"Slinky" <slinky@spring.toy> wrote in
> The only person I attacked was the person who posted those racist
> cartoons. If allegro posted them, I'm attacking him. If he didn't
> post them, I'm not attacking him.
> If it was you who posted that racist bullshit, and you are too stupid
> to see, with your own eyes, that you posted racist cartoons, then I
> feel sorry for you.
> The Nazis put up posters comparing Jews to rats. They had movies made
> in which Jews were compared to rats. Six million of them were murder
> shortly afterward. The posters and movies worked.
> The Ku Klux Klan made posters comparing blacks to apes and hung
> dummies made up like apes (in addition to hanging black people as
> well). Fortunately, some brave Americans (black and white together)
> put them out of business.
> Whatever country you come from, you ought to understand that comparing
> human beings to apes (unless it is in a physical anthropology setting
> and you are comparing all of humanity, not just one person) is racist,
> evil, and repugnant.
> If you experienced ANY of the occupation by the Nazis or experienced
> ANY repression under the communists, then you should have at least
> some small appreciation for how African Americans have suffered at the
> hands of racists like the Klan and the Nazi and the Republican Party
> (and formerly the Democrats).
> You feel attacked? GREAT! That is what you deserve for what you
> posted.
> When I see racist files like the ones you posted, I feel like all of
> America and the WORLD are under attack.
> I frankly cannot understand why you posted them and why you would
> continue to defend them.
> The decent thing to do at this point is to apologize to the group for
> posting racist posters and be done with my criticism.
> Trying to defend that bullshit and telling me to stop criticizing you
> for it will only draw more criticism.
> I will most likely have to spend the rest of my life continuing to
> attack racists like you who think comparing people you don't like
> because of their skin color to apes is "funny"
> It's not funny, asshole, it's racist. It's not just offensive and
> hurtful, it is evil. Trying to defend your embarrassing mistake with
> talk about "freedom" is a travesty. Everyone is free to be an
> asshole, but you should be ashamed.
> Apologize for it now and I'll never mention it again.
> Keep defending racism and you'll never hear the end of it.
> This is something worth taking a stand over, not your right to post
> whatever you want no matter how evil it is.
> So, to sum up:
> Yes, you have the right to be an asshole, and you proved it. Good for
> you. You are free, asshole.
> Yes, I am free to not come to this group if I don't want to, but I am
> free to do so and call you out for posting racist bullshit. Good for
> me.
> Yes, you are a Nazi. Nazis always try to minimize their guilt by
> saying that proper criticism is unfair attacks. Nazis never admit to
> doing wrong. Nazis point to the suffering they endured in the past as
> a reason why they can make others suffer now. The brave Americans who
> freed your country should have made it clear that you owed it to other
> nations and other peoples to treat them with respect. Nazis also have
> a twisted sense of what is funny. They tortured people for fun. Is
> that you?
> The movie posts were great and I am glad THEY were posted. The
> password game, though mildly annoying, is at least not as bad as
> withholding the passwords and asking people to risk their freedom by
> e-mailing someone for it. You ought to choose non-racist files to
> post for it.
> I have a very high IQ, thank you very much. I figured out all the
> passwords in a few seconds. I even figured out the Delhi password by
> taking into account your ERROR. If the question was "In what city
> does the capital of India lie?" then the answer may have been Delhi,
> because NEW Delhi (the actual answer to your clue) lies within the
> larger metropolis of Delhi, according to Wiki. Thanks for the
> education. I will probably never go to India, but it never hurts to
> know some trivia about a great country like that.
> Finally, (finally!) if you want people not to "worry" and to "be
> happy" then don't spread hateful, racist, propaganda like the files
> you posted about Obama comparing him to Bin Laden and a chimp. If you
> stop doing that, I will stop worrying that you are a Nazi and I will
> be happy that I was wrong about you. I am not wrong about the racism
> inherant in the files.
1. calm yourself
2. few people here needs your moral advice
3. you don't look so clever to me
4. if pictures are indeed offensive, as they are, we have enough common
sense to pass over them, don't we? Cause racism recoils on those who harbor
it, don't you think?
Follow-ups: | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 |