On Sun, 2 Nov 2008 21:42:38 GMT, "Barley" <Barley@nospam.org> wrote:
>Again, thanks for all your posts. never seen most of them.
>I'm having much trouble with the legos pw. I know I read
>something about it in one of the messages but now I can't
>find it. I've d/l my headers again about 3 times. One of the
>en servers only has partials and the other doesn't. Still can't
>find it and have spent much time trying. Please help me with
>that clue again or some other hint please. I've tried so many
>combos and just gone into confusion. I'm sure it's plain as
>the nose on my face as with the others, but I just can't get it.
>Thanks for helping :) --Barley
There's no secret to putting Legos together. They usually snap into