alt.binaries.dvd.spanish Group List
Num Subject Author Time
2091 CENTURYON 2016/05/13 14:58
2090 CENTURYON 2016/05/13 08:58
2089 (Newseros) - Las Huellas Imborrables D9.nzb 624-files 65GB "Las_Huellas_Imborrables_D9.nzb.nzb" Yenc-PP-GB-1 .. 2016/05/09 08:51
2088 newseros - - El hijo de Saul D9.nzb 534-files 56GB "El_hijo_de_Saul_D9.nzb.nzb" yEncBin 2016/05/08 22:36
2087 Hotel Transilvania 2 [DVD9] [01/14] - "D9CENTURYONHoTeLTrAnSiLvAnIa2CENTURYON.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CENTURYON 2016/05/07 21:27
2086 Hotel Transilvania [DVD9] [01/16] - "D9CENTURYONHoTeLTrAnSiLvAnIaCENTURYON.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CENTURYON 2016/05/07 19:50
2085 Hotel Transilvania [DVD9] - D9CENTURYONHoTeLTrAnSiLvAnIaCENTURYON.nzb 30-files 23GB "D9CENTURYONHoTeLTrAnSiLvAnIaCENTUR .. CENTURYON 2016/05/07 13:50
2084 Description - PesadillasD9.par2 - 5, - 63-files 7GB "PesadillasD9.nzb" SSL-News.inf .. 2016/05/07 00:34
2083 Description - MacbethD9.par2 - 7, - 83-files 9GB "MacbethD9.nzb" SSL-News.inf .. 2016/05/06 21:30
2082 El origen de La Sirenita [DVD9] [01/18] - "D9CENTURYONElOrIgEnDeLaSiReNiTaCENTURYON.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CENTURYON 2016/05/06 19:25
2081 La sirenita 2: Regreso al mar [DVD5] [01/12] - "D5CENTURYONLaSiReNiTa2ReGrEsOAlMaRCENTURYON.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CENTURYON 2016/05/05 21:49
2080 CENTURYON 2016/05/05 20:28
2079 CENTURYON 2016/05/05 16:21
2078 La sirenita 2: Regreso al mar [DVD5] - D5CENTURYONLaSiReNiTa2ReGrEsOAlMaRCENTURYON.nzb 12-files 9GB "D5CENTURYONLaSiReN .. CENTURYON 2016/05/05 15:49
2077 CENTURYON 2016/05/05 10:21
2076 El patito feo y yo [DVD9] [01/18] - "D9CENTURYONElPaTiToFeOyYoCENTURYON.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CENTURYON 2016/05/04 16:36
2075 CENTURYON 2016/05/04 12:49
2074 La ruta hacia El Dorado [DVD9] [01/18] - "D9CENTURYONLaRuTaHaCiAElDoRaDoCENTURYON.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CENTURYON 2016/05/03 13:11
2073 La ruta hacia El Dorado [DVD9] - D9CENTURYONLaRuTaHaCiAElDoRaDoCENTURYON.nzb 50-files 39GB "D9CENTURYONLaRuTaHaCiAElDoR .. CENTURYON 2016/05/03 07:11
2072 CENTURYON 2016/04/29 17:44
2071 Zipi y Zape y el club de la canica [DVD9] [01/14] - "D9CENTURYONZiPiYZaPeYElClUbDeLaCaNiCaCENTURYON.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CENTURYON 2016/04/28 19:15
2070 Zipi y Zape y el club de la canica [DVD9] - D9CENTURYONZiPiYZaPeYElClUbDeLaCaNiCaCENTURYON.nzb 28-files 23GB "D9CENTURY .. CENTURYON 2016/04/28 13:15
2069 Ponyo en el acantilado [DVD9] [01/16] - "D9CENTURYONPonyoEnElAcantiladoCENTURYON.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CENTURYON 2016/04/18 14:33
2068 Los cuentos de Jasmine: Un viaje de princesa [DVD9] [01/14] - "D9CENTURYONLOsCuEnToSDeJaSmInEUnViAjEDePrInCeSaCENTURYON. .. CENTURYON 2016/04/18 12:18
2067 Los Lunnis y su amigo Don Quijote [DVD9] [01/20] - "D9LunnisYAmigoDonQuijoteCENTURYON.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CENTURYON 2016/04/18 05:46
2066 CENTURYON 2016/04/18 05:20
2065 Los Lunnis y su amigo Don Quijote [DVD9] - D9LunnisYAmigoDonQuijoteCENTURYON.nzb 20-files 16GB "D9LunnisYAmigoDonQuijot .. CENTURYON 2016/04/17 23:46
2064 CENTURYON 2016/04/17 23:20
2063 CENTURYON 2016/04/12 08:41
2062 Doraemon: el gladiador Nueva Version Sin Pixelado [DVD9] [01/20] - "D9CENTURYONDoRaEmOnElGlAdIaDoR.NuevaVersionSinErrorP .. CENTURYON 2016/04/11 15:25
2061 El viaje de Arlo [DVD9] [01/18] - "D9CENTURYONElViAjEDeArLoCENTURYON.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CENTURYON 2016/04/09 18:24
2060 El viaje de Arlo [DVD9] - D9CENTURYONElViAjEDeArLoCENTURYON.nzb 38-files 31GB " .. CENTURYON 2016/04/09 12:24
2059 CENTURYON 2016/04/08 10:35
2058 Doraemon y el secreto del laberinto [DVD5] [01/12] - "D5CENTURYONDoRaEmOnSeCrEtOLaBeRiNtOCENTURYON.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CENTURYON 2016/04/07 17:30
2057 CENTURYON 2016/04/07 15:27
2056 Doraemon y el secreto del laberinto [DVD5] - D5CENTURYONDoRaEmOnSeCrEtOLaBeRiNtOCENTURYON.nzb 12-files 9GB "D5CENTURYON .. CENTURYON 2016/04/07 11:30
2055 Doraemon: el gladiador [DVD9] [01/20] - "D9CENTURYONDoRaEmOnElGlAdIaDoRCENTURYON.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CENTURYON 2016/04/05 18:16
2054 Doraemon: el gladiador [DVD9] - D9CENTURYONDoRaEmOnElGlAdIaDoRCENTURYON.nzb 36-files 29GB "D9CENTURYONDoRaEmOnElGlAdIaD .. CENTURYON 2016/04/05 12:16
2053 Doraemon Atlantis: El Castillo del Mal [DVD9] - D9DoRaEmOnAtLaNtIsElCaStIlLoDeLMaLCENTURYON.nfo 17-files 13GB "D9DoRaEm .. CENTURYON 2016/04/05 07:02
2052 Doraemon y las mil y una aventuras [DVD5] [01/12] - "D5CENTURYONDoRaEmOnYLaSMiLYUnAAvEnTuRaSCENTURYON.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CENTURYON 2016/03/25 12:49
2051 Doraemon y las mil y una aventuras [DVD5] - D5CENTURYONDoRaEmOnYLaSMiLYUnAAvEnTuRaSCENTURYON.nzb 12-files 9GB "D5CENTUR .. CENTURYON 2016/03/25 06:49
2050 CENTURYON 2016/03/21 18:29
2049 newseros - - Deuda De Honor_9.par2 770-files 66GB "Deuda_De_Honor_9.nzb" AutoRarPar 2016/03/21 15:37
2048 CENTURYON 2016/03/21 12:29
2047 ABC 19 MARZO 2016.pdf 71-files 2GB "18741702.nzb" €XPOTROLL fr .. 2016/03/18 21:30
2046 (Newseros) - Ocho apellidos catalanes D9.par2 88-files 9GB "Ocho_apellidos_catalanes_D9.nzb" Yenc-PP-GB-1 .. 2016/03/16 17:10
2045 ABC 13 MARZO 2016.pdf 31-files 860MB "18741643.nzb" €XPOTROLL 2016/03/12 20:31
2044 (Newseros) - 7 Rayos Sobre Babilonia[DVD5FULL].par2 47-files 5GB "7_Rayos_Sobre_Babilonia[DVD5FULL].nzb" Yenc-PP-GB-1 .. 2016/03/12 20:03
2043 (Newseros) - The Libertine .par2 63-files 7GB "The_Libertine_.nzb" Yenc-PP-GB-1 .. 2016/03/12 06:37
2042 €XPOTROLL fr .. 2016/03/12 03:17
2041 €XPOTROLL fr .. 2016/03/12 03:16
2040 €XPOTROLL fr .. 2016/03/12 03:15
2039 €XPOTROLL fr .. 2016/03/12 03:10
2038 ABC 12 MARZO 2016.pdf 25-files 606MB "18741633.nzb" €XPOTROLL fr .. 2016/03/11 18:45
2037 (Newseros) - L4H1j4d3D10s.par2 80-files 17GB "L4H1j4d3D10s.nzb" Yenc-PP-GB-1 .. 2016/03/10 22:17
2036 (Newseros) - S1c4r10.part01.rar 81-files 16GB "S1c4r10.nzb" Yenc-PP-GB-1 .. 2016/03/10 18:50
2035 Pocahontas 2: Viaje a un Nuevo Mundo [DVD5] [01/12] - "D5CENTURYONPOcAhOnTaS2CENTURYON.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CENTURYON 2016/03/07 14:08
2034 Pocahontas 2: Viaje a un Nuevo Mundo [DVD5] - D5CENTURYONPOcAhOnTaS2CENTURYON.nzb 12-files 9GB "D5CENTURYONPOcAhOnTaS2C .. CENTURYON 2016/03/07 07:08
2033 Description - La Ametralladora Perdida_D9.par2 - 5, - 57-files 6GB "La_Ametralladora_Perdida_D9.nzb" SSL-News.inf .. 2016/03/05 21:17
2032 RESUMEN PRENSA 5 MARZO 2016.rar 2-files 364MB "RESUMEN_PRENSA_5_MARZO_2016.nzb" €XPOTROLL® 2016/03/04 20:08
2031 €XPOTROLL® 2016/03/04 20:07
2030 Pocahontas [DVD9] [01/18] - "D9CENTURYONPoCaHoNtAsCENTURYON.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CENTURYON 2016/03/04 17:11
2029 Pocahontas [DVD9] - D9CENTURYONPoCaHoNtAsCENTURYON.nzb 18-files 15GB "D9CENTURYONPoCaHoNtAsCENTURYON.nzb.nzb" CENTURYON 2016/03/04 10:11
2028 Description - Círculo Rojo D9.par2 - 8, - 88-files 9GB "D9.nzb" SSL-News.inf .. 2016/03/03 21:22
2027 €XPOTROLL fr .. 2016/03/03 05:17
2026 €XPOTROLL fr .. 2016/03/03 05:12
2025 €XPOTROLL fr .. 2016/03/03 05:08
2024 Description - Carlitos y Snoopy_D9.par2 - 6, - 74-files 8GB "Carlitos_y_Snoopy_D9.nzb" SSL-News.inf .. 2016/03/03 03:07
2023 Description - Loca_D9.part01.rar - 5, - 59-files 6GB "Loca_D9.nzb" SSL-News.inf .. 2016/03/02 13:16
2022 Description - Mi gran noche D9.par2 - 7, - 81-files 8GB "Mi_gran_noche_D9.nzb" SSL-News.inf .. 2016/03/01 19:55
2021 €XPOTROLL® 2016/02/26 19:48
2020 EL CORREO GALLEGO 27 FEBRERO 2016.pdf 123-files 3GB "18740811.nzb" €XPOTROLL® 2016/02/26 19:48
2019 Newseros - dvd3r4m0sp0c0s-ll3g4r0nl0s4l13ns.part03.rar 65-files 7GB "dvd3r4m0sp0c0s-ll3g4r0nl0s4l13ns.nzb" Yenc-PP-A&A 2016/02/26 07:09
