On Sat, 14 Feb 2015 10:04:49 -0600, Rely
>Thx for posting this, Drek.
>After I reposted it I realized I may have reposted older .nzbs. Why care?
>Because the older files all required lots of rebuilding but my reposts were
>(hopefully) complete. So a newer .nzb refocused on the reposts is very
>BTW, any Battlefield product is about the best around. For this ng, "Battlefield" is a must.
100% of the credit goes to you for supplying the programs. I always
use NZB if possible because it takes out all the busywork. Once I
load it everything else is automatic. Figured why not post it.
All 12 were complete with no repair between newshosting & astraweb.
These are new to me thanks again for posting and sharing your
knowledge of what's around to begin with and the nfo on teevee.