NNTP-Posting-Date: Fri, 17 Nov 2017 08:04:08 -0600
Newsgroups: alt.binaries.documentaries
From: Anon <>
Subject: Re: Attn: RIB (and Group) - Re: SATA Multiplier Cards...
Organization: Society of Amish Engineers
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Date: Fri, 17 Nov 2017 08:04:08 -0600
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You are saying "PCI X1" and "PCI X16". I am assuing you mean "PCI-E". Otherwise, you have an antique.
Is it PCI-E 1.0 or 2.0 etc? You will need to know that.
Once you know that, you can go shopping.
I am working on converting a cheap referbed PC to a NAS box, so I've been looking at that type of card.
Short answer, yes you can get a PCI-E X1 card with additional SATA ports. There are a ton of them.
You will need to know how many ports you want, and what speed do you require.
Amazon has an 8 port card for about $60 (US).
If you use a high end video card and your MoBo only has 16 lanes, you may have some issues. Using a single lane will also limit your speed if you are accessing multiple drives at once. SATA I vs SATA II ve SATA III will also make a difference.
Burning disk is pretty low bandwidth, so you should have no problem with that.
Toms Hardware is a great place to get some info, and for buying parts. Also, newegg and Amazon. Read the specs carefully.