sew whater <sew whater@sew>wrote:
>Again from torrents.
>If you don't like what I'm posting
Post whatever you like.. it IS your neck <g>
> then start posting what you've got to contribute to the group.
Quit with the threats and just keep on
SPAMing yourself right off this NG
>And I'll return to lurking instead of trying to revive.
Please stay.
Yer a friggin' Idiot .. and we haven't had one resident
in a while now.
Congrats on your success in grabbing the vacancy!
> Sorry for the rar being too big.
No you are not.. post SPAM but don't lie.
Lying is superfluous to the job description.
You are doing enough.. don't strain yourself with that
"bit extra"!!
> I'll split it next time into more manageable hunks.
You don't know how to...!
/hands over the Hat
.. the VI Badge is in storage having the engraving
renewed... sowwy.
The last idiot tried using it to plug a Dyke.. it got
bent. You may need engraving too.. being so bent..!
Just let this one slide.. 111MB of garbage --> see
<< seWhaterCrapCorruptFile.jpg >>