On Fri, 18 Jan 2013 22:44:22 -0500, Erma <none@none.com> wrote:
>Thank you. I appreciate the explanation. This will help me also to post
>better. Always good to learn something new.
Ask for a repost of Surprise's files. One at a time. Surprise posts
properly. It was just a case of one too many in the same post.
Not everyone reads the posts with no attachments, so you may not be
the only one that didn't get them.
We are a ragtag little group, trying to stay alive in the Usenet
That won't happen if we don't know why our posts are falling over.
Sitting on our hands and feeling useless won't help any of us.
I can only help so much. As in Maggy's case. What She says She is
doing and what I see as a display are two different things. We just
have to muddle on.
Ways of accessing Usenet have changed a lot over the years, and
apparently not for the better.
Ways of posting successfully have not changed. Responsible servers
will reject postng that is not quite right.
The problem is with those servers that process anything that is
offered aren't helping people to learn how they can do it better.
It's not email. I can't stress that enough.
Usenet was around before email. And the rules are a little different.
Is all.
>On Fri, 18 Jan 2013 10:02:21 +1000, Mousie <say_cheese@cheese.com.invalid>
>wrote in:
>>On Thu, 17 Jan 2013 16:48:44 -0500, Erma <none@none.com> wrote:
>>>Is anyone else having trouble opening these? I have tried to download 3
>>>times, each a different day, and when I try to extract them I get an error
>>>message. It says unexpected end of archive. If I try to extract just one
>>>file at a time it says the file is of unknown format or damaged. Am I
>>>doing something wrong?
>>Nope, you are doing anything wrong.
>>As I noted yesterday in a message to Maggy,
>>Message-ID: <a06ef89tihsnk4f32180u0nndc5o5oqnrj@4ax.com>
>>Surprise's post had two zips inside it and there would be some people
>>unable to get it. Specifically, those with servers that reject
>>incorrect posting. Albeit, unintentional. We don't know what we are
>>doing "wrong" if we don't ask.
>>A golden rule is one zip/rar at a time, when posting.
>>Posting two at a time (in the same post) results in it falling over
>>for someone, as it has for you.
>>If Surprise reposts them, one zip per post, it will post perfectly.
>>It did not matter that they were both small zips, it was the fact
>>there were two of them in the same post.
>>Snowglobes on their way.
>>Might just do the sewing files today, if that is ok.
>>It is already 31.5C degrees INSIDE my house, and this old computer is
>>not liking the heat. It's labouring already, and I've only just turned
>>it on. I better get a move on!
>>Will post the pdf tomorrow, if that is ok.