From: "|--Spike=-" <|--Spike=-@Home.Co.UK>
Newsgroups: alt.binaries.documentaries
Subject: Attn:RIB - SNP
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Hiya RIB
I just need to pick your brain about the 'Starry Night Pro V6' that
you posted a couple of years back.
I downloaded it back then and installed it plus ran the update with no
problems that I can remember, you might remember that I had a drive
'c' crash a few months back and had to re-install Windows 7 Ultimate.
This was re-installed from exactly the same burned DVD as the last
time, after install I then tried to install SNP V6... it took a few
attempts, it would say 'install complete' after a few seconds but
didn't even install the main programme, just a few folders/icons.
After several attempts it finally 'fully' installed. :)
My problem now is that when I try to install the update the install
fails because of a 'Could not find a valid Java virtual machine to
load' - 'You may need to re-install a supported Java virtual machine'
error !
As this didn't happen last time using the exact same copy of Windows,
I'm puzzled why this error comes up.
As I know nothing about the software/programme its asking for and
would not have a clue about what it even Does, I was wondering if You
have any ideas/knowledge
of either the software or the problem.
Should the 'Java VM' have installed from the SNP set-up ? Is it part
of Windows ?
Thanks if you can help.
* If The Earth Didn't Suck... We Would All Fall Off ! *