Herb <Herb@the.herb.garden>wrote:
>somewhereovertherainbow@usenetmonster.com wrote:
>> Can someone help me with this.
>> I had it done once before and them my computer crashed and I lost it.
>> I want just the design no background and where it is showing blue it just
>> needs to be background.
>> I would like it be be like 8 x 10 and sew out on tee shirts. I do have
>> persmission from Ford to do this as the logo is vintage to Ford.
>As a start, here's a too-small image of the original. At least it will
>give a better idea of what the lettering looked like.
> - Herb
Thanks for that Herb.
The post actually led me to a workable graphic which I was
then able to run through as a vector production for
"click n go" digitising.
That method produced a fair effort in tatami but the satin version
was shite.
The production of the font work was thus required.
..thanks for the input.