thank you for explaining this, and sorry for the bother.
I assume you are getting the Get Back Chronicles, which has lots of
unseen footage from the Let It Be sessions. I have not watched it
yet, but suspect it might include the "big picture" video I mentioned
recently, since it mentions British Lions Ltd. as a huge contributor.
I deeply appreciate your mention of the a.b.beatle group here. I
would not have checked it otherwise, and am starting to feel the need
to disconnect myself from all the newgroups. It's like a free candy
store, and I find myself turning into an addict. I can't seem to be
moderate about it, as the xvid group just keep teasing me with new
films. I still have thousands of documentaries from this group that
are waiting to be watched, so I'm glad this group has been quiet
recently. My only hope is to go "cold turkey" and unsubscribe from
everything. But not today. I hope Volume 3 will get posted in
abbeatles soon. But after that, I need to get out of here! :)
peace and love be with you!