"shugy" <shugy2001@cox.net>
>>"shugy" <shugy2001@cox.net> wrote:
>>>thanks so much for your help on the unicorns but your ezsew and
>>>1443 unicorn show errors. could you pleas try to post them for me one more.
>>>thank Pauline
>>Hi Pauline.
>>maggy is posting at the limits of what servers will
>>accept as a "size". Cox not being known for its binary
>>user friendliness may be dropping articles.
>>I suggest you try getting the posts from a commercial
>>Here are two excellent options.
>>In the near future you are going to have to look at
>>buying a NSP subscription anyway as Cox is dropping
>>Usenet altogether.. so the news is.
>Thank you so much I will give that a try
..no worries :-)