2018 Newseros - dvdL4c7mbr33sc4rl4t4.par2 86-files 9GB "dvdL4cr33sc4rl4t4.nzb" Yenc-PP-A&A 2016/02/24 21:17
2017 CENTURYON 2016/02/23 01:18
2016 Description - dvdc23nt0d3l0sc63nt0s.par2 - 7, - 85-files 9GB "dvdc23nt0d3l0sc63nt0s.nzb" SSL-News.inf .. 2016/02/22 01:25
2015 CENTURYON 2016/02/21 02:15
2014 CENTURYON 2016/02/20 19:15
2013 Doraemon y los dioses del viento [DVD9] [01/18] - "D9CENTURYONDoRaEmOnDiOsEsViEnToCENTURYON.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CENTURYON 2016/02/20 16:11
2012 CENTURYON 2016/02/19 23:27
2011 CENTURYON 2016/02/19 16:27
2010 Newseros - dvdT6rb0K1d.nzb 363-files 43GB "dvdT6rb0K1d.nzb.nzb" Yenc-PP-A&A 2016/02/19 16:13
2009 Movida bajo el mar [DVD9] [01/16] - "D9CENTURYONMovidaBajoMarCENTURYON.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CENTURYON 2016/02/19 01:09
2008 CENTURYON 2016/02/18 22:42
2007 Movida bajo el mar [DVD9] - D9CENTURYONMovidaBajoMarCENTURYON.nzb 34-files 27GB "D9CENTURYONMovidaBajoMarCENTURYON.nzb .. CENTURYON 2016/02/18 18:09
2006 CENTURYON 2016/02/18 15:42
2005 CENTURYON 2016/02/16 18:12
2004 CENTURYON 2016/02/15 21:05
2003 CENTURYON 2016/02/15 18:36
2002 Newseros - 3ld3sp3rt4rd3l0sdr4g0n3sdvd.part04.rar 89-files 9GB "3ld3sp3rt4rd3l0sdr4g0n3sdvd.nzb" Yenc-PP-A&A 2016/02/15 13:08
2001 Newseros - Los Desmadrados Piratas De Barba Amarilla.part02.rar 52-files 5GB "Los_Desmadrados_Piratas_De_Barba_Amarilla .. Yenc-PP-A&A 2016/02/15 12:00
2000 CENTURYON 2016/02/15 11:36
1999 Newseros - C4m1n0h4c143l3x1t0dvd.part01.rar 50-files 5GB "C4m1n0h4c143l3x1t0dvd.nzb" Yenc-PP-A&A 2016/02/14 19:53
1998 Newseros - 4ll4n4m13nt0D3M0r4d4dvd.par2 54-files 5GB "4ll4n4m13nt0D3M0r4d4dvd.nzb" Yenc-PP-A&A 2016/02/12 00:09
1997 Newseros - R3gr3s10ndvd.part04.rar 80-files 8GB "R3gr3s10ndvd.nzb" Yenc-PP-A&A 2016/02/11 22:57
1996 Newseros - La fiebre del oro.part01.rar 46-files 5GB "La_fiebre_del_oro.nzb" Yenc-PP-A&A 2016/02/08 19:09
1995 Newseros - M4rt3Th3M4rt14ndvd.part02.rar 82-files 9GB "M4rt3Th3M4rt14ndvd.nzb" Yenc-PP-A&A 2016/02/07 22:44
1994 Newseros - P4nV14j34N7nc4J4m4sdvd.part02.rar 59-files 6GB "P4nV14j34N7nc4J4m4sdvd.nzb" Yenc-PP-A&A 2016/02/07 17:52
1993 Newseros - G0lp3d33st4d0dvd.part02.rar 73-files 7GB "G0lp3d33st4d0dvd.nzb" Yenc-PP-A&A 2016/02/07 14:37
1992 Description - 3lgr4nm1l4gr0dvd.part01.rar - 5, - 60-files 6GB "3lgr4nm1l4gr0dvd.nzb" SSL-News.inf .. 2016/02/07 05:03
1991 CENTURYON 2016/02/06 21:44
1990 CENTURYON 2016/02/06 14:44
1989 CENTURYON 2016/02/05 20:05
1988 CENTURYON 2016/02/05 13:05
1987 Futurama: El gran golpe de Bender [DVD9] [01/18] - "DVD9CENTURYONFuturamaGranGolpeBenderCENTURYON.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CENTURYON 2016/02/04 18:05
1986 Futurama: El gran golpe de Bender [DVD9] - DVD9CENTURYONFuturamaGranGolpeBenderCENTURYON.nzb 18-files 14GB "DVD9CENTURY .. CENTURYON 2016/02/04 11:05
1985 Newseros - Imtcnlvd_D9.part01.rar 87-files 9GB "Imtcnlvd_D9.nzb" Yenc-PP-A&A 2016/02/02 14:48
1984 Yenc-PP-A&A 2016/02/02 00:24
1983 Newseros - Dark Places_D9.nzb 117-files 21GB "Dark_Places_D9.nzb.nzb" Yenc-PP-A&A 2016/01/28 21:13
1982 Futurama: El juego de Bender [DVD9] [01/18] - "D9CENTURYONFuturamaJuegoBenderCENTURYON.Image.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CENTURYON 2016/01/25 02:17
1981 Futurama: El juego de Bender [DVD9] - D9CENTURYONFuturamaJuegoBenderCENTURYON.nzb 18-files 13GB "D9CENTURYONFuturamaJue .. CENTURYON 2016/01/24 19:17
1980 2015109 - 201601 tt2361509.7z.vol000+01.PAR2 9-files 1GB "201601_tt2361509.7z.nzb" CPP-User 2016/01/24 07:05
1979 2015109 - 201601 tt2361509.7z.008 36-files 15GB "201601_tt2361509.nzb" CPP-User 2016/01/24 05:09
1978 Los Caballeros del Mundo Mon: Tierra [DVD5] [01/12] - "D5CENTURYONCaballerosMundomonTIERRACENTURYON.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CENTURYON 2016/01/23 21:06
1977 Los Caballeros del Mundo Mon: Fuego [DVD5] [01/12] - "D5CENTURYONCaballerosMundomonFUEGOCENTURYON.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CENTURYON 2016/01/23 19:51
1976 Los Caballeros del Mundo Mon: Aire [DVD5] [01/12] - "D5CENTURYONCaballerosMundomonAIRECENTURYON.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CENTURYON 2016/01/23 17:28
1975 Newseros - Heineken.7z.001 47-files 5GB "Heineken.nzb" Yenc-PP-A&A 2016/01/23 16:15
1974 Newseros - ma_ma.7z.001 73-files 7GB "ma_ma.nzb" Yenc-PP-A&A 2016/01/23 14:45
1973 CENTURYON 2016/01/21 21:09
1972 La patrulla canina: Rescates Invernales [DVD9] [01/14] - "D9CENTURYONPatrullaCaninaRescateInviernoCENTURYON.nfo" yEnc (1 .. CENTURYON 2016/01/21 18:41
1971 La patrulla canina: Paw Patrol [DVD9] [01/20] - "D9CENTURYONPatrullaCaninaPawPatrolCENTURYON.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CENTURYON 2016/01/21 14:45
1970 CENTURYON 2016/01/21 14:09
1969 La patrulla canina: Paw Patrol [DVD9] - D9CENTURYONPatrullaCaninaPawPatrolCENTURYON.nzb 34-files 27GB "D9CENTURYONPatru .. CENTURYON 2016/01/21 07:45
1968 Indiana Jones: En busca del arca perdida E.E.[DVD9] [01/22] - "D9CENTURYONIndianaJonesEnBuscaArcaPerdida.E.E.CENTURYON. .. CENTURYON 2016/01/20 17:41
1967 F0M2Ua3sPj - [02/93] - "F0M2Ua3sPj.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2016/01/20 09:04
1966 M1K1E1c9bo - [02/94] - "M1K1E1c9bo.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2016/01/20 08:26
1965 F0M2Ua3sPj - - F0M2Ua3sPj.nzb 93-files 5GB "F0M2Ua3sPj.nzb.nzb" yEncBin 2016/01/20 02:43
1964 M1K1E1c9bo - - M1K1E1c9bo.nzb 94-files 5GB "M1K1E1co.nzb.nzb" yEncBin 2016/01/20 02:05
1963 P3JF481Pxn - [02/85] - "P3JF481Pxn.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2016/01/19 06:52
1962 Wqg9n18RCp - [02/97] - "Wqg9n18RCp.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2016/01/19 06:02
1961 Doraemon y los piratas de los mares del sur [DVD9] [01/18] - "D9CENTURYONDoraemonYPiratasMaresSurCENTURYON.nfo" yEnc (1/ .. CENTURYON 2016/01/19 00:58
1960 P3JF481Pxn - - P3JF481Pxn.nzb 85-files 4GB "P3JF481Pxn.nzb.nzb" yEncBin 2016/01/19 00:40
1959 Wqg9n18RCp - - Wqg9n18RCp.nzb 97-files 5GB "Wqg9n18RCp.nzb.nzb" yEncBin 2016/01/18 23:52
1958 Doraemon y los piratas de los mares del sur [DVD9] - D9CENTURYONDoraemonYPiratasMaresSurCENTURYON.nzb 40-files 32GB "D9 .. CENTURYON 2016/01/18 17:58
1957 La casa de Mickey Mouse: El trenecito de Mickey [DVD9] [01/18] - "D9CENTURYONCasaMickeyMouseTrenecitoDeMickeyCENTURYON.n .. CENTURYON 2016/01/14 20:36
1956 Newseros - Unidad_de_elite_D9.par2 67-files 7GB "Unidad_de_elite_D9.nzb" Yenc-PP-A&A 2016/01/14 15:16
1955 La casa de Mickey Mouse: El trenecito de Mickey [DVD9] - D9CENTURYONCasaMickeyMouseTrenecitoDeMickeyCENTURYON.nzb 18-fi .. CENTURYON 2016/01/14 13:36
1954 Padre de familia: Algo, algo del Lado Oscuro [DVD9] [01/22] - "D9CENTURYONPadreFamiliaAlgoDelLadoOscuroCENTURYON.nfo" yE .. CENTURYON 2016/01/11 19:59
1953 Padre de familia presenta Blue Harvest [DVD9] [01/18] - "D9CENTURYONPadreFamiliaPresentaBlueHarvestCENTURYON.nfo" yEnc ( .. CENTURYON 2016/01/11 19:52
1952 Padre de familia presenta Blue Harvest [DVD9] - D9CENTURYONPadreFamiliaPresentaBlueHarvestCENTURYON.nzb 40-files 32GB " .. CENTURYON 2016/01/11 12:52
1951 Doraemon y el tren del tiempo [DVD9] [01/22] - "D9CENTURYONDoraemonYElTrenDelTiempoCENTURYON.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CENTURYON 2016/01/09 21:36
1950 Doraemon y el imperio maya [DVD9] [01/18] - "D9CENTURYONDoraemonImperioMayaCENTURYON.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CENTURYON 2016/01/08 21:49
1949 Doraemon y el imperio maya [DVD9] - D9CENTURYONDoraemonImperioMayaCENTURYON.nzb 40-files 31GB "D9CENTURYONDoraemonImper .. CENTURYON 2016/01/08 14:49
1948 CENTURYON 2016/01/06 20:57
1947 CENTURYON 2016/01/06 18:02
1946 Donkey Xote [DVD9] [01/16] - "D9CENTURYONDonkeyXoteCENTURYON.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CENTURYON 2016/01/06 15:36
1945 CENTURYON 2016/01/06 11:02
1944 CENTURYON 2016/01/04 22:00
