Newsgroups: alt.binaries.camilla
Subject: A self video cam
From: YouTuber <>
Organization: none
Message-ID: <XnsA7799308E24EFTouTubercom@>
User-Agent: Xnews/5.04.25
Date: 18 May 2017 21:27:27 GMT
Lines: 7
X-Trace: DXC=;<ebGjc7OKe:LXj0CA`3KmL?0kYOcDh@jPN@6U9k?0PeKHUK7<C=CCll9B_G1R=S=gR]1;^P9eY8a`\NLmdO\3FbiG_b5JQXHlak52^A2H72Xa:aWia<ZiQba
Xref: alt.binaries.camilla:1415
X-Cache: nntpcache 3.0.2 (see
I post legal material under USA Law. Monty Python said that people are
looking for the naughty bits. If I edit material and say here are the
naughty bits I am guilty of creating porn under USA Law as anything naugty
including shoes can be considered porn. Fawlty Towers had a female clerk in
her late 40's who always talked about her pet cat - but somewhere she would
say - I am so yired I will be glad when I get to go jome and play with my
pussy. Have a great day.