Discovery Channel, DVDRip, DOCUMENTARIES
And now, humanity is on the brink of a change so radical, so rapid and unlike any other stage in human history.
And while most of us are waiting at the precipice, have some already taken the leap?
a painter compared with Renaissance master Brunelleschi, who has been blind since birth; in Germany,
a man discovered one day that he can perform complex calculations in his mind; and in the Netherlands,
transcend what it means to be human, how we use our natural senses and our physical limitations.
biologists and futurists and discover their startling perspectives on these super powers and the implications
of these gifts on future generations.
where new technologies have put the genetic engineering process into our own hands? The real-life superheroes
by examining the unique gifts they possess today, what can we learn about what humanity will be like tomorrow?
genetic engineering and the future of human evolution. See how the rules of evolution are on the brink