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Date: Tue, 21 Sep 2010 20:25:06 +1000
X-Received-Date: Tue, 21 Sep 2010 03:25:06 MST (s03-b20.iad)
>Pixie <>wrote:
>>On Tue, 21 Sep 2010 08:59:45 +1000, hopper
>>>Pixie <>wrote:
>>>>On Sun, 19 Sep 2010 07:50:27 +1000, hopper
>>>>>Pixie <>wrote:
>>>>>.had to scrub all that.. left me speechless<G>
>>>>Hah... yeah... like that ever happens!
>>>Snubbing my mute?
>>Noooo... you... mute??... ever...??
>>It's not possible to plug Niagara Falls.../laff
>heh heh ... 0i... easssssy up :-)
>ummmm.. can I just put this to one side for a bit?
>Please :-)
>I am supporting Kruddy in his new job and am a tad
>There is this wetback living on the tundra who seems to
>think 911 is huge joke. Got work to do on that.
>... promise :-)
ahhh.. full belly and a night to burn.
Now, where was I :->
Oh yes..
>>The Rail went on sale yesterday.
>>Mums and Dads will avoid the float like the plague.
>>Already Anna is feeling the bad vibes :-/
>>The Lady has a cute butt.. I do hope someone somewhere
>>"saves it"<g>
>She seems a little "dikey" for me.
I do believe it is the men in the House who
have engineered that change.
Sorta like the Yanks say.. "wrestle with pigs and you
risk emitting an oink.. or two".
>I sayed "host" Her... not feed and shelter Her!
Oh yes, so you did.
No worries there.
Aside from the Casino there is a huge "Entertainment
Push come to shove there is Cazalys Stadium a huge AFL
venue. And no, do not ask why that exists in Cairns :-(
>I'm sure Cairns can do the loaves and fishes thing for Her entourage.
>She has the Opera House booked as a venue for Her audience.
>You have an Opera House equivalent for a televised event?
Like this?
Herself would have no trouble filling that place with
those Chan Nhine idiots of Sydney Town :->>>>>
I read we were looking at a quality Aussie audience,
sorry.. stuffed up :->>>>>>>
>>>I thought She wouldun get past Brisbane, only to sight see the Barrier
>>Might even just settle for a chopper flight from the Gold Coast??
>>Would be a "gawd send"<g>
>You can but hope.../grin
Sending positive vibes to chopper pilots everywhere ..
heh heh
>>>The only thing I knewed was WA was falling over theirselves trying to
>>>get Her over their side (and spend some money!).
>> A casino and sand?
>>Oprey may as well spend a week in Las Vegas.. heh heh
>You love Perth!! What a turncoat you is!
I like sand... and sandgropers.. you really think
will swoon over what herself finds in WA?
>>It is expanding the argument, so to speak.. one of the
>>grumbles (not posted) is the loss of habitat (for
>>locals) as whole areas have to be regulated to control the terrorists.
>Oh pulease... there are no "locals" up there!!
>You can't have it both ways.
>You can't open up huge corridors of terrorista lifestyle living and
>then complain if no one comes.
>Shot yourselves in the foot, did you's.
Nup.. "local" is FNQ'er.
It is kinda like a badge.. and one has to earn it <g>
>>>You never saw The Color Purple??
>>>You never saw Oprah's right hook??
>>>You doan wanna mess wiff Oprah.../laff
>>I believe I did.. quite some time ago, yeh.. when
>>herself was on one of those "Oh I am so fat" trips??
>She was a bit tubby in that.
"Built for comfort, not speed".. I thought.
The Cadillac of horizontal limbo..
>You are not an island up there... you is still attached to the
>mainland last time I looked.
We are looking into that.. talk of the Bradfield scheme
getting an airing is rife, amongst locals.
Effectively a moat.. I would have we charged a fee for
a visa.. and limited it to foot traffic only and
>Much as you wish it not so.
>And stop sending us yer toads.../grin.
yer all stealing them, you mean.
"Oh cute thing that" [grab]
In the handbag it goes,, along with a death-adder or
two, I hope<G>
>>Anyway.. now you are just "going up a spur" as you
>>"lost the battle in the valley"..!
>/sharpens spur... /grin
>>Their footy-prints "tails" are everywhere all over the
>> [grumble]
>Well, there's a job for ya... /snicker
"docking" mexicans has been made illegal..!
.. bloody do-gooders strike again..
>>The RSPCA would ban that practice today.. see what I
>>mean about "loss of habitat" in regulation????
>You have mentioned tortuous things you have done to flies over the
>years. /grin
>I just swat them... I doan play with them.
You missed a lot of fun then<g>
>>Money does not get you a welcome in FNQ, m'Dear.
>Oh!! THAT is a fib!
>Money will buy you anything you want in FNQ.
>This you knows.
uh uh... sorry, not true. And I carnt say why cos then
I would have to kill you..!!
>>I get that... worked out that was how they stole our wimmins..!
>>ba B000m..!
>He followed me home.../laff
>I tried to lose Him in Customs... but I couldun shake Him... ROFL
I do hope he wasn't wearing his gumboots..!
>>nup... wrong.
>>The Abos never signed no treaty... still today, btw .. hah..!
>Since when was a White Man's receipt ever worth a pinch of shit?
yer got me there :->>>>>>>>
>>Got a link?
>>The whole deal has to be paid for.. from get go.
>To quote a long lost, but dearly missed, abcp'er...
>You are so full of shit your eyes are brown!
ahhh.. the old "build demographics scam".
Has to a buck in anything in the States.. heh heh
>Doan strain nuffin' in that spid riddin' you do...
>Look for the bit where it says.....
>Do not pay anyone money for Oprah Show reservations or tickets.
You don't have to.. THEY are selling your info for
baaa B000M !!
>/inspects nails...
You reckon you still own them.. Ms "I got Oprey
>You haven't met too many people who do stuff for no other reason than
>they like to??... aye?
From America??
Most definitely not.
Even the multi billionaires we see here being
"philanthropic" have an "angle".
You just have to prise it out of them.. sometime.
Often they fall over themselves to tell you all about
it.. heh
>>I seenedid "Croc Dundee".. heh heh
>Mebbe you should watch "When Harry met Sally" instead...
Harry Butler never had a go at horizontal limbo in his
Veritable celibate monk was he <g>
>>>Just exactly what are they standing on?? I live in the sticks and you
>>>can't get close enough to anything for a pat.
>>Try "elephant beetles"???.. true story.
>>Waaay too long to recount here <g>
>/dabs tears of laffter...
>That is toooooooo funny!
>I forget you breed bugs the size of rabbits up there!
You better believe it..!
>>ahhh... wise choice :->
>>You lot (vehicle abiding) are harder to spot... until you tok<g>
>I doan sound like I type... so much.
I reckon you don't.
That is maybe why we get on so well ??
>I have a tradie to ring and blast on the phone... stupid numb numb
>ordered the wrong stuff.... /grrrrrrr
You get that from Sydney Town trained tradies..!
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