On Fri, 09 Jan 2009 10:17:57 +1100, Pixie <Pixie@AnnWheatley.com> wrote:
>>On Thu, 08 Jan 2009 12:40:37 -0700, surprise <surprise_nospam@new.com> wrote:
>>Surprise me asshole and tell me why.
>Finesse ES, please...... a little finesse would be appreciated.
>Your use of adjectives (as usual) is missplaced and uncalled for.
Really? tell me why don't just blabber around.
>>Your kind always have something to say if a post originates from Holland.
>Nope. You are the one with the balanced temper.
>A chip on each shoulder......
Don't contradict yourself, you are doing it all the time.
>>Every body here is mature enough to decide for themself and they sure do not
>>need your advice.
>Incorrect...... as usual.
Yep they belong in kindergarten right? and should be lead by the hand by people
like you.
>>I found some files in this post i did not had.
>How deep did you have to dig??
>How long did it take??
3 seconds to be precice
>>Yes the poster should had packed every folder with designs seperatly so you
>>would be able to pick out the goodies without the need to download the rest.
>That would have been polite.
>Intelligent posting even.
>At the very least S/He could have packed a few together and posted a
>separate note explaining the content.
Sure it would be polite, why do your kind always expect to do the work for the
leeches? Are they to bloody lazy to do some work themself?
You always comment on what you get for free and have to do some work on,
nobody is forcing you or anybody else to download this.
Not everybody knows how to make a directory print and add that to the post, here
you come in with YOUR EDUCATIONAL urge to teach people how to make swallow ready
posts for the toothless.
>We are still stuck with downloading the headers, regardless.
>Costly for some.
Who is "WE" get yourself a real newsservice, the newsserver of my isp has no
trouble with the headers.
Or get rid of your dailup and get yourself a real internet connection.
>>Now he has put his whole collection into a few rarfiles and posted them.
>S/He has done so of His/Her own free will.
>Rather shabbily too, by the looks.
>Your point?
Use common english, "shabbily" is not in my dictionary.
>I always like to wrap my gifts appropriately. You?
If somebody wants something of me they can get it "as is" and i do not want to
go through the trouble to sort it out for them or pack it in a nice wrapper.
Things like that is not my problem, if they want it in a nice wrapper then let
them go to the place where they can buy the stuff then they can get it in a nice
>>Your kind is using Giganews or any other newsserver and change nic every 5 posts
>>and only have bad comment on everything and never post a file themself.
>Your point?
>You have had a few nics yourself over the years......./laff
Name them, you make me curious. I always posted from my isp so you must find
them back easy using my ip address.
>Everyone still seems to know who you are....... /giggle
The words of "miss know it better than the rest"
>>Well bad luck for you
>Bad luck for the group as a whole really, when you log in.
>>.............. follow your own advice and don't touch the post.
>I'm sure S/He did...
>A little advice for the tragics that think "every post is good" was
>justified. Prolly saved a few tears and a few dollars...
More education for the ignorant?
>>And next time, well next time you post a message like this one from your own
>>isp's newsserver if he has one.
>>I bet you don't have the guts.
>Oh puleease...... having to watch you spew your guts is enough for one
>day...... surely.......
Nobody forced you to read my message and get irritated by it, it's your own
doing. There even are killfilters so why don't you use it to never see me and
also get rid of mic.
>/mop and bucket to ABCP......
Yea we all know you you think you are the best, don't wet yout panties laughing
and rolling on the floor ( what a idiot habit, is that costom in your circles? )
it would be embarrassing.