I'm going to be blunt here - you're not ready to
begin posting and probably will get yourself in
trouble if you do.
I write this as a person who's been around usenet
since 1995, who has written a couple of posting tools
and who has been hit with copyright complaints. I've
seen many newbies get themselves in trouble because
they've approached posting to usenet recklessly.
Read the Digital Millenium Copyright Act. Read astraweb's
terms of service and acceptable use policies. Make sure
that what you want to post is appropriate to the group
in question.
Is the material you want to post free? Is it freely downloaded
from a url? If so - just post the url.
If the material a commercial product? Is it requested?
Are you willing to risk DMCA action against you? Have
you tested the material to make sure it works? If so:
1. Get my fork of Power-Post, Sharkpost from
From: "Bill"
Newsgroups: alt.binaries.pictures.leek
Subject: SharkPost.v1.0_Build20110406.2.zip (1/4)
Date: Sat, 14 Jul 2012 15:22:33 +0000 (UTC)
Message-ID: <5poob3.96b.19.2@news.alt.net>
and practice in one of the many alt.binaries.*test* groups.
By default, Sharkpost sends posts to alt.binaries.test
If you get Sharkpost, you may as well get NewsProxy v1.2.5
too. As you gain experience, you might want to use its
header manipulation abilities.
Ask more questions if you have them.