"FromTheRafters" <erratic @nomail.afraid.org>wrote:
>"wendy" <geenmail@geenmail.nl> wrote in message
>> what is going on? the one moment this hopper guy ?<< someone took over his
>> name?>> is a nice person, and the next person he is talking sh*t ???
>> who is the real hopper? and is there a way to get rid off this person who
>> is terrorising!!! this newsgroup ?
heh.. vee hapht vheyz :-D
>Welcome to Usenet.
Sound advice indeed, yet directed in error.. I do believe.
This is the guy (loose use) you want:
Message-ID: <T6dmo.61295$2N5.37189@newsfe12.iad>
X-Complaints-To: abuse@teranews.com
There is the turkey with the restricted headspace :-D
Thanks for helping out.. much appreciated.
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