"Herb" <Herb@the.herb.garden> wrote in message
wildcat@crazy.me wrote:
> On Mon, 19 Apr 2010 23:04:54 -0700, Herb <Herb@the.herb.garden> wrote:
>>wildcat@crazy.me wrote:
>>What's the problem?
>>You've posted exactly the same thing four times, all slightly
>>different, but all quite successfully!
>>The only thing wrong, and this is common, is that Agent can't
>>automatically re-combine the parts - the user has to "join sections".
>>No biggie at all. But even that can be avoided in Agent if you check
>>the box to put the filename in the subject line.
>>You do that in the same dialog box as where you tell it to send large
>>messages as multiple messages. If it's the same as in Version 3,
>>there's a box to check labeled "Include attachment filename in
>>subject". Check the box and Agent will automatically re-combine.
>> - Herb
> Herb, from this end, some of the files looked terrible. Are you saying
> that they were fine? One message just had gobble de goop.
In any multi-part message, the individual parts after the first appear
like random characters until they're combined with the rest of the parts.
An attachment has a beginning followed by lots of "gobbledy-gook"
followed by an end. When it gets broken apart, the first part will
still have the 'beginning' and will look reasonable in a newsreader
(although you can't use it). THe next parts will have no 'beginning'
and so be uninterpretable - your newsreader can only show you the
middle 'gobbledy-gook' part. Once they're combined the newsreader
knows what to do with them.
> Well I feel better. Also, as soon as I send this off, I'll be making
> those changes.
Try to use Agent's "join sections' on one of your previous posts.
> Thanks for letting me know.
- Herb
Don't you ever sleep?
I wanted to be the only expert around here.
Guess I need to change my location and pretend to be somewhere else
Be a timeshifter... that's it! /snortle/ so I can get all the glory.
no worries, medication's working.