1943 Mi vecino Totoro [DVD5] [01/12] - "D5CENTURYONMiVecinoTotoroCENTURYON.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CENTURYON 2016/01/04 16:53
1942 CENTURYON 2016/01/04 15:00
1941 Mi vecino Totoro [DVD5] - D5CENTURYONMiVecinoTotoroCENTURYON.nzb 12-files 9GB "D5CENTURYONMiVecinoTotoroCENTURYON.nzb.n .. CENTURYON 2016/01/04 09:53
1940 33y90Tklya - [01/95] - "33y90Tklya.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/12/31 18:22
1939 8P8Xj1WSrF - [02/73] - "8P8Xj1WSrF.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/12/31 17:46
1938 33y90Tklya - - 33y90Tklya.nzb 95-files 5GB "33y90Tklya.nzb.nzb" yEncBin 2015/12/31 12:06
1937 8P8Xj1WSrF - - 8P8Xj1WSrF.nzb 1-file 1MB "8P8Xj1WSrF.nzb.nzb" yEncBin 2015/12/31 11:22
1936 8P8Xj1WSrF - - 8P8Xj1WSrF.jpg 72-files 4GB "8P8Xj1WSrF.nzb" yEncBin 2015/12/31 10:46
1935 La leyenda de Sarila [DVD9] [01/14] - "D9CENTURYONLaLeyendaSarilaCENTURYON.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CENTURYON 2015/12/30 21:05
1934 Saving Santa. Rescatando a Santa Claus [DVD9] [01/14] - "D9CENTURYONSavingSantaCENTURYON.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CENTURYON 2015/12/30 18:55
1933 Saving Santa. Rescatando a Santa Claus [DVD9] - D9CENTURYONSavingSantaCENTURYON.nzb 28-files 22GB "D9CENTURYONSavingSan .. CENTURYON 2015/12/30 11:55
1932 CENTURYON 2015/12/28 20:50
1931 Tom y Jerry en la super carrera [DVD5] [01/10] - "D5CENTURYONTomYJerryEnLaSupercarreraCENTURYON.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CENTURYON 2015/12/28 19:06
1930 Tom y Jerry en la super carrera [DVD5] - D5CENTURYONTomYJerryEnLaSupercarreraCENTURYON.nzb 18-files 14GB "D5CENTURYONTo .. CENTURYON 2015/12/28 12:06
1929 Las aventuras de la abeja Maya [DVD5] [01/12] - "D5CENTURYONLasAventurasAbejaMaya1975CENTURYON.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CENTURYON 2015/12/23 14:41
1928 CENTURYON 2015/12/23 07:41
1927 CENTURYON 2015/12/23 07:41
1926 Bx4SJyoIt7 - [02/99] - "Bx4SJyoIt7.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/12/23 06:54
1925 Newseros [01/69] - "Broadway.nfo" yEnc (1/1) Yenc-PP-A&A 2015/12/23 05:46
1924 1duhWa2zZH - [02/98] - "1duhWa2zZH.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/12/23 03:43
1923 5Bp0ADh7jD - [02/53] - "5Bp0ADh7jD.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/12/23 03:20
1922 siM6Jr78Wm - [02/89] - "siM6Jr78Wm.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/12/23 02:38
1921 CENTURYON 2015/12/23 00:41
1920 Bx4SJyoIt7 - - Bx4SJyoIt7.nzb 99-files 5GB "Bx4SJyoIt7.nzb.nzb" yEncBin 2015/12/23 00:40
1919 Newseros - Broadway.part01.rar 68-files 7GB "Broadway.nzb" Yenc-PP-A&A 2015/12/22 22:46
1918 1duhWa2zZH - - 1duhWa2zZH.nzb 98-files 5GB "1duhWa2zZH.nzb.nzb" yEncBin 2015/12/22 21:31
1917 5Bp0ADh7jD - - 5Bp0ADh7jD.jpg 53-files 3GB "p0ADh7jD.nzb" yEncBin 2015/12/22 20:20
1916 siM6Jr78Wm - - siM6Jr78Wm.nzb 89-files 5GB "siM6Jr78Wm.nzb.nzb" yEncBin 2015/12/22 20:20
1915 Newseros - Objetivo Terrorista_DVD5.par2 43-files 4GB "Objetivo_Terrorista_DVD5.nzb" Yenc-PP-A&A 2015/12/22 15:24
1914 Dinosaurio [DVD9] [01/20] - "D9CENTURYONDinosaurioDisneyCENTURYON.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CENTURYON 2015/12/18 20:39
1913 Atrapa la bandera [DVD9] [01/22] - "D9CENTURYONAtrapaLaBanderaCENTURYON.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CENTURYON 2015/12/17 21:58
1912 Atrapa la bandera [DVD9] - D9CENTURYONAtrapaLaBanderaCENTURYON.nzb 42-files 34GB "D9CENTURYONAtrapaLaBanderaCENTURYON.n .. CENTURYON 2015/12/17 14:58
1911 Newseros [01/88] - "Y de repente tu_DVD9.nfo" yEnc (1/1) Yenc-PP-A&A 2015/12/17 01:29
1910 Newseros - Y de repente tu_DVD9.par2 87-files 9GB "Y_de_repente_tu_DVD9.nzb" Yenc-PP-A&A 2015/12/16 18:29
1909 El castillo en el cielo [DVD9] [01/20] - "D9ElCastilloEnElCieloCENTURYON.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CENTURYON 2015/12/15 20:22
1908 El castillo en el cielo [DVD9] - D9ElCastilloEnElCieloCENTURYON.nzb 20-files 16GB "D9ElCastilloEnElCieloCENTURYON.nzb.n .. CENTURYON 2015/12/15 13:22
1907 Newseros - Tracers_DVD9.part01.rar 64-files 6GB "Tracers_DVD9.nzb" Yenc-PP-A&A 2015/12/15 12:29
1906 Newseros [01/52] - "2nY4fO2cH.nfo" yEnc (1/1) Yenc-PP-A&A 2015/12/15 05:49
1905 Newseros - 2nY4fO2cH.part02.rar 51-files 5GB "2nY4fO2cH.nzb" Yenc-PP-A&A 2015/12/14 22:49
1904 Newseros [01/88] - "8rV8kS0hA.nfo" yEnc (1/1) Yenc-PP-A&A 2015/12/14 03:59
1903 Newseros - 8rV8kS0hA.par2 87-files 9GB "8rV8kS0hA.nzb" Yenc-PP-A&A 2015/12/13 20:59
1902 Gnomeo y Julieta [DVD9] [01/16] - "D9CENTURYONGnomeoYJulietaCENTURYON.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CENTURYON 2015/12/12 21:41
1901 CENTURYON 2015/12/11 22:19
1900 CENTURYON 2015/12/11 15:19
1899 Newseros [01/58] - "7uG3tI6cT.nfo" yEnc (1/1) Yenc-PP-A&A 2015/12/11 14:06
1898 8iH6MZW798 - [02/93] - "8iH6MZW798.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/12/11 08:23
1897 T7Cm34tZZM - [02/91] - "T7Cm34tZZM.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/12/11 07:46
1896 Newseros - 7uG3tI6cT.part03.rar 57-files 6GB "7uG3tI6cT.nzb" Yenc-PP-A&A 2015/12/11 07:07
1895 8iH6MZW798 - - 8iH6MZW798.nzb 93-files 5GB "8iH6MZW798.nzb.nzb" yEncBin 2015/12/11 02:03
1894 T7Cm34tZZM - - T7Cm34tZZM.nzb 1-file 1MB "T7Cm34tZZM.nzb.nzb" yEncBin 2015/12/11 01:23
1893 T7Cm34tZZM - - T7Cm34tZZM.nfo 92-files 5GB "T7Cm34tZZM.nfo.nzb" yEncBin 2015/12/11 00:46
1892 T7Cm34tZZM - - T7Cm34tZZM.jpg 90-files 5GB "T7Cm34tZZM.nzb" yEncBin 2015/12/11 00:46
1891 Newseros - 6cQ4cY1dV.par2 75-files 8GB "6cQ4cY1dV.nzb" Yenc-PP-A&A 2015/12/10 23:45
1890 Newseros [01/80] - "8qF2zZ1aO.nfo" yEnc (1/1) Yenc-PP-A&A 2015/12/10 01:05
1889 Newseros [01/80] - "7yX7tU2lX.nfo" yEnc (1/1) Yenc-PP-A&A 2015/12/09 05:54
1888 Newseros [01/79] - "4uZ7eV2oA.nfo" yEnc (1/1) Yenc-PP-A&A 2015/12/09 03:40
1887 Newseros [01/40] - "6lZ4gM7fK.nfo" yEnc (1/1) Yenc-PP-A&A 2015/12/09 02:36
1886 Tom y jerry Aventuras [DVD9] [01/16] - "D9CENTURYONTomYJerryAventurasVol.1CENTURYON.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CENTURYON 2015/12/08 19:00
1885 Tom y jerry Aventuras [DVD9] - D9CENTURYONTomYJerryAventurasVol.1CENTURYON.nzb 16-files 13GB "D9CENTURYONTomYJerryAvent .. CENTURYON 2015/12/08 12:00
1884 Newseros [01/57] - "8lI0rV1kH.nfo" yEnc (1/1) Yenc-PP-A&A 2015/12/08 07:16
1883 Newseros [01/79] - "8jA6lV9oU.nfo" yEnc (1/1) Yenc-PP-A&A 2015/12/08 05:47
1882 Newseros [01/53] - "1mJ6pZ4rN.nfo" yEnc (1/1) Yenc-PP-A&A 2015/12/07 22:43
1881 Newseros - 3uV2wW0hT.nfo 750-files 82GB "3uV2wW0hT.nfo.nzb" Yenc-PP-A&A 2015/12/07 19:44
1880 Newseros [01/51] - "Cookie's Fortune.nfo" yEnc (1/1) Yenc-PP-A&A 2015/12/07 12:58
1879 Newseros [38/44] - "Tim.7z.nfo" yEnc (1/1) Yenc-PP-A&A 2015/12/07 08:11
1878 HTWyEA82ka - [02/95] - "HTWyEA82ka.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/12/07 07:30
1877 pG61W8E6O5 - [02/56] - "pG61W8E6O5.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/12/07 07:06
1876 5c0Y42HaL8 - [02/91] - "5c0Y42HaL8.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/12/07 06:27
1875 HTWyEA82ka - - HTWyEA82ka.nzb 95-files 5GB "HTWyEA82ka.nzb.nzb" yEncBin 2015/12/07 01:12
1874 pG61W8E6O5 - - pG61W8E6O5.jpg 56-files 3GB "pG61W8E5.nzb" yEncBin 2015/12/07 00:06
1873 5c0Y42HaL8 - - 5c0Y42HaL8.nzb 91-files 5GB "5c0Y42HaL8.nzb.nzb" yEncBin 2015/12/07 00:06
1872 w4oHBDeC08 - [02/96] - "w4oHBDeC08.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/11/29 04:23
1871 KT825rEG06 - [02/97] - "KT825rEG06.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/11/29 03:30
1870 050I8jO6m6 - [02/77] - "050I8jO6m6.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/11/29 02:33
1869 w4oHBDeC08 - - w4oHBDeC08.nzb 96-files 5GB "wHBDeC08.nzb.nzb" yEncBin 2015/11/28 22:09
1868 KT825rEG06 - - KT825rEG06.nzb 97-files 5GB "KT825rEG06.nzb.nzb" yEncBin 2015/11/28 21:23
1867 050I8jO6m6 - - 050I8jO6m6.jpg 77-files 4GB "050I8jO6m6.nzb" yEncBin 2015/11/28 19:33
