Look what Tweedle Dee did with Tweedle-Dumb...a big oooopsie!
Good thing you are the most killfiltered idiot on Usenet.
message news:BHRlo.162901$Yn5.102394@en-nntp-14.dc1.easynews.com...
Pixie <Pixie@AnnWheatley.com.invalid>wrote:
>On Sun, 19 Sep 2010 07:50:27 +1000, hopper
>>Pixie <Pixie@AnnWheatley.com.invalid>wrote:
>>.had to scrub all that.. left me speechless<G>
>Hah... yeah... like that ever happens!
Snubbing my mute?
pffft... your "hah" and double yer back..!
/more snippage
>Anna is grasping at the Oprah straw that will save Her butt!
The Rail went on sale yesterday.
Mums and Dads will avoid the float like the plague.
Already Anna is feeling the bad vibes :-/
The Lady has a cute butt.. I do hope someone somewhere
"saves it"<g>
>I haddun heard Cairns at all. Diddun think Cairns had anywhere big
>enough to host Her.
Nobody knows what 0prey crew has in mind, even the
minders I fear:-<
an'.. ummmm... Cairns though has some huge MT hotels at
that time of year.
Floors of rooms , and the usual >$200AUD a night is
back to $75, if you look around.
>I thought She wouldun get past Brisbane, only to sight see the Barrier
Might even just settle for a chopper flight from the
Gold Coast??
Would be a "gawd send"<g>
>>Apparently Oprey has NOT put Cairns as a definite
>>thing.. "looking at options" is what the TB guy said.
>The only thing I knewed was WA was falling over theirselves trying to
>get Her over their side (and spend some money!).
A casino and sand?
Oprey may as well spend a week in Las Vegas.. heh heh
>>If any of them have any sense they will pull the
>>options up at Gladstone, feed them and turn them
>/rolls eyes... your share portfolio won't be complaining when She
Like most.. that is doing just fine feeding on "local
traffic" :->>
>>[insert grumbles too complex to post ]
>Such a whinger!!
>Call yer bank manager - He may put it in better "terms" than I can.!
It is expanding the argument, so to speak.. one of the
grumbles (not posted) is the loss of habitat (for
locals) as whole areas have to be regulated to control
the terrorists. With regulation comes enforcement, with
enforcement comes loss of access to a whole raft of
traditional pleasures for locals.. things that MADE the
Country what it is, for those living there.
That's what "tourism" does, eats away at vibrant
One hiccup and they (terrorists) leave the nest in
droves.. an empty shell all that remains.
There was a "shot across the bows" for Cairns with that
pilots strike back in '91(?). Cairns (and others) took
5years and a whole lot of work to get recovery
happening, still isn't complete, really :-]
>You never saw The Color Purple??
>You never saw Oprah's right hook??
>You doan wanna mess wiff Oprah.../laff
I believe I did.. quite some time ago, yeh.. when
herself was on one of those "Oh I am so fat" trips??
>>>Yeah... bit of a bad time to go to Queensland.../laff
>>>But Sydney and Melbourne should make up for Qld's shortcomings.
>>feh... yer welcome to 'em... and the shortcomings that go with it <g>
See "habitat" for just one... then there is the
Whole properties have been closed off to access
just in case some Filipino throws a banana skin out the
back of the bus..!
>>One look and they ALL do.. there is the fskn problem.
>>Bloody terrorists here 365 days a year now.. thanks to
>>fskn TB..!
>Yeah... some bus shelter that... /LAFF
heh heh... but it is _my_ bus shelter... to coin a
phrase :->>>>>>>>>
Anyway.. now you are just "going up a spur" as you
"lost the battle in the valley"..!
>Grumpy old man is you... /grin
True.. no argument.
And got that way by bouts of "Greyhound Malaria"
every winter..!
>>>In the spirit of tourism... embrace it!
>Don't do a lot of travelling yourself? (Fishing ain't "travelling").
yehh. I am the male equivalent of a "Soccer Mom"..
>One has to be welcomed into someone else's country first as a visitor,
>to appreciate a visiting tourist.
Like Vienna, Las Vegas and Rio?
Sure, fine.. let them eat cake :->
>They go home!! There's no place like home!
oH indeed.. most do.
And yet ALL do not follow the crux of the "lil bo peep"
Their footy-prints "tails" are everywhere all over the
>>..after what has and what hasn't gone through that
>>woman's stomach it is a good bet that situation (numb)
>>already exists..!
>And you know this, how?? You been reading those trashy tabloids?
Her waistline gymnastics are legendary :->
>She sayed She is gonna try anything that issun still crawling.../grin
>I woulda sayed "breathing"... not much crawls here!
>Hope they doan give Her a witchety grub... :-<
/points at previous response
..nuffin, nuffin aint safe from those fangs once the
ketchup and/or (brand) syrup is produced..!!
baa b00m..!
