Thanks for this post Dead Parrot. As I'm Dutch I know the story of Mussert.
Three remarks I'd like to make however.
At 7.15 min. there is spoken of a plan to kidnap Queen Wilhelmina, I have never
heard of such a plan. However it was the intention of the German invaders to
enprison the Queen, her government and high ranking officers. This should be
done by airborne troups landing in Iepenburg, the plan was prevented.
At 11.00 min. it is said that Queen Wilhelmina fled to England, she didn't want
to go, the chief of staff, gen. Winkelman, convinced her that the military situation
was desperate and that when Holland surrendered she would be enprisonned
and thus the souverenty of Holland would be lost. Holland would become a
province of Germany. She embarked the destroyer (wich was cruising the coast
of Holland from sept. 1939 btw) and left for Walcheren. Walcheren proved to be
impossible so she went to Londen.
At 29.00 min. The hiding place of Anne Frank was not above a night club but above
an office so all of them had to be very silent during the day as there were people in
office that didn't know what was above them. They would have been much happier
with a night club I think.
Yours Bolle