1866 050I8jO6m6 - - 050I8jO6m6.nfo 78-files 4GB "050I8jO6m6.nfo.nzb" yEncBin 2015/11/28 19:33
1865 0mgaste3E4 - [02/96] - "0mgaste3E4.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/11/27 05:01
1864 37ZErK99x6 - [02/96] - "37ZErK99x6.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/11/27 04:17
1863 0mgaste3E4 - - 0mgaste3E4.nzb 96-files 5GB "0mgaste3E4.nzb.nzb" yEncBin 2015/11/26 22:45
1862 37ZErK99x6 - - 37ZErK99x6.nzb 1-file 1MB "37ZErK99x6.nzb.nzb" yEncBin 2015/11/26 22:01
1861 37ZErK99x6 - - 37ZErK99x6.nfo 97-files 5GB "37ZErK99x6.nfo.nzb" yEncBin 2015/11/26 21:17
1860 37ZErK99x6 - - 37ZErK99x6.jpg 95-files 5GB "37ZErK99x6.nzb" yEncBin 2015/11/26 21:17
1859 Barbie en un Cuento de Navidad [DVD9] [01/20] - "D9CENTURYONBarbieEnCuentoNavidadCENTURYON.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CENTURYON 2015/11/24 18:44
1858 Los descendientes Disney [DVD9] [01/20] - "D9CENTURYONLosDescendientesDineyCENTURYON.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CENTURYON 2015/11/23 17:51
1857 Los Rescatadores en Cangurolandia [DVD9] [01/20] - "D9CENTURYONLosRescatadoresEnCangurolandiaCENTURYON.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CENTURYON 2015/11/23 16:42
1856 Los Rescatadores en Cangurolandia [DVD9] - D9CENTURYONLosRescatadoresEnCangurolandiaCENTURYON.nzb 60-files 49GB "D9CENT .. CENTURYON 2015/11/23 09:42
1855 19bQwa983l - [02/94] - "19bQwa983l.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/11/22 02:53
1854 lgCc01v0e2 - [02/86] - "lgCc01v0e2.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/11/22 02:16
1853 O8dFepjRc0 - [02/38] - "O8dFepjRc0.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/11/22 02:03
1852 19bQwa983l - - 19bQwa983l.nzb 94-files 5GB "Qwa983l.nzb.nzb" yEncBin 2015/11/21 20:42
1851 lgCc01v0e2 - - lgCc01v0e2.nzb 86-files 4GB "lgCc01v0e2.nzb.nzb" yEncBin 2015/11/21 19:53
1850 O8dFepjRc0 - - O8dFepjRc0.jpg 38-files 1GB "O8dFepjRc0.nzb" yEncBin 2015/11/21 19:03
1849 O8dFepjRc0 - - O8dFepjRc0.nfo 39-files 1GB "O8dFepjRc0.nfo.nzb" yEncBin 2015/11/21 19:03
1848 fgH7hRXl36 - [002/163] - "fgH7hRXl36.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/11/21 08:37
1847 y20i3A85uc - [02/70] - "y20i3A85uc.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/11/21 08:03
1846 fgH7hRXl36 - - fgH7hRXl36.nzb 163-files 9GB "fgH7hRXl36.nzb.nzb" yEncBin 2015/11/21 03:09
1845 y20i3A85uc - - y20i3A85uc.jpg 70-files 3GB "y20i3A85uc.nzb" yEncBin 2015/11/21 01:03
1844 y20i3A85uc - - y20i3A85uc.nfo 71-files 3GB "y20i3A85uc.nfo.nzb" yEncBin 2015/11/21 01:03
1843 Blancanieves y los siete enanitos E.E. [DVD9] [01/22] - "D9CENTURYONBlancanievesY7Enanitos.E.E.CENTURYON.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CENTURYON 2015/11/20 18:33
1842 Blancanieves y los siete enanitos E.E. [DVD9] - D9CENTURYONBlancanievesY7Enanitos.E.E.CENTURYON.nzb 22-files 18GB "D9CE .. CENTURYON 2015/11/20 11:33
1841 CENTURYON 2015/11/19 19:46
1840 CENTURYON 2015/11/18 18:07
1839 Description - TrmntrGnss.par2 - 6, - 73-files 8GB "TrmntrGnss.nzb" SSL-News.inf .. 2015/11/18 15:52
1838 CENTURYON 2015/11/18 11:07
1837 (01/49) - Description - "El Pistolero Asesino.nfo" - 4,11 GB - yEnc (1/1) SSL-News.inf .. 2015/11/17 03:16
1836 Description - El Pistolero Asesino.nfo - 4, - 49-files 5GB "El_Pistolero_Asesino.nfo.nzb" SSL-News.inf .. 2015/11/16 20:16
1835 Description - El Pistolero Asesino.par2 - 4, - 48-files 5GB "El_Pistolero_Asesino.nzb" SSL-News.inf .. 2015/11/16 20:16
1834 (01/76) - Description - "El amante bilingue.nfo" - 6,98 GB - yEnc (1/1) SSL-News.inf .. 2015/11/16 16:16
1833 (01/58) - Description - "El sueño de Ibiza.nfo" - 5,09 GB - yEnc (1/1) SSL-News.inf .. 2015/11/16 14:39
1832 (01/49) - Description - "La Carga De La Brigada Ligera.nfo" - 4,18 GB - yEnc (1/1) SSL-News.inf .. 2015/11/16 13:31
1831 Description - El amante bilingue.part01.rar - 6, - 75-files 8GB "El_amante_bilingue.nzb" SSL-News.inf .. 2015/11/16 09:01
1830 Description - El sueño de Ibiza.par2 - 5, - 57-files 6GB "Ibiza.nzb" SSL-News.inf .. 2015/11/16 07:39
1829 Description - El sueño de Ibiza.nfo - 5, - 58-files 6GB "Ibiza.nfo.nzb" SSL-News.inf .. 2015/11/16 07:39
1828 o0hB3775Vx - [01/89] - "o0hB3775Vx.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/11/16 06:45
1827 (01/61) - Description - "Persecucion En El Norte.nfo" - 5,36 GB - yEnc (1/1) SSL-News.inf .. 2015/11/16 06:32
1826 Description - La Carga De La Brigada Ligera.par2 - 4, - 48-files 5GB "La_Carga_De_La_Brigada_Ligera.nzb" SSL-News.inf .. 2015/11/16 06:31
1825 Description - La Carga De La Brigada Ligera.nfo - 4, - 49-files 5GB "La_Carga_De_La_Brigada_Ligera.nfo.nzb" SSL-News.inf .. 2015/11/16 06:31
1824 G3PdjNr58X - [02/90] - "G3PdjNr58X.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/11/16 06:02
1823 (01/82) - Description - "Rey Gitano.nfo" - 7,53 GB - yEnc (1/1) SSL-News.inf .. 2015/11/16 04:28
1822 o0hB3775Vx - - o0hB3775Vx.nzb 89-files 5GB "o0hB3775Vx.nzb.nzb" yEncBin 2015/11/16 00:27
1821 G3PdjNr58X - - G3PdjNr58X.nzb 90-files 5GB "G3PdjNr58X.nzb.nzb" yEncBin 2015/11/15 23:45
1820 Description - Persecucion En El Norte.nfo - 5, - 61-files 6GB "Persecucion_En_El_Norte.nfo.nzb" SSL-News.inf .. 2015/11/15 23:32
1819 Description - Persecucion En El Norte.par2 - 5, - 60-files 6GB "Persecucion_En_El_Norte.nzb" SSL-News.inf .. 2015/11/15 23:32
1818 Description - Rey Gitano.par2 - 7, - 81-files 8GB "Rey_Gitano.nzb" SSL-News.inf .. 2015/11/15 21:28
1817 Description - Rey Gitano.nfo - 7, - 82-files 8GB "Rey_Gitano.nfo.nzb" SSL-News.inf .. 2015/11/15 21:28
1816 En busca del valle encantado 13 [DVD9] [01/16] - "D9CENTURYONEnBuscaValleEncantado13CENTURYON.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CENTURYON 2015/11/15 21:24
1815 En busca del valle encantado 12 [DVD9] [01/18] - "D9CENTURYONEnBuscaValleEncantado12CENTURYON.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CENTURYON 2015/11/15 21:11
1814 En busca del valle encantado 11 [DVD9] [01/22] - "D9CENTURYONEnBuscaValleEncantado11CENTURYON.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CENTURYON 2015/11/15 20:51
1813 En busca del valle encantado 10 [DVD9] [01/20] - "D9CENTURYONEnBuscaValleEncantado10CENTURYON.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CENTURYON 2015/11/15 20:39
1812 En busca del valle encantado 9 [DVD9] [01/14] - "D9CENTURYONEnBuscaValleEncantado9CENTURYON.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CENTURYON 2015/11/15 20:31
1811 En busca del valle encantado 8 [DVD9] [01/20] - "D9CENTURYONEnBuscaValleEncantado8CENTURYON.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CENTURYON 2015/11/15 20:19
1810 En busca del valle encantado 7 [DVD5] [01/12] - "D5CENTURYONEnBuscaValleEncantado7CENTURYON.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CENTURYON 2015/11/15 20:12
1809 En busca del valle encantado 6 [DVD5] [01/12] - "D5CENTURYONEnBuscaValleEncantado6CENTURYON.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CENTURYON 2015/11/15 20:06
1808 En busca del valle encantado 5 [DVD5] [01/12] - "D5CENTURYONEnBuscaValleEncantado5CENTURYON.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CENTURYON 2015/11/15 20:01
1807 En busca del valle encantado 4 [DVD5] [01/12] - "D5CENTURYONEnBuscaValleEncantado4CENTURYON.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CENTURYON 2015/11/15 19:54
1806 En busca del valle encantado 3 [DVD5] [01/12] - "D5CENTURYONEnBuscaValleEncantado3CENTURYON.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CENTURYON 2015/11/15 19:45
1805 En busca del valle encantado 2 [DVD5] [01/12] - "D5CENTURYONEnBuscaValleEncantado2CENTURYON.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CENTURYON 2015/11/15 19:36
1804 En busca del valle encantado [DVD9] [01/18] - "D9CENTURYONEnBuscaValleEncantado1CENTURYON.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CENTURYON 2015/11/15 19:27
