Newsgroups: alt.binaries.documentaries
Subject: Re: NHK.Executive.Non.Decision.A-Bomb.History.Rewritten.(2016) A response to this foolishness "A-Bomb.History.Rewritten.txt"
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Date: Fri, 23 Dec 2016 21:45:15 -0800
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On Thu, 22 Dec 2016 20:44:09 GMT, Willy <> wrote:
>You mad? You sure sound like it.
>A) 'The Story' is always written by the victors. History tends to tell it as
>the victors saw it.
>B) NHK is not some rogue news and documentary organisation. They are the 'BBC'
>of Japan.
>C) While their portrayal is just that... their conception of the facts from
>their point of view, that doesn't mean we shouldn't use it to 'temper' the
>typical statements that those in the US / UK tend to hear.
>It's just one side of the story, complete with omissions of facts and facts all
>their own.
>As someone greater than me said, "There's atleast two sides to every story and
>the truth probably lies somewhere in the middle", so why not watch this and get
>a fuller picture?
>Unless you've purchased the one side of the victors as the ONLY STORY. You're
>smarter than that, right?
My Great Grandma use to tell me there are three sides to every story: the
right side, the wrong side AND THE TRUE SIDE.
Just sayin'