INSERT on REpost
news:alt.binaries.goonies is not my little group. However,
it is a BL Newsgroup that is currently being brought back
to life? with secret and encrypted posts by Goony Bird with
""Reb" Ruster" as his spokesperson. Being encrypted, I don't
know what is being posted.
"Chakotay" <> wrote in message
> Abdul, can you tell us what type of stuff is being posted in goonies
> please ? is it naturist stuff or what ? And also how do we join your
> little group.
> thank you
Hi Chakotay,
There have been several posters that have politely requested the same
information as you have. And next, several nics posted a 'smoke screen'
that news:alt.binaries.goonies was not a BL Newsgroup. And next,
""Reb" Ruster" became the spokesperson for Goony Bird with text
posts that only ""Reb" Ruster" could possibly create.
So, we now have several choices that include:
<<>> Suck up to Goony Bird,
<<>> Suck up to ""Reb" Ruster"
Both Goony Bird & ""Reb" Ruster" appear to be senile newbies
that never could get any attention before without doing what
they are currently doing. Maybe, we could start posting some
newbie baby food for them to get them to start feeling better.
Chakotay, do you know how to change ""Reb" Ruster" diapers?