st-loop; you are correct about one thing: the site is not SPAM
--- but Icicle's messages are!
That is not a minor point, it is THE point.
- Dad
On Wed, 11 Feb 2009 08:46:11 -0500, st-loop <>
>I'm sorry, but ... are you completely unhinged?
>Do you have any idea who "Johnie" is?
>Do you seriously argue that any post involving "Johnie" -- his site,
>his name, his boundless contributions to the community, ANYTHING --
>could possibly merit the label "spam"?
>If so, you are an idiot.
>That said, you do have a (minor) point. Ordinarily, posting web links
>in a newsgroup is frowned upon. But nothing about "Johnie" is
>ordinary, and you would do well to learn that before striking these
>poses as some kind of wise old village elder.
>On 2009-02-11 07:45:45 -0500, Dear Old Dad <> said:
>> Icicle: How much of a commercial interest in this site you are
>> promoting do you have?
>> And Reb is correct it is SPAM
>> - Dad
>> On Tue, 10 Feb 2009 07:33:44 -0800, "icicle" <>
>> wrote:
>>> ========================================
>>> "Johnie" Proudly Presents
>>> Dozens of the original jpp sets from the creator himself are
>>> currently on display. ==>> for example: jpp-rem.
>>> With these announcement posts, server traffic may slow down
>>> connections from different parts of the world so one may bookmark
>>> the referenced URL for later faster connections when the visitor
>>> traffic has slowed down.
>>> Note: Photographs from these galleries are from the originals.
>>> ==============================================
>>> icicle