NNTP-Posting-Date: Wed, 09 Mar 2016 15:43:10 -0600
From: mike
Newsgroups: alt.binaries.documentaries
Subject: Re: Legal Dispute
Date: Wed, 09 Mar 2016 16:43:07 -0500
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Xref: alt.binaries.documentaries:5905
On 09 Mar 2016 18:36:05 GMT, DeadParrot <DeadParrot@The.Aviary> wrote:
>This is probably of interest to all newsgroups, so feel free to pass it around.
>My thinking is that the time is coming when a slightly cryptic subject heading will be needed if a usenet post is to fly under the radar. I don't like the idea of passworded posts, so there will probably need to be some sort of standard decided upon so that keyword filters don't work. Any standard would also need to be easily picked up by a new user.
>Spike has been using initials for some time, and that's a good start.
>Any thoughts?
Documentaries and TV are not usually bothered by DMCA.
Many xvid movie posters use cryptic header names. One regular poster
uses #s in place of some letter:
"Th3 1nt3rn
Th3 L4dy 1n th3 V4n
1n th3 H34rt 0f th3 S34
Doesn't always work if they are determined to DMCA a particular movie.
in fact he had to change news servers after he was kicked off one.
And he uses separate news servers for ul and dl.
Anoter one uses a shell name for the rar:
so u have to dl the first rar and open to see the name. Haven't seen
any of these DMCAd though I'm sure they have been been.
Spkes initials as names and titles in nfo/txt file is good enough i
hope. It's the first thing i open before dling anyway.