holita <holita@dog.com>wrote:
>thanks for the info
.. carnt be fixed when you aren't "up to speed" on
what ends up on servers, holita :-)
And there will always be clueless gits who
will do their best to keep poor posting alive
and thriving... the results make them feel
wanted, all fuzzy and warm, wanted.
oH look..! here is one prematurely splitting amoeba
coming right along....
From: surprise <surprise_nospam@new.com>
Newsgroups: alt.binaries.crafts.pictures
Subject: Re: Scarecrows--- Your post is
fine-- no problems
Date: Sat, 18 Sep 2010 08:54:03 -0700
Why am I not surprised..?????????
You are doing okay, holita.. hang in there :-)