>>You aint never seen one our "black bombers".. eh??
>And in English, that would be a ??
>I have been to Cairns twice, both times not long enough to do more
>than brush flies from me face.
The common bomber is shown here as "March Fly
(Tabanidae family )". These are the brown guys with
green eyes, maybe 3/4 of an inch long and 3/8" wide.
Except for the coldest months they are with us all year
around. But come October their cousins turn up.. at
1.5" long and better than 5/8" wide they have the bite
of a bush pig..!
Lucky they move rather slow so are easy to kill by
hand.. you need a tennis racket though,, more for
quantity than hitting power<bg>
As school kids we use to stick pins in their ring and
tie them to our hats... as fans in the heat... true
story <g>
The RSPCA would ban that practice today.. see what I
mean about "loss of habitat" in regulation????
>>oH.. and I didn't forget to mention the Stingers... I
>>didn't want to lose any audience <g>
>Oprah won't be swimming.../grin.
Whale season will be well over by then.
The minders all gone back to Bondi.. heh heh
>Pantsless old guys is not "culture shock".../laff
>That's just plain torture...
>I doan think Oprah is into "dried arrangements"....
I dunno herself would be up to "dancing with the
lizard".. prolly kark it with heat stroke..!
>>>As long as they pay in advance.../grin
>>Where is that good ol' Aussie welcome..!
>I'm not sure... you're the one hiding your welcome mat.
Money does not get you a welcome in FNQ, m'Dear.
Might buy you a night on the town, or a feed in a
bistro on a tropical aisle.. the smiles built on
>>"Share a sheep.. share the bread".. or is that shear
>>the sheep and scoff the bread.. that furriner lingo is
>>often confusing.. even for me.
>Be careful in NZ with your shearing and sharing.../laff
>It sounds the same thing to them!
I get that... worked out that was how they stole our
ba B000m..!
>>How long you been hitched to that k1w1, now?
>You plannin' on sending me an anniversary present?!
How could one go past a pink cherub what toks funny
(strange).. yer got it all, I reckon<bg>
>>Long enough to swallow the "theory of economics", I see..!
>Have just about bashed His "eccint" out. So much so that His own
>Mother doesn't recognise His voice any more.../grin
oH Dear.. you will have him disowned..!
There goes the championship ribbons of the Ram.. worth
gold in NZ..!
And the gumboots ...?... the cousins are probably using
them anyway??
>As to "theory of economics"? He's liking the Aussie economy much
>better than the NZ one... mehehe.
.. tell me abowd it :-<<<<<
>>You know... not every Country can be bought with a few
>>baubles and a bit of polished tin..!
>Not sure which country you are referring to with this premise...
>Australia... NZ... same situation.... even the Yanks did it.
nup... wrong.
The Abos never signed no treaty... still
today, btw .. hah..!
>>They are airconditioned.. no suffering(crutch rot), and
>>no bending over..!!
>> [guffaw]
>They should also be illegal in public areas.../laff
Only amongst the highrise is such a thing possible.
"Uplift" from the drafts between buildings is a worry..
for inadvertent 'exposure.. heh heh
>>You forgetting they PAID to be there at Oprey's giggle
>>And I bet THAT was "on the plastic" also... heh heh
>And you would be wrong... fancy that.../laff
Got a link?
The whole deal has to be paid for.. from get go.
Now I do hear the woman is generous, but
It all starts with the ticket to the studio<g>
>>Nuppp. doan see 'em until they escape from the buses
>>and wander out here.. lost.. well they seem lost. Lots
>>of pointing and "ooooh"..."ahhhhh"... then there are
>>the cries that sound something like a feigned orgasm
>>when they tread on one of our local critters..!
>You know how to tell a feigned orgasm??
>Yeah.... roight!.../laff
I seenedid "Croc Dundee".. heh heh
>>Like never mind how the critter fares.. it's cries of
>>"get an ambulance"... is all you hear.
>> And like, out here..!.. yer gotta be kiddin'!
>Just exactly what are they standing on?? I live in the sticks and you
>can't get close enough to anything for a pat.
Try "elephant beetles"???.. true story.
Waaay too long to recount here <g>
>Oh, 'cept snakes... but you ain't tokkin' 'bout snakes....
Any half decent snake is long gone once sniffin' a
terrorist. They know handbags<g>
>>>You will be whining louder than they.../grin
>>>This I knows!
>>You heard of Skyrail?
>Yup, but we hired a car instead. I diddun wanna be trapped with all
>the geriatrics in the air.../laff
ahhh... wise choice :->
You lot (vehicle abiding) are harder to spot... until
you tok<g>
>>..enjoy your Sunday.. weather came up, up here better
>>than +20knots.
>>Seems fine today though :-)
>Diddun rain here but the sun disappeared.
.. coming down in buckets as I write.. a little
unusual at this time of year... buuuuut "climate
change", ya noe<g>
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