From: moo <>
X-Newsreader: Forte Agent 2.0/32.640
Subject: Re: Karate... more information would have got you what you wanted... - Karate_assorted.rar (0/1)
Date: Sun, 12 Jun 2011 05:48:59 +1000
Summary: The day you reach the belief the idiot ceiling is holding you down is the day an idiot falls through - the ceiling
References: <isdac5$dve$> <>
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Organization: Unlimited download news at
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Pixie <> wrote:
>On Sat, 04 Jun 2011 23:01:49 +1000, moo <> wrote:
>>Pixie wrote:
>>>Yer sayin' men have brains AND instinct??
>>>hahahahah... the Universe says "no"... /laff
>>heh.. now there is a disappointment :-)
>Wimmins think so... /grin
>We expect more of a challenge... (!)
They tell me this is the hinge point of the
relationship in a marriage, what keeps the
man "on the go", filling the expectations<g>
Now.. in a partnership..?.. entirely different kettle of fish.
Still not true equality as, well.. men just do have
a broader stretch of resources, but the certainty
he will perform is not as sound as it is held by women
I see you nodding <bg>
>>>Interesting that he knows he can only post his troll stuff using TN.
>>Indeed so.. many a post he has made and
>>regretted, I would add.
>>Allowing -- of course -- for the offchance the
>>edjut does have clear moments of reason :-/
>They would be fleeting, at best!
The deterioration is progressive, as noted :->
>>It is relevant that TN is "the last man standing"
>>in that regard, and a great pity so many have
>>chosen to abuse the service at the expense
>>of others who may be in genuine need.
>>However it is simply the result of
>>the "I am OK, Jack, bugger you and
>>what you need" syndrome which has
>>purveyed Usenet since the very day
>>@homers and AOL'ers made their entrance.
>Bit rough on the AThomers...meh.
You weren't around then?
Couldn'a been or you wouldn't be holding
even a shred of sympathy for that crowd.
Only a short step removed from
dweebb-TV'ers were they :-/
>Speakin' of at homers and the syndrome I (genuinely) believe you see.
>Junior Facebookers are now finding themselves in counselling at the
>age of EIGHT, because they doan like the way they are treated
>Well dah...
>We have dumbed ourselves into oblivion in just two generations on the
>Web... amazing.
>The Earth has taken a zillion years to create itself, and Gates has
>destroyed it in two decades.
With the help of a great many clueless connected
bimbos (both sexes).
Someone is getting a tad worried though.
I have just read e-news that reports Govt's globally
are looking at legislation to shut down ISPs under
"emergency powers" where they deem "civil unrest"
being facilitated though the Internet.
A case of the clueless running riot..?.. or the clueless
wanting control of those with a clue?
Very interesting.
>I know how fond you are of that organ....
>/sounds of crickets.... whaat??
.. were the tune music to my ears..?.. yeh, true :-)
>>Back from my travels away, and it is quite warm
>>here on the patio tonight. I have a small remnant
>>of "sinus like" symptom remaining which may drive
>>me indoors before midnight :-)
>/buys you a Neti pot for your sinus...
>And no... you doan smoke it... /laff
All done. Wonder cure of Demazin and
some steroid inhaler. Hopefully that is it
for this Winter. Hit 10degrees(C) today so
our chilly is peaking, so they say <g>
>I'm more "inland" than you... no wattle here yet that I have seen.
And yesterday I noted the tea-tree is now
in full bloom now also. A bit early but a welcome
sight.. it puts a clean freshness on the wind :-)
>You missed the "as well" bit...
>As well as blind...
>My Braille skills are phenomenal though... even on a pooter!
Visiting an establishment just recently, I
asked what the V was on the door of
what was obviously a female ablution
"Errr... we do have blind clients here".
Now mixed with the embarrassment of
being judged clueless was the thought
of "Whomever thought V was appropriate
braille to mark as "female"..!
And is "handling" the mark considered
"assault" if you aren't blind!
>>better to let it out and blush
>>than hold it in and bloat till you have a second bust!
>>I say.. mheh... heh.. heh
>Just because you can fart the National Anthem and burp the alphabet,
>doan mean that wimmins feel the need to do this.
>I reckons your waistline is still more bloated than mine... /snicker
As do camels have fatty tissue to store
water so do men have "gas reserves".
Woman on the other hand opted for
'adornments' in order to attract the man
with the best gas reserve...
>>Back in what some call civilisation I dined tonite
>>with a fine fillet (and crinkle cut chips)
>So "crinkle cut" means they was once frozen!?
Nup... means they are built to look like a chip.
Probably never seen a potato has that kitchen<g>
>Nuffin' green on that plate... aye??
Well.. when we had "green money" ($2note)
it would have had, yes :->>
>>washed by a Browns Shiraz.. a most fine sup was made
>>of it all.
>>I had to leave the bottle at table.. bugger<g>
>So you made sure it was empty... yes??...
err... no,, cos I had to drive a computer.. heh heh
>Enjoy your northern warmth! I saw Cairns was already 14 degrees at
>8am. I doan think we will make it to that all day.
>Pixie :-))
See earlier note on that.. and we have had some
very light rain which as always made it seem that
10degrees colder.
Only a few days to go and the sun starts coming
back over so it is all good :-)
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