"petals@nowhere.com" <petals@nowhere.com>wrote:
[top post corrected]
>>Herb <Herb@the.herb.garden>wrote:
>>[. . .]
>>>Given that, there's no reason to have more than ONE rar file, with Agent
>>>breaking it up as necessary. The general limit to a single post is 1MB
>>>(everything included), so if it takes 5 or 10 or 20 parts, that's what
>>>it takes.
>>>I wouldn't bother creating a multi-part rar as well as using Agent to
>>>break things up; that's just duplication of effort. The only advantage
>>>is that it's easier to REpost a rar-part because it's a separate file.
>>>In this group, however, in ten years I've never seen only a single
>>>part of anything reposted. It's generally all or nothing!
>>>For things like design collections, on the other hand, multi-part rars
>>>are occasionally useful, because if parts are missing it's usually
>>>possible to retrieve some designs from the parts that are there.
>>> - HErb
>>So... there it is Herb.. the reason you take exception to the
>>advice I give out, the tutes written, and the FAQ docs that have
>>been built - by myself with the assistance of others..
>>It is...
>>You _do not bloody know, haven't a bloody clue!
>>All that you have written here is only going to confuse
>>others to the SAME level you are confused.
>>Just how much binary experience have you got, Herb?
>>ABCP and a few font posts the extents of it ??
>>10years in ABCP is no ranking of "how to" Herb.. lets
>>be very very clear on that score :-/
>>News... Herb?
>>The very reason we are seeing posts retained and
>>propagated today (in ABCP) is because they are
>>posted in a manner YOU would disagree with..
>>according to what you have just posted as "help"!
>>Compare that "excellent order" to the mess that
>>evolved here after B Pucky left.
>>And,, IF you have the old FAQ that B Pucky wrote... go read it.
>>I am sure you will then realise you are FOS.
>>..bloody incredible..!
>>I always wondered what it was with you... thought maybe it
>>was the fact <5foot2> saw through you and went with the
>>person who does know.
>>I see now that was a thought in error.
>>You just don't know what you are 'talking' about.
>>'shakes head'
>What gives?
ummm... look... errr... ALL of the above is a post I made.
The rest you read (now snipped) is the ramblings of my fanboi.
This topic has been addressed many many times to the
point of being boring.. **and** the initial question is only made
because YOU are not using a newsreader.
Had you have been you would have figured it out within a few
reads of his dribble..and said nought about it.
The short version is... it is a sad Fact of today's Usenet that
some egos are finely tuned to creating trouble in newsgroups.
My fanboi is just one of that minority.
Green with jealousy, consumed daily by rage in reading
confronting posts, IT just cannot handle Usenet, so it attacks
folks who can.
For the long version go find and ***read*** ALL of this thread.
Subject: 0/T the parasite--> Gymmy Bob<-- returns
[was] Re: Req: Harry Potter Logo - Gryffindor.jpg