[coming in late]
>that mad obsession drove IT <GymmyBob/JP Bengi/Josepi>
>to post in:
>Message-ID: <VxUlo.12376$FK1.1385@newsfe21.iad>
>X-Complaints-To: abuse@teranews.com
>>Up posting before lunch on a weekday, retard?
>How many times does it need to be said you haven't a
>clue what you do in posting, anything.
>You cannot even get an ad hom posted correctly..!
>When you get out of bed , and before you open that
>bottle again.. go find your BS where you posted it to.
>MID is supplied, as you see..!
> LMAO@EWE--->loser
>I look at the clock and it says - 2110hrs AEST
>I look at your clock and it says - 0608hrs CDT
>I reckon you will be along, fuming, at just about any
>old time in the next 40 minutes...!
>That is unless you decide to clean the birdshit from
>your desktop first.
> [guffaw]
>>Your vast knowledge and hospitality are quite apparent, known and well
>>indicated, here,
>Indeed so.. and THAT fact pisses you right off as your
>jealousy kicks in, bigtime.
>In MiD:
>I left off the fact I can digitise some and have learnt
>much from the generous folk of ABCP.
>Equally in appreciation, I have contributed much
>in a support role and in providing what files I can as
>What have you done, besides throw tantrums?
>>clearly by your whole life spent on Usenet
>I am retired. You will not tell me where and when to
>spend that time.
>I will not be bullied by you and your insanity.. get
>used to that also.
>>and you researching posts to defend your visions of grandeur.
>You posted it all.. and do not abuse me for exposing
>your BS for what it is.
>The fact your ignorance of Usenet has been your
>downfall on two ISPs and a number of NSPs (to date)
>is totally YOUR problem.
>The fact you have learnt nothing from those experiences
>has to leave one wondering about your sanity. Period.
>~enjoy your brekky - raw spirit inclusive :-D
that mad obsession drove IT <GymmyBob/JP Bengi/Josepi>
to post Message-ID: <0G1xo.20289$xe3.11371@newsfe02.iad>
Message-ID: <hD4xo.328$X72.151@newsfe10.iad>
>From: "Character" <Char@cters.bold.italic>
>>Usenet crank off - the one, the only,
>>Josepi posted.
>>>Have your accounts been removed by other's complaints?
>>>Do you like to force your opinions on others?
>>>Do you need to use multiple names due to shame and fear?
>>>Better rates for those requiring anonymity to survive!
>>>******** easynews.com, trolling made easy **********
>>Herb is a Troll?
>>From: Herb <Herb@the.herb.garden>
>>X-Complaints-To: abuse@easynews.com
>He sure knows how to spend **YOUR** time.
You do not know who "Character" is, eh?
All you got is tirades of inglorious rhetoric, and
because you have no idea of who is who you just
throw yourself on the first bit of manic that strikes
you, on the day.
"Character" is well known to you, I will bet he is
smiling broadly right now, reading this post :-D
>Did you think anybody spends more than 2-3 seconds before they hit the
>killfilter button on your Useless guroonisms?
Assuming you **think** you are dissing myself?
Yes I do.. in fact I can prove it is so, my posts are read,
consumed, the advice adopted/adapted as
"good practice"...even, I would add, by "Character"!!
The fact the evidence exists, irks you.. bigtime.
You figuratively gnaw at your bowel on each refresh of
headers in seeing the list progressing nicely
along its merry way.
Get used to it, nobody is going back to how you want
things to be, fertile ground for your stupidity.
All you got is froth, a bunch of inventions and
accusatory attacks with no substance.
I read some froups you are chased off, doing what
you do here, plainly banal stupidity under multiple
posting identities.
My satisfaction is in knowing you have been
booted from two ISPs for _exactly_ the behavior
you still exhibit today.
Not only is that extremely dumb repetition of what
does not work, it is only a matter of time before
someone works out what you are really up to
with your internet connection.. you types always have
a dark side you think you hide. In fact you believe you
are so untouchable you actually let glimpses
slip "out in the open".. as you have done in ABCP, before
this day.
There are still folks here who remember your pR0n
postings, and those glib invitations to places only the
deeply perverted would seek to find.
>>Best you get cracking in making a fist of it. So far
>>you project as a prime quality idiot!
>>Your quarry, on the other hand, is most expert.
>>No surprise you are so pissed in lapping up his
>>postings. Obsessed one.
That analysis sure made me grin.
"Character" joins a long list of core regulars to
froups you have attacked.. and sums you up
very well, accurate like.
Despite who he is I will take the above as
a compliment. All I can conclude is that he -- like
many others -- has finally voiced having had a
gutful of you and your amateur juvenile antics.
So say we all.
And the bonus..?.. the "free ride"..?..you will
wonder and wander, still.. in your head.
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