> I hope you had a great Christmas and i wish you all the best for the
> year 2009.
> If Grammy reads this, i am not convinced her drive really went over
> the edge, i think that what ever was on it still can be recovered.
> But........................ that is the thought of someone who does
> not give up easy.
>>I have posted to Alt.binaries.craft.pictures please alert if these a
>>re too big for you. I ahve tried to make smaller but so far nothing
>>has worked. thought I would try the other group where I find people
>>are not so nasty.
>>On Fri, 26 Dec 2008 21:02:28 GMT, Grammy1 <grammy1@hotmail.com> wrote:
>>>I've lost ALL my designs. Would appreciate any sharing of any
>>>designs especially AD, CP, Dakota, GN, Husqvarna/viking AND OESD.
>>>thank you
>>>Grammy 1
I have had it to the Geek Squad at Best Buy, a computer saavy friend and
I sent it to Disk Doctors and they had it for 2 months. I am now going
to try to contact Western Digital (the Manufacturer) and see what they
can do. It was only 4 months old when it died. It just keeps clicking
and won't rotate.
Any other suggestions?????