On 18 Dec 2013 11:10:53 -0800, RP <RP_member@nntpjunkie.c
>I have no idea if this will work for you....kinda new at this!
OH MY GOSH!!!! Thank you so much...I worked for several hours last
night and came up with a mess......I will keep trying....but this is
sssssooooo PERFECT!!!! Thanks again! Happy Holidays !
>In article <dlq0b91adb6rqsj83i99huht5s717mrthn@4ax.com>, snicklefritz says...
>>Could some kind soul digitize this for me? 3x3, Pes.
>>No need for the words "fly-fishing" and no need for the
>>border. Just a black square with the N2 on it. The font
>>is called "eraser". THANKS!!!!