Herb <Herb@the.herb.garden> wrote:
>24hrembroiderer@mnsi.net wrote:
>> I know this is not the best drawing in the world but is there any
>> possiblility of it being digitized? One is black and white and I will
>> have a coloured one too, when they tell me the colours.
>Sure - could digitize what you provided, but it wouldn't look any
>better than the drawing itself, and probably a lot worse, unless
>someone made the effort to redraw it from scratch, either with
>graphics or with stitches.
>Whoever 'they' are, you might gently tell them that unless they can
>provide an image that they would be happy seeing on their letterhead,
> webpage, or newsletter's nameplate, making an embroidery design
>would be a waste of effort.
>In business, we used to have a saying: "If your methods are a mess and
>you computerize them, you'll end up with a computerized mess."
> - Herb
tho' you guys must run a different style of PR?
Down 'ere we say :Shit in is Shit out... computer wise".
I read the OP was at least trying.. so hence
the cleaned bitmap I posted earlier.
And yes,, as I see it this 'job' is going to need
'drawn' stitches. That will take time.. time I do
not have right now.