, it is trivial to flip back and forth between
the old headers and fresh new headers.
As I mentioned before, you must process all the headers at one time
before getting any more. So, if you are still processing a bunch of
old headers, but want to get new ones for some reason, you can always
just select all the current headers, export them to an NZB file to
import and process later, and delete them in Agent. To get the new
recent headers, you DO NOT click the "Get New Headers", but simply
change the number of days to sample back to 1. I forgot to mention
the checkbox on the "Sample Recent Headers" dialog that says to
"Update record of headers received." I generally keep that box
checked. That is why, if you click GetNewHeaders, Agent will continue
to get headers from where ever you were in the deep past, so that's
why you change the number of days to 1, or how ever many days since
you got the recent headers.
Also, when I said keep records, it is good to keep both the datestamp
and the number of days, so you know where to pick back up for the next
slice from the past when you are ready. The number of days will shift
every day, so that why you must keep the actual date as well. But
keeping the old number keeps you in the ballpark for that date.
This might sound overly confusing, but if you actually try it, you
will quickly understand what I am saying. And if not, just ask a