Do you actually know what a "class action lawsuit" is? Best to get your
attorney to explain it to you, btw how much are you selling this info for
nowadays? Stop threatening people, that also can be cause for a lawsuit.
Also now you gave away you info also, it doesn't take detective work its
easy to find, anyone can simply look it up, nothing is really private
online anyway. Tit for Tat, my dear
On Wed, 08 Jul 2009 12:45:39 -0500, candy <candy> wrote in:
>I have been doing lots of detective work and thanks to a few others
>who have helped, we have found out who" Nikky" and "Noone" REALLY are.
>If you are a digitizer and want this information, you can email me at
>We are considering a class action lawsuit against these 2 biggest
>posters and a few others as we can verify their identity.