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From: Willy Ewe <we@tinw.invalid>
X-Newsreader: Forte Agent 2.0/32.640
Newsgroups: alt.binaries.crafts.pictures
Subject: News for Mums N Dads in the US of A --- fileshare info inside
Summary: The day you reach the belief the idiot ceiling is holding you down is the day an idiot falls through - the ceiling
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Date: Tue, 20 Mar 2012 12:45:55 +1000
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Those USA readers with kids using Mums computer may do
well to reconsider their exposure to the news in the above press release.
Those USA readers who still use an ISP connex to post and download to
this newsgroup _would_ do well to change that regime.
Those USA readers who still use torrents or share their box in that manner
_would_ do well to change that regime.
All of those 'practices' have been discussed in this newsgroup, with those who
know advising against such exposure. Now, for USA readers, the lessons
are being shot home to the bankroll.
As with all things computing there are workarounds (countermeasures)
which will preserve a users freedom, always has been that way.
However, that way forward requires work.
Each individual, requiring individual help with circumvention, better hope
there are sufficient local support resources to tap into.