Goofgirl <>wrote:
>Hi all! I was wondering if anyone would be willing to share whatever Dakota
>designs they have from 2005? A friend of mine lost her entire disk when her pc
>was repaired (the repair shop didn't realize a cd was in the drive and tossed
>it). She has all the bound catalogs to go with it, but just needs the designs.
>any you could offer would be of a great help as she replaces her collection.
>thanks in advance,
G'day... should not be a problem, GG.
Many here will have that CD.
Attached are;
1. the design list (gnx) for the 2005 CD
2. The design list (hus) for the 2007/8 CD.
Dakota simply add to the CD each year, so
the 2007/8 collection will have all of your friends designs
plus more. The 2007/8 archive is in <*.hus> format, easily
accessible by all, and no need to burn a bootable CD, as
must be done with the GN2005 CD.
It is possible to arrange a post of the CD [or]
that 2007/8 archive to:
Just a simple telephone call and it goes up.
Check the list attached and IF this is what your friend
is missing then just nod and I will make the call.