On Sun, 26 Oct 2008 17:59:20 -0400, NoOne <noonehere> wrote:
>Why is it, the only blacks in the world to call themselves something
>other than where they are from are in America? Blacks in Germany
>don't say their African German or France, African French and I've
>never heard a Brit say their African English. no their German, French
>and English and don't tell me its because America had slaves. Where
>do you think they got the idea? Salves have been around as long as
>humans and of all differnt races. so if you want to help stop racism
>against blacks in the united States (Europe doesn't have so
>much-wonder why) than stop calling people African Americans and start
>calling them Americans we don't need to divide people up any more than
>we already are. And stop being a dumb ass and blaming the political
>parties for any and all the problems you might have.....you do know
>that the Democrats have had the majority in congress -both houses- and
>they have set policy and passed laws the last 8 years not the
>Republicans.....Dumb Ass!
>This thought brought to you by an American.... oh I'm sorry I should
>say an immigrant American, but then that would be all of us and not
>dividing like you would like, unless you're a native (Indian)
>and are getting even-good for them
Whoppi Goldberg said -- "I ain't no African-American -- I'm an
words should not be allowed to have such power over us.
and FTR, none of the idiots who call themselves Republicans deserve to
do so; they should best be labeled "Fascists" or "Theocrats." As a
REAL REPUBLICAN, i recognize the main point of conservatism that the
party used to stand for -- the government may not limit the rights of
the individual except as is absolutely necessary to protect the rights
of other individuals, establish justice and ensure domestic
tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general
welfare and secure the blessings of liberty on ourselves and our