24hrembroiderer@mnsi.net wrote:
> I know this is not the best drawing in the world but is there any
> possiblility of it being digitized? One is black and white and I will
> have a coloured one too, when they tell me the colours.
Sure - could digitize what you provided, but it wouldn't look any
better than the drawing itself, and probably a lot worse, unless
someone made the effort to redraw it from scratch, either with
graphics or with stitches.
Whoever 'they' are, you might gently tell them that unless they can
provide an image that they would be happy seeing on their letterhead,
webpage, or newsletter's nameplate, making an embroidery design
would be a waste of effort.
In business, we used to have a saying: "If your methods are a mess and
you computerize them, you'll end up with a computerized mess."
- Herb