I read the ping.
I tried:
New Delhi (which is the capital of India)
new delhi
even "New Deli", (considerin the poor spelling of your posts).
Can you be up-front about one thing?
Since you're playing these stupid password games, you can try to have a
sense of humor enough to appreciate where this question is coming from:
If someone decided to post all of your passwords, and ruin your "fun", will
you stop posting or will you try to make the game more interesting?
For example: Pictograms. Like under the caps of Mickey's Big Mouth bottle
Post a series of pictures that spell out a phrase that is the password to a
file that contains the password for the larger file?
For example:
"Pie in the sky"
1st image: The mathematical symbol for "pi".
2nd image: The letter "N"
3rd image: A cartoon of a person trying to decide between two candidates
with a thought bubble which says, "Hmmmmmmm... should I vote for ____ ___ or
THAT guy?"
"Pi"+"N"+ "This guy" = pie in the sky