On 2009-02-14 15:57:51 -0600, Winston Smith
<Winston.Smith@Victory.Mansions.com> said:
> homesparky <homesparky@home> wrote in
> news:Yuudne7Z4oANswrUnZ2dnUVZ8oSdnZ2d@giganews.com:
>> He probably is old enough to have active sperm so he could be the
>> father, and yes he sure is cute. But it is a shame he has lost his
>> childhood so early in life, he has gone from being a cute kid to an
>> adult overnight.
> Sorry to put some serious light on this, but has anyone thought if the baby
> takes after the father and has a kid at say 13/14 the father would be a
> grandfather before he is 30!! (Probably 26-27!! I'm too old to remember
> what the hell I was doing at 27 but it definately wasn't expecting the
> birth of my first grandchild :-))
"Sun" is a tabloid newspaper full of fake stories so it's hard to say
if it's for real or not, but yes, that boy is DAMN HOT!!!