1803 (01/49) - Description - "Un Fabuloso Bribón.nfo" - 4,20 GB - yEnc (1/1) SSL-News.inf .. 2015/11/15 11:08
1802 (01/52) - Description - "Oro, Amor Y Sangre.nfo" - 4,45 GB - yEnc (1/1) SSL-News.inf .. 2015/11/15 08:58
1801 newseros - [01/58] - "DeadHeads (2011).nfo" yEnc (1/1) newseros 2015/11/15 07:15
1800 Description - Un Fabuloso Bribón.par2 - 4, - 48-files 5GB "n.nzb" SSL-News.inf .. 2015/11/15 04:08
1799 Description - Oro, Amor Y Sangre.nfo - 4, - 52-files 5GB "Oro,_Amor_Y_Sangre.nfo.nzb" SSL-News.inf .. 2015/11/15 01:58
1798 Description - Oro, Amor Y Sangre.par2 - 4, - 51-files 5GB "Oro,_Amor_Y_Sangre.nzb" SSL-News.inf .. 2015/11/15 01:58
1797 newseros - - DeadHeads .nfo 58-files 5GB "DeadHeads_.nfo.nzb" newseros 2015/11/15 00:15
1796 newseros - - DeadHeads .par2 57-files 5GB "DeadHeads_.nzb" newseros 2015/11/15 00:15
1795 (01/73) - Description - "Pixels.nfo" - 6,60 GB - yEnc (1/1) SSL-News.inf .. 2015/11/14 15:10
1794 (01/51) - Description - "Gente Loca.nfo" - 4,34 GB - yEnc (1/1) SSL-News.inf .. 2015/11/14 10:17
1793 Description - Pixels.par2 - 6, - 72-files 7GB "Pixels.nzb" SSL-News.inf .. 2015/11/14 08:10
1792 Description - Pixels.nfo - 6, - 73-files 7GB "Pixels.nfo.nzb" SSL-News.inf .. 2015/11/14 08:10
1791 Description - Tierra de faraones.par2 - 4, - 47-files 5GB "Tierra_de_faraones.nzb" SSL-News.inf .. 2015/11/14 06:04
1790 Description - Gente Loca.par2 - 4, - 50-files 5GB "Gente_Loca.nzb" SSL-News.inf .. 2015/11/14 03:17
1789 Description - Gente Loca.nfo - 4, - 51-files 5GB "Gente_Loca.nfo.nzb" SSL-News.inf .. 2015/11/14 03:17
1788 a8Zp5N8i73 - [02/98] - "a8Zp5N8i73.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/11/14 03:10
1787 (01/63) - Description - "Fuerza De Vigilancia.nfo" - 5,58 GB - yEnc (1/1) SSL-News.inf .. 2015/11/13 21:07
1786 (01/63) - Description - "Fuerza De Vigilancia.nfo" - 5,58 GB - yEnc (1/1) SSL-News.inf .. 2015/11/13 21:07
1785 a8Zp5N8i73 - - a8Zp5N8i73.nzb 98-files 5GB "a8Zp5N8i73.nzb.nzb" yEncBin 2015/11/13 20:58
1784 ohLBPd79Fe - - ohLBPd79Fe.nzb 103-files 5GB "ohLBPd79Fe.nzb.nzb" yEncBin 2015/11/13 20:10
1783 Newseros [01/54] - "Mision En Zurich.nfo" yEnc (1/1) Yenc-PP-A&A 2015/11/13 20:07
1782 Description - Fuerza De Vigilancia.nfo - 5, - 63-files 6GB "Fuerza_De_Vigilancia.nfo.nzb" SSL-News.inf .. 2015/11/13 14:07
1781 Newseros - Mision En Zurich.nfo 54-files 5GB "Mision_En_Zurich.nfo.nzb" Yenc-PP-A&A 2015/11/13 13:07
1780 Newseros - Mision En Zurich.par2 53-files 5GB "Mision_En_Zurich.nzb" Yenc-PP-A&A 2015/11/13 13:07
1779 Monstruos, S.A. E.E. Coleccionistas[2xDVD9] [01/34] - "D9CENTURYONMonstruos.S.A.E.E.2DiscosCENTURYON.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CENTURYON 2015/11/12 21:08
1778 CENTURYON 2015/11/11 18:41
1777 CENTURYON 2015/11/11 11:41
1776 a7LBF3w4He - [002/131] - "a7LBF3w4He.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/11/10 18:36
1775 Newseros [01/79] - "Furia Oriental.nfo" yEnc (1/1) Yenc-PP-A&A 2015/11/10 17:59
1774 1Q8T9r4fB7 - [02/96] - "1Q8T9r4fB7.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/11/10 17:40
1773 Yenc-PP-A&A 2015/11/10 16:44
1772 GTPSJ56xMN - [002/109] - "GTPSJ56xMN.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/11/10 16:11
1771 Newseros [01/42] - "Rashomon.nfo" yEnc (1/1) Yenc-PP-A&A 2015/11/10 16:10
1770 a7LBF3w4He - - a7LBF3w4He.nzb 131-files 7GB "a7LBF3w4He.nzb.nzb" yEncBin 2015/11/10 12:56
1769 1Q8T9r4fB7 - - 1Q8T9r4fB7.nzb 96-files 5GB "1Q8T9r4fB7.nzb.nzb" yEncBin 2015/11/10 11:36
1768 Newseros - Furia Oriental.nfo 79-files 8GB "Furia_Oriental.nfo.nzb" Yenc-PP-A&A 2015/11/10 10:59
1767 Newseros - Furia Oriental.par2 78-files 8GB "Furia_Oriental.nzb" Yenc-PP-A&A 2015/11/10 10:59
1766 GTPSJ56xMN - - GTPSJ56xMN.nzb 109-files 5GB "GTPSJ56xMN.nzb.nzb" yEncBin 2015/11/10 10:41
1765 Newseros - Rashomon.nfo 170-files 17GB "Rashomon.nfo.nzb" Yenc-PP-A&A 2015/11/10 09:10
1764 Newseros - Rashomon.par2 169-files 17GB "Rashomon.nzb" Yenc-PP-A&A 2015/11/10 09:10
1763 Kika Superbruja - Vol.2 [DVD9-MUI] [01/16] - "D9CENTURYONKikaSuperbrujaVol.2CENTURYON.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CENTURYON 2015/11/10 06:52
1762 Yenc-PP-A&A 2015/11/10 03:47
1761 (01/59) - Description - "Tener y no tener.nfo" - 5,16 GB - yEnc (1/1) SSL-News.inf .. 2015/11/09 13:15
1760 Description - Tener y no tener.par2 - 5, - 58-files 6GB "Tener_y_no_tener.nzb" SSL-News.inf .. 2015/11/09 06:15
1759 Description - Tener y no tener.nfo - 5, - 59-files 6GB "Tener_y_no_tener.nfo.nzb" SSL-News.inf .. 2015/11/09 06:15
1758 (01/65) - Description - "Momentum.nfo" - 5,81 GB - yEnc (1/1) SSL-News.inf .. 2015/11/09 05:34
1757 (01/51) - Description - "La historia del camello que llora.nfo" - 4,34 GB - yEnc (1/1) SSL-News.inf .. 2015/11/09 05:34
1756 Description - La historia del camello que llora.par2 - 4, - 50-files 5GB "La_historia_del_camello_que_llora.nzb" SSL-News.inf .. 2015/11/09 01:31
1755 Description - La historia del camello que llora.nfo - 4, - 51-files 5GB "La_historia_del_camello_que_llora.nfo.nzb" SSL-News.inf .. 2015/11/08 22:34
1754 CENTURYON 2015/11/08 20:26
1753 IlKi8K2Oh0 - [002/270] - "IlKi8K2Oh0.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/11/08 17:42
1752 AZuHb2S51D - [02/61] - "AZuHb2S51D.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/11/08 17:19
1751 (01/65) - Description - "Momentum.nfo" - 5,81 GB - yEnc (1/1) SSL-News.inf .. 2015/11/08 13:46
1750 IlKi8K2Oh0 - - IlKi8K2Oh0.nzb 270-files 14GB "IlKi8Kh0.nzb.nzb" yEncBin 2015/11/08 13:06
1749 AZuHb2S51D - - AZuHb2S51D.part04.rar 61-files 3GB "AZuHb2S51D.nzb" yEncBin 2015/11/08 10:19
1748 Description - Momentum.nfo - 5, - 65-files 13GB "Momentum.nfo.nzb" SSL-News.inf .. 2015/11/08 06:46
1747 Description - Momentum.par2 - 5, - 64-files 13GB "Momentum.nzb" SSL-News.inf .. 2015/11/08 06:46
1746 (01/69) - Description - "El Señor De Las Ilusiones.nfo" - 6,21 GB - yEnc (1/1) SSL-News.inf .. 2015/11/07 16:44
1745 (01/71) - Description - "La Deuda.nfo" - 6,38 GB - yEnc (1/1) SSL-News.inf .. 2015/11/07 13:31
1744 Description - El Señor De Las Ilusiones.nfo - 6, - 69-files 7GB "Ilusiones.nfo.nzb" SSL-News.inf .. 2015/11/07 09:44
1743 Description - El Señor De Las Ilusiones.par2 - 6, - 68-files 7GB "Ilusiones.nzb" SSL-News.inf .. 2015/11/07 09:44
1742 Description - La Deuda.par2 - 6, - 70-files 7GB "La_Deuda.nzb" SSL-News.inf .. 2015/11/07 06:31
1741 Description - La Deuda.nfo - 6, - 71-files 7GB "La_Deuda.nfo.nzb" SSL-News.inf .. 2015/11/07 06:31
1740 (01/48) - Description - "La Disparatada Parada De Los Monstruos.nfo" - 4,10 GB - yEnc (1/1) SSL-News.inf .. 2015/11/07 02:42
1739 Description - La Disparatada Parada De Los Monstruos.par2 - 4, - 47-files 5GB " .. SSL-News.inf .. 2015/11/06 19:42
1738 Description - La Disparatada Parada De Los Monstruos.nfo - 4, - 48-files 5GB "La_Disparatada_Parada_De_Los_Monstruos.nfo .. SSL-News.inf .. 2015/11/06 19:42
1737 (01/46) - Description - "Su majestad de los mares del sur.nfo" - 3,81 GB - yEnc (1/1) SSL-News.inf .. 2015/11/06 16:38
1736 (01/69) - Description - "San Francisco, Ciudad Desnuda.nfo" - 6,17 GB - yEnc (1/1) SSL-News.inf .. 2015/11/06 13:46
1735 Description - Su majestad de los mares del sur.par2 - 3, - 45-files 4GB "Su_majestad_de_los_mares_del_sur.nzb" SSL-News.inf .. 2015/11/06 09:38
1734 Los Minions [DVD9-MUI] [01/16] - "D9CENTURYONMinionsCENTURYON.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CENTURYON 2015/11/06 07:51
1733 Description - San Francisco, Ciudad Desnuda.par2 - 6, - 68-files 7GB "San_Francisco,_Ciudad_Desnuda.nzb" SSL-News.inf .. 2015/11/06 06:46
1732 Description - San Francisco, Ciudad Desnuda.nfo - 6, - 69-files 7GB "San_Francisco,_Ciudad_Desnuda.nfo.nzb" SSL-News.inf .. 2015/11/06 06:46
1731 (01/88) - Description - "Love_Mercy.nfo" - 8,05 GB - yEnc (1/1) SSL-News.inf .. 2015/11/06 05:03
1730 (01/50) - Description - "El Madre, La Melones Y El Ruedas.nfo" - 4,27 GB - yEnc (1/1) SSL-News.inf .. 2015/11/06 01:41
1729 Description - Love_Mercy.par2 - 8, - 87-files 9GB "Love_Mercy.nzb" SSL-News.inf .. 2015/11/05 22:03
1728 Description - Love_Mercy.nfo - 8, - 88-files 9GB "Love_Mercy.nfo.nzb" SSL-News.inf .. 2015/11/05 22:03
1727 Description - El Madre, La Melones Y El Ruedas.nfo - 4, - 50-files 5GB "El_Madre,_La_Melones_Y_El_Ruedas.nfo.nzb" SSL-News.inf .. 2015/11/05 18:41
1726 Description - El Madre, La Melones Y El Ruedas.par2 - 4, - 49-files 5GB "El_Madre,_La_Melones_Y_El_Ruedas.nzb" SSL-News.inf .. 2015/11/05 18:41
1725 kVFZXN9WyM - [002/143] - "kVFZXN9WyM.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/11/05 18:32
1724 1j1DY7dGlx - [02/93] - "1j1DY7dGlx.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/11/05 17:03
1723 Winx Club: El secreto del reino perdido [DVD9-MUI] [01/16] - "D9CENTURYONWinxClubSecretoReinoPerdidoCENTURYON.nfo" yEnc .. CENTURYON 2015/11/05 16:42
1722 kVFZXN9WyM - - kVFZXN9WyM.nzb 143-files 7GB "kVFZXN9WyM.nzb.nzb" yEncBin 2015/11/05 12:41
1721 1j1DY7dGlx - - 1j1DY7dGlx.nzb 93-files 5GB "1j1DY7dGlx.nzb.nzb" yEncBin 2015/11/05 11:32
1720 Winx Club: El secreto del reino perdido [DVD9-MUI] - D9CENTURYONWinxClubSecretoReinoPerdidoCENTURYON.nzb 32-files 25GB .. CENTURYON 2015/11/05 09:42
1719 Newseros [01/61] - "Lisistrata.nfo" yEnc (1/1) Yenc-PP-A&A 2015/11/05 05:42
1718 Newseros [01/73] - "Las Mariposas Son Libres.nfo" yEnc (1/1) Yenc-PP-A&A 2015/11/05 04:38
1717 Newseros [01/57] - "Tiger Blade.nfo" yEnc (1/1) Yenc-PP-A&A 2015/11/05 02:39
1716 Newseros - Lisistrata.part02.rar 60-files 6GB "Lisistrata.nzb" Yenc-PP-A&A 2015/11/04 22:42
1715 Newseros - Las Mariposas Son Libres.nfo 73-files 7GB "Las_Mariposas_Son_Libres.nfo.nzb" Yenc-PP-A&A 2015/11/04 21:38
1714 Newseros - Las Mariposas Son Libres.par2 72-files 7GB "Las_Mariposas_Son_Libres.nzb" Yenc-PP-A&A 2015/11/04 21:38
1713 Newseros - Tiger Blade.par2 56-files 6GB "Tiger_Blade.nzb" Yenc-PP-A&A 2015/11/04 19:39
1712 S1lF969nAU - [02/79] - "S1lF969nAU.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/11/03 19:31
1711 7LLBTTh8Bu - [02/95] - "7LLBTTh8Bu.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/11/03 18:30
1710 sFj5fIx21M - [02/60] - "sFj5fIx21M.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/11/03 17:44
1709 LtZ2r8835L - [002/124] - "LtZ2r8835L.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/11/03 16:01
1708 S1lF969nAU - - S1lF969nAU.part01.rar 79-files 4GB "S1lF969nAU.nzb" yEncBin 2015/11/03 12:32
1707 7LLBTTh8Bu - - 7LLBTTh8Bu.nzb 95-files 5GB "7LLBTThu.nzb.nzb" yEncBin 2015/11/03 12:31
1706 sFj5fIx21M - - sFj5fIx21M.jpg 60-files 3GB "sFj5fIx21M.nzb" yEncBin 2015/11/03 10:44
1705 LtZ2r8835L - - LtZ2r8835L.nzb 124-files 6GB "LtZ2r8835L.nzb.nzb" yEncBin 2015/11/03 10:44
1704 Newseros [01/79] - "Voces.nfo" yEnc (1/1) Yenc-PP-A&A 2015/11/02 20:38
1703 Newseros [01/48] - "Basil.nfo" yEnc (1/1) Yenc-PP-A&A 2015/11/02 16:19
1702 Newseros [01/72] - "No Way Jose.nfo" yEnc (1/1) Yenc-PP-A&A 2015/11/02 13:49
1701 Newseros - Voces.nzb 126-files 13GB "Voces.nzb.nzb" Yenc-PP-A&A 2015/11/02 13:38
1700 Newseros - No Way Jose.par2 71-files 7GB "No_Way_Jose.nzb" Yenc-PP-A&A 2015/11/02 06:49
1699 B332HI9Wf5 - [002/143] - "B332HI9Wf5.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/11/01 19:57
1698 aj2Rl26yzj - [002/140] - "aj2Rl26yzj.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/11/01 18:38
1697 1F6qT63S0U - [002/138] - "1F6qT63S0U.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/11/01 17:25
1696 V06LKN73iJ - [02/99] - "V06LKN73iJ.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/11/01 16:39
1695 B332HI9Wf5 - - B332HI9Wf5.nzb 143-files 7GB "B332HI9Wf5.nzb.nzb" yEncBin 2015/11/01 14:38
1694 aj2Rl26yzj - - aj2Rl26yzj.nzb 140-files 7GB "aj2Rl26yzj.nzb.nzb" yEncBin 2015/11/01 12:56
1693 1F6qT63S0U - - 1F6qT63S0U.nzb 138-files 7GB "1F6qT63S0U.nzb.nzb" yEncBin 2015/11/01 11:38
1692 V06LKN73iJ - - V06LKN73iJ.nzb 1-file 1MB "V06LKN73iJ.nzb.nzb" yEncBin 2015/11/01 10:25
1691 V06LKN73iJ - - V06LKN73iJ.part07.rar 98-files 5GB "V06LKN73iJ.nzb" yEncBin 2015/11/01 09:40
1690 Arrietty y el mundo de los diminutos [DVD9-MUI] [01/18] - "D9CENTURYONArrietyMundoDiminutosCENTURYON.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CENTURYON 2015/10/31 17:16
1689 9Sb4YL7D83 - [02/97] - "9Sb4YL7D83.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/10/31 13:02
1688 q250Gie2mk - [02/96] - "q250Gie2mk.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/10/31 12:20
1687 Gj2lHS425T - [002/124] - "Gj2lHS425T.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/10/31 11:28
1686 9Sb4YL7D83 - - 9Sb4YL7D83.nzb 97-files 5GB "9Sb4YL7D83.nzb.nzb" yEncBin 2015/10/31 07:48
1685 q250Gie2mk - - q250Gie2mk.nzb 96-files 5GB "q250Gie2mk.nzb.nzb" yEncBin 2015/10/31 07:02
1684 Gj2lHS425T - - Gj2lHS425T.nzb 124-files 6GB "Gj2lHS425T.nzb.nzb" yEncBin 2015/10/31 06:20
1683 Campanilla y la leyenda de la bestia [DVD9-MUI] [01/16] - "D9CENTURYONCampanillaLaLeyendaDeLaBestiaCENTURYON.nfo" yEnc ( .. CENTURYON 2015/10/30 15:33
1682 Campanilla y la leyenda de la bestia [DVD9-MUI] - D9CENTURYONCampanillaLaLeyendaDeLaBestiaCENTURYON.nzb 34-files 27GB " .. CENTURYON 2015/10/30 09:33
1681 newseros - [01/69] - "Adios Amigo.nfo" yEnc (1/1) newseros 2015/10/28 23:48
1680 newseros - [01/52] - "La virgen de Liverpool.nfo" yEnc (1/1) newseros 2015/10/28 23:00
1679 QRlzPp7Q83 - [02/95] - "QRlzPp7Q83.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/10/28 21:30
1678 Newseros [01/50] - "Una banda de cuidado.nfo" yEnc (1/1) Yenc-PP-A&A 2015/10/28 21:14
1677 oPRKTZb2L7 - [02/60] - "oPRKTZb2L7.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/10/28 21:00
1676 0tq54F4R8W - [02/93] - "0tq54F4R8W.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/10/28 20:15
1675 c2BJNm4T5u - [02/56] - "c2BJNm4T5u.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/10/28 19:49
1674 RxL54o6pq4 - [02/85] - "RxL54o6pq4.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/10/28 19:05
1673 3mNspBKW5B - [02/80] - "3mNspBKW5B.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/10/28 18:28
1672 newseros - - Adios Amigo.nfo 69-files 7GB "Adios_Amigo.nfo.nzb" newseros 2015/10/28 17:48
1671 newseros - - Adios Amigo.par2 68-files 7GB "Adios_Amigo.nzb" newseros 2015/10/28 17:48
1670 4cegr1180G - [002/140] - "4cegr1180G.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/10/28 17:20
1669 newseros - - La virgen de Liverpool.par2 51-files 5GB "La_virgen_de_Liverpool.nzb" newseros 2015/10/28 17:00
1668 newseros - - La virgen de Liverpool.nfo 52-files 5GB "La_virgen_de_Liverpool.nfo.nzb" newseros 2015/10/28 17:00
1667 QRlzPp7Q83 - - QRlzPp7Q83.nzb 95-files 5GB "QRlzPp7Q83.nzb.nzb" yEncBin 2015/10/28 16:16
1666 Newseros [01/86] - "Profanacion.nfo" yEnc (1/1) Yenc-PP-A&A 2015/10/28 15:52
1665 Newseros - Una banda de cuidado.par2 49-files 5GB "Una_banda_de_cuidado.nzb" Yenc-PP-A&A 2015/10/28 15:14
1664 oPRKTZb2L7 - - oPRKTZb2L7.part03.rar 60-files 3GB "oPRKTZb2L7.nzb" yEncBin 2015/10/28 15:02
1663 0tq54F4R8W - - 0tq54F4R8W.nzb 93-files 5GB "0tq54F4R8W.nzb.nzb" yEncBin 2015/10/28 15:00
1662 c2BJNm4T5u - - c2BJNm4T5u.jpg 56-files 3GB "cJNm4T5u.nzb" yEncBin 2015/10/28 13:49
1661 RxL54o6pq4 - - RxL54o6pq4.nzb 85-files 4GB "RxL6pq4.nzb.nzb" yEncBin 2015/10/28 13:49
1660 3mNspBKW5B - - 3mNspBKW5B.part06.rar 80-files 4GB "3mNspBKW.nzb" yEncBin 2015/10/28 12:30
1659 4cegr1180G - - 4cegr1180G.nzb 140-files 7GB "4cegr1180G.nzb.nzb" yEncBin 2015/10/28 12:28
1658 Newseros - Profanacion.nfo 86-files 9GB "Profanacion.nfo.nzb" Yenc-PP-A&A 2015/10/28 09:52
1657 Newseros - Profanacion.par2 85-files 9GB "Profanacion.nzb" Yenc-PP-A&A 2015/10/28 09:52
1656 Newseros [01/53] - "piratas.nfo" yEnc (1/1) Yenc-PP-A&A 2015/10/27 03:12
1655 Newseros [01/47] - "Petulia.nfo" yEnc (1/1) Yenc-PP-A&A 2015/10/27 02:36
1654 Newseros - piratas.par2 52-files 5GB "piratas.nzb" Yenc-PP-A&A 2015/10/26 21:12
1653 Newseros - Petulia.nfo 47-files 4GB "Petulia.nfo.nzb" Yenc-PP-A&A 2015/10/26 20:36
1652 Newseros - Petulia.par2 46-files 4GB "Petulia.nzb" Yenc-PP-A&A 2015/10/26 20:36
1651 newseros - [01/86] - "Coraje de mujer (1997).nfo" yEnc (1/1) newseros 2015/10/26 04:59
1650 90nV0Q4MRx1O2pg - [002/147] - "90nV0Q4MRx1O2pg.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/10/26 02:28
1649 38De789D766a76o - [002/107] - "38De789D766a76o.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/10/26 01:33
1648 V576c56ei7cDiSN - [002/113] - "V576c56ei7cDiSN.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/10/26 00:37
1647 86TlwS38emzy9wB - [002/103] - "86TlwS38emzy9wB.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/10/25 23:44
1646 newseros - - Coraje de mujer .par2 85-files 9GB "Coraje_de_mujer_.nzb" newseros 2015/10/25 22:59
1645 newseros - - Coraje de mujer .nfo 86-files 9GB "Coraje_de_mujer_.nfo.nzb" newseros 2015/10/25 22:59
1644 dt5V0606fd44ZIz - [002/120] - "dt5V0606fd44ZIz.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/10/25 22:44
1643 047F5LX9MvgKzB7 - [002/100] - "047F5LX9MvgKzB7.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/10/25 21:55
1642 38FC9263auohjKj - [02/93] - "38FC9263auohjKj.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/10/25 21:09
1641 90nV0Q4MRx1O2pg - - 90nV0Q4MRx1O2pg.nfo 148-files 8GB "90nV0Q4MRx2pg.nfo.nzb" yEncBin 2015/10/25 20:28
1640 90nV0Q4MRx1O2pg - - 90nV0Q4MRx1O2pg.jpg 147-files 8GB "90nV0Q4MRx.nzb" yEncBin 2015/10/25 20:28
1639 38De789D766a76o - - 38De789D766a76o.nzb 107-files 5GB "D766a.nzb.nzb" yEncBin 2015/10/25 20:27
1638 Y65P22f1Wx4DmA0 - [002/101] - "Y65P22f1Wx4DmA0.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/10/25 20:18
1637 TDoXudR6hxG8Dir - [002/113] - "TDoXudR6hxG8Dir.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/10/25 19:19
1636 V576c56ei7cDiSN - - V576c56ei7cDiSN.jpg 113-files 6GB "V576c56ei7cD.nzb" yEncBin 2015/10/25 18:37
1635 86TlwS38emzy9wB - - 86TlwS38emzy9wB.nzb 1-file 2MB "86TlwS38emzy9wB.nzb.nzb" yEncBin 2015/10/25 18:37
1634 bLVkK0Lfv2T51X9 - [002/132] - "bLVkK0Lfv2T51X9.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/10/25 18:08
1633 86TlwS38emzy9wB - - 86TlwS38emzy9wB.par2 101-files 5GB "86TlwS38emzy9wB.nzb" yEncBin 2015/10/25 17:44
1632 86TlwS38emzy9wB - - 86TlwS38emzy9wB.jpg 1-file 19KB "86TlwS38emzy.nzb" yEncBin 2015/10/25 17:44
1631 dt5V0606fd44ZIz - - dt5V0606fd44ZIz.jpg 120-files 6GB "dt5V0606fd44.nzb" yEncBin 2015/10/25 16:44
1630 047F5LX9MvgKzB7 - - 047F5LX9MvgKzB7.jpg 100-files 5GB "047F5LX9MvgK.nzb" yEncBin 2015/10/25 15:55
1629 newseros - [01/88] - "Dando la nota.nfo" yEnc (1/1) newseros 2015/10/25 15:10
1628 38FC9263auohjKj - - 38FC9263auohjKj.jpg 93-files 5GB "38FC9263auoh.nzb" yEncBin 2015/10/25 15:09
1627 newseros - [01/50] - "La Piel En El Asfalto.nfo" yEnc (1/1) newseros 2015/10/25 14:30
1626 Y65P22f1Wx4DmA0 - - Y65P22f1Wx4DmA0.jpg 101-files 5GB "Y65P22f1Wx4D.nzb" yEncBin 2015/10/25 14:18
1625 TDoXudR6hxG8Dir - - TDoXudR6hxG8Dir.jpg 113-files 6GB "TDoXudR6hxG8.nzb" yEncBin 2015/10/25 13:19
1624 bLVkK0Lfv2T51X9 - - bLVkK0Lfv2T51X9.nfo 133-files 7GB "bLVkK0Lfv2T51X9.nfo.nzb" yEncBin 2015/10/25 12:08
1623 bLVkK0Lfv2T51X9 - - bLVkK0Lfv2T51X9.jpg 132-files 7GB "bLVkK0Lfv2T5.nzb" yEncBin 2015/10/25 12:08
1622 newseros - - Dando la nota.nfo 88-files 9GB "Dando_la_nota.nfo.nzb" newseros 2015/10/25 09:10
1621 newseros - - Dando la nota.par2 87-files 9GB "Dando_la_nota.nzb" newseros 2015/10/25 09:10
1620 newseros - - La Piel En El Asfalto.nfo 50-files 4GB "La_Piel_En_El_Asfalto.nfo.nzb" newseros 2015/10/25 08:30
1619 newseros - - La Piel En El Asfalto.par2 49-files 4GB "La_Piel_En_El_Asfalto.nzb" newseros 2015/10/25 08:30
1618 Fiesta para princesas. Vol.2 [DVD9-MUI] [01/16] - "D9CENTURYONFiestaPrincesasVol2CENTURYON.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CENTURYON 2015/10/25 08:03
1617 newseros - [01/68] - "Curva DVD9.nfo" yEnc (1/1) newseros 2015/10/25 02:56
1616 Fiesta para princesas. Vol.2 [DVD9-MUI] - D9CENTURYONFiestaPrincesasVol2CENTURYON.nzb 16-files 13GB "D9CENTURYONFiestaP .. CENTURYON 2015/10/25 02:03
1615 newseros - - Curva DVD9.nfo 68-files 7GB "Curva_DVD9.nfo.nzb" newseros 2015/10/24 20:56
1614 newseros - - Curva DVD9.par2 67-files 7GB "Curva_DVD9.nzb" newseros 2015/10/24 20:56
1613 6974MsZw0VNrJOX - [001/298] - "6974MsZw0VNrJOX.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/10/24 20:38
1612 4IQfBl1mu099HAq - [02/91] - "4IQfBl1mu099HAq.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/10/24 19:45
1611 E1U77r85a1CepHX - [002/109] - "E1U77r85a1CepHX.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/10/24 17:51
1610 6974MsZw0VNrJOX - - 6974MsZw0VNrJOX.nzb 298-files 16GB "6974MsZw0VNrJOX.nzb.nzb" yEncBin 2015/10/24 17:16
1609 gWgO44vAR06ec72 - [02/98] - "gWgO44vAR06ec72.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/10/24 16:33
1608 newseros 2015/10/24 13:45
1607 4IQfBl1mu099HAq - - 4IQfBl1mu099HAq.jpg 91-files 5GB "4IQfBl1mu099.nzb" yEncBin 2015/10/24 13:45
1606 E1U77r85a1CepHX - - E1U77r85a1CepHX.jpg 109-files 6GB "E1U77r85a1Ce.nzb" yEncBin 2015/10/24 11:51
1605 gWgO44vAR06ec72 - - gWgO44vAR06ec72.nfo 99-files 5GB "gWgO44vAR06ec72.nfo.nzb" yEncBin 2015/10/24 10:33
1604 gWgO44vAR06ec72 - - gWgO44vAR06ec72.jpg 98-files 5GB "gWgO44vAR06e.nzb" yEncBin 2015/10/24 10:33
1603 newseros 2015/10/24 07:45
1602 newseros 2015/10/24 07:45
1601 CENTURYON 2015/10/23 16:38
1600 CENTURYON 2015/10/23 10:38
1599 Stand by Me Doraemon [DVD9-MUI] [01/18] - "D9CENTURYONDoraemonStandByMeCENTURYON.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CENTURYON 2015/10/23 07:47
1598 newseros - [01/51] - "Nevada Express (1975).nfo" yEnc (1/1) newseros 2015/10/23 05:43
1597 newseros - [01/72] - "23-10-2015-09-11-47.nfo" yEnc (1/1) newseros 2015/10/23 04:10
1596 newseros - [01/74] - "El Don Del Coraje.nfo" yEnc (1/1) newseros 2015/10/22 23:38
1595 PnUO5w62Y4 - [02/99] - "PnUO5w62Y4.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/10/22 18:58
1594 ik14u1Ox69 - [02/97] - "ik14u1Ox69.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/10/22 18:12
1593 uG64hi84XE - [002/110] - "uG64hi84XE.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/10/22 17:18
1592 VW4lhUtbi2 - [02/90] - "VW4lhUtbi2.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/10/22 16:35
1591 5I8W67J33k - [02/98] - "5I8W67J33k.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/10/22 15:46
1590 Campanilla y el tesoro perdido [DVD9-MUI] [01/18] - "D9CENTURYONCampanillaTesoroPerdidoCENTURYON.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CENTURYON 2015/10/22 14:33
1589 PnUO5w62Y4 - - PnUO5w62Y4.nzb 99-files 5GB "PnUO5w62Y4.nzb.nzb" yEncBin 2015/10/22 13:46
1588 ik14u1Ox69 - - ik14u1Ox69.nzb 97-files 5GB "ik14ux69.nzb.nzb" yEncBin 2015/10/22 12:58
1587 uG64hi84XE - - uG64hi84XE.nzb 110-files 6GB "uG64hi84XE.nzb.nzb" yEncBin 2015/10/22 12:12
1586 Newseros [01/79] - "HMLT Honor.nfo" yEnc (1/1) Yenc-PP-A&A 2015/10/22 11:50
1585 VW4lhUtbi2 - - VW4lhUtbi2.nzb 90-files 4GB "VW4lhUtbi2.nzb.nzb" yEncBin 2015/10/22 11:18
1584 5I8W67J33k - - 5I8W67J33k.nzb 98-files 5GB "5I8W67J33k.nzb.nzb" yEncBin 2015/10/22 10:35
1583 Newseros - HMLT Honor.nfo 79-files 8GB "HMLT_Honor.nfo.nzb" Yenc-PP-A&A 2015/10/22 05:50
1582 Newseros - HMLT Honor.r00 78-files 8GB "HMLT_Honor.nzb" Yenc-PP-A&A 2015/10/22 05:50
1581 newseros - [01/49] - "22-10-2015-06-05-00.nfo" yEnc (1/1) newseros 2015/10/21 22:51
1580 (01/44) -Newseros - "22-10-2015-04-30-03.nfo" - 3,31 GB - yEnc (1/1) SSL-News.inf .. 2015/10/21 20:50
1579 Campanilla, hadas y piratas [DVD9-MUI] [01/16] - "D9CENTURYONCampanillaHadasYPiratasCENTURYON.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CENTURYON 2015/10/21 20:44
1578 Barbie: la Princesa y la Costurera [DVD9-MUI] [01/22] - "D9CENTURYONBarbiePrincesaCostureraCENTURYON.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CENTURYON 2015/10/21 17:02
1577 newseros - - 22-10-2015-06-05-00.nfo 244-files 23GB ".nfo.nzb" newseros 2015/10/21 16:51
1576 Newseros - 22-10-2015-04-30-03.par2 - 3, - 43-files 4GB "18738967.nzb" SSL-News.inf .. 2015/10/21 14:50
1575 newseros - Nevada Express[DVD5FULL].7z.vol011+09.PAR2 46-files 4GB "Nevada_Express[DVD5FULL].7z.nzb" CPP-User 2015/10/21 07:26
1574 Campanilla: El secreto de las hadas [DVD9-MUI] [01/14] - "D9CENTURYONCampanillaSecretoHadasCENTURYON.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CENTURYON 2015/10/20 18:26
1573 WeC8wkHv091yH8j - [02/86] - "WeC8wkHv091yH8j.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/10/20 14:20
1572 mN3pJEg65U3w522 - [02/54] - "mN3pJEg65U3w522.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/10/20 13:38
1571 xRN8j7Yk3So809L - [02/64] - "xRN8j7Yk3So809L.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/10/20 13:01
1570 WeC8wkHv091yH8j - - WeC8wkHv091yH8j.nfo 87-files 4GB "WeC8wkHv091yH8j.nfo.nzb" yEncBin 2015/10/20 08:20
1569 WeC8wkHv091yH8j - - WeC8wkHv091yH8j.jpg 86-files 4GB "WeC8wkHv091y.nzb" yEncBin 2015/10/20 08:20
1568 mN3pJEg65U3w522 - - mN3pJEg65U3w522.jpg 54-files 2GB "mN3pJEg65U3w.nzb" yEncBin 2015/10/20 07:38
1567 mN3pJEg65U3w522 - - mN3pJEg65U3w522.nfo 55-files 2GB "mN3pJEg65U3w522.nfo.nzb" yEncBin 2015/10/20 07:38
1566 xRN8j7Yk3So809L - - xRN8j7Yk3So809L.jpg 64-files 3GB "xRN8j7Yk3So8.nzb" yEncBin 2015/10/20 07:01
1565 CoV1yTXI3Rfel5b - [002/197] - "CoV1yTXI3Rfel5b.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/10/19 14:39
1564 Campanilla [DVD9-MUI] [01/16] - "D9CENTURYONCampanillaCENTURYON.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CENTURYON 2015/10/19 12:59
1563 CoV1yTXI3Rfel5b - - CoV1yTXI3Rfel5b.jpg 197-files 41GB "CoV1yTXI3Rfe.nzb" yEncBin 2015/10/19 08:39
1562 Campanilla [DVD9-MUI] - D9CENTURYONCampanillaCENTURYON.nzb 30-files 24GB "D9CENTURYONCampanillaCENTURYON.nzb.nzb" CENTURYON 2015/10/19 06:59
1561 6CeAxKvyCNM5930 - [02/98] - "6CeAxKvyCNM5930.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/10/18 18:55
1560 ef50X43VAw - [02/95] - "ef50X43VAw.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/10/18 18:11
1559 Description - Air [DVD9Full].7z.001 - 5, - 66-files 7GB "Air_[DVD9Full].nzb" SSL-News.inf .. 2015/10/18 15:15
1558 6CeAxKvyCNM5930 - - 6CeAxKvyCNM5930.jpg 98-files 5GB "6CeAxKvyCNM5.nzb" yEncBin 2015/10/18 12:55
1557 ef50X43VAw - - ef50X43VAw.nzb 95-files 5GB "ef50X43VAw.nzb.nzb" yEncBin 2015/10/18 12:54
1556 newseros[78/88] - "Child44 DVD9.7z.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CPP-User 2015/10/18 10:36
1555 r430CNe67x - [02/98] - "r430CNe67x.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/10/18 08:36
1554 m51Vcr6R5Y - [02/78] - "m51Vcr6R5Y.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/10/18 06:35
1553 jPX7Mvbl02 - [02/58] - "jPX7Mvbl02.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/10/18 06:05
1552 r430CNe67x - - r430CNe67x.nzb 98-files 5GB "r430CNe67x.nzb.nzb" yEncBin 2015/10/18 03:23
1551 m51Vcr6R5Y - - m51Vcr6R5Y.nfo 79-files 4GB "m51Vcr6R5Y.nfo.nzb" yEncBin 2015/10/18 00:35
1550 m51Vcr6R5Y - - m51Vcr6R5Y.jpg 78-files 4GB "m51Vcr6R5Y.nzb" yEncBin 2015/10/18 00:35
1549 jPX7Mvbl02 - - jPX7Mvbl02.nfo 59-files 3GB "jPX7Mvbl02.nfo.nzb" yEncBin 2015/10/18 00:05
1548 jPX7Mvbl02 - - jPX7Mvbl02.jpg 58-files 3GB "jPX7Mvbl02.nzb" yEncBin 2015/10/18 00:05
1547 Description - Los descendientes [DVD9 Full].7z.001 - 7, - 84-files 9GB "Los_descendientes_[DVD9_Full].nzb" SSL-News.inf .. 2015/10/16 10:01
1546 Description - Cabo Blanco[DVD5FULL].7z.001 - 4, - 48-files 5GB "Cabo_Blanco[DVD5FULL].nzb" SSL-News.inf .. 2015/10/16 07:20
1545 uTI3KoRh5f - [002/142] - "uTI3KoRh5f.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/10/15 21:31
1544 kvs7CSGh8Y - [002/154] - "kvs7CSGh8Y.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/10/15 18:47
1543 hFvVqp2dq0 - [02/95] - "hFvVqp2dq0.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/10/15 17:49
1542 uTI3KoRh5f - - uTI3KoRh5f.nzb 142-files 7GB "uTIRh5f.nzb.nzb" yEncBin 2015/10/15 17:02
1541 5Dpb02fLb6 - [002/158] - "5Dpb02fLb6.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/10/15 16:31
1540 kvs7CSGh8Y - - kvs7CSGh8Y.nzb 154-files 8GB "kvs7CSGh8Y.nzb.nzb" yEncBin 2015/10/15 15:31
1539 hFvVqp2dq0 - - hFvVqp2dq0.nzb 95-files 5GB "hFvVqp2dq0.nzb.nzb" yEncBin 2015/10/15 12:47
1538 5Dpb02fLb6 - - 5Dpb02fLb6.nzb 158-files 8GB "5Dpb02fLb6.nzb.nzb" yEncBin 2015/10/15 11:49
1537 Description - Pirados al rescate .7z.001 - 7, - 86-files 9GB "Pirados_al_rescate_.nzb" SSL-News.inf .. 2015/10/15 01:14
1536 Casshern: E. E. 2 Discos [DVD9-MUI] [01/28] - "D9CENTURYONCasshern.E.E.2DiscosCENTURYON.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CENTURYON 2015/10/14 20:05
1535 Casshern: E. E. 2 Discos [DVD9-MUI] - D9CENTURYONCasshern.E.E.2DiscosCENTURYON.nzb 28-files 23GB "D9CENTURYONCasshern.E .. CENTURYON 2015/10/14 14:05
1534 CENTURYON 2015/10/14 12:52
1533 Las tortugas Ninja-Temporada 1 [4xDVD9-MUI] [01/68] - "4xD9CENTURYONLasTortugasNinja.TEMP.1.Completa.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CENTURYON 2015/10/12 22:59
1532 Una cenicienta moderna [DVD9-MUI] [01/18] - "D9CENTURYONUnaCenicientaModernaCENTURYON.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CENTURYON 2015/10/12 17:27
1531 Newseros [01/59] - "La Casa De Las Sombras Del Pasado[DVD9FULL].nfo" yEnc (1/1) Yenc-PP-A&A 2015/10/12 00:43
1530 Newseros - Asesino A Sueldo.par2 51-files 5GB "Asesino_A_Sueldo.nzb" Yenc-PP-A&A 2015/10/11 23:39
1529 Newseros [01/59] - "Vigilante[DVD9FULL].nfo" yEnc (1/1) Yenc-PP-A&A 2015/10/11 23:28
1528 Una cenicienta moderna 2 [DVD9-MUI] [01/12] - "D5CENTURYONUnaCenicientaModerna2CENTURYON.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CENTURYON 2015/10/11 21:12
1527 Newseros - La Casa De Las Sombras Del Pasado[DVD9FULL].par2 58-files 6GB "La_Casa_De_Las_Sombras_Del_Pasado[DVD9FULL].n .. Yenc-PP-A&A 2015/10/11 18:43
1526 Newseros - Vigilante[DVD9FULL].par2 58-files 6GB "Vigilante[DVD9FULL].nzb" Yenc-PP-A&A 2015/10/11 17:28
1525 Una cenicienta moderna 2 [DVD9-MUI] - D5CENTURYONUnaCenicientaModerna2CENTURYON.nzb 12-files 9GB "D5CENTURYONUnaCenicie .. CENTURYON 2015/10/11 15:12
1524 Newseros - El_Crisol[DVD9FULL].7z.004 63-files 6GB "El_Crisol[DVD9FULL].nzb" Yenc-PP-A&A 2015/10/11 08:06
1523 Newseros - The Secret Life of Walter Mitty .7z.004 73-files 7GB "The_Secret_Life_of_Walter_Mitty_.nzb" Yenc-PP-A&A 2015/10/11 06:35
1522 Newseros - La cuadrilla de los once.7z.001 52-files 5GB "La_cuadrilla_de_los_once.nzb" Yenc-PP-A&A 2015/10/11 04:04
1521 CPP-User 2015/10/11 01:50
1520 CENTURYON 2015/10/10 20:07
1519 CPP-User 2015/10/10 19:46
1518 Bubble Guppies: El aleta-nante [DVD9-MUI] [01/22] - "D9BubbleGuppiesElAletaNanteCENTURYON.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CENTURYON 2015/10/09 08:19
1517 Yenc-PP-A&A 2015/10/09 07:29
1516 Bubble Guppies: El aleta-nante [DVD9-MUI] - D9BubbleGuppiesElAletaNanteCENTURYON.nzb 22-files 18GB "DubbleGuppiesElAlet .. CENTURYON 2015/10/09 02:19
1515 Newseros - Zone Troopers[DVD5FULL].par2 405-files 56GB "Zone_Troopers[DVD5FULL].nzb" Yenc-PP-A&A 2015/10/07 23:03
1514 FGj3jQT451vJYffaSUW9o0V4vpp9F7e1 - - FGj3jQT451vJYffaSUW9o0V4vpp9F7e1.part01.rar 90-files 9GB "FGj3jQT451vJYffaSUW0V4vp .. CPP-User 2015/10/07 20:55
1513 CENTURYON 2015/10/07 15:00
1512 CENTURYON 2015/10/07 13:02
1511 YubRdFztvXLrsNLD.par2 61-files 28GB "YubRdFztvXLrsNLD.nzb" tarariquetev .. 2015/10/06 23:42
1510 newseros - [01/55] - "Ilsa_Tigresa_Siberia_5.nfo" yEnc (1/1) newseros 2015/10/06 21:36
1509 newseros - - Ilsa Tigresa De Siberia[DVD5FULL].7z.vol000+01.PAR2 187-files 19GB "Ilsa_Tigresa_De_Siberia[DVD5FULL].7z.n .. newseros 2015/10/06 05:53
1508 Description - Suite_Francesa_9.par2 - 7, - 13-files 3GB "Suite_Francesa_9.nzb" SSL-News.inf .. 2015/10/05 16:18
1507 Newseros [02/36] - "El_Soldado_De_Fortuna_9.nfