Just reading some of Jeans meltdown posts to
MiD: <nvcib59bfohfnhm6ctivt3v55d83opik55@4ax.com>
"There is a helpfunction in the
program dumb cocksucker, i suggest you use it."[sic]
..aren't you glad you threw over that sort of 'help'?
This same guy back in 2004 wrote me (in email),
after a lady here (ABCP) tore strips off him,
"I will get my rengve on them bitches".[sic]
He then requested my assistance in forming that
plan. Refusing to do so is what gets me his compliments
as quoted in the first paragraph.
.. it is his poor attitude driven by his mood swings that
got him where he is... in 2009.
There is something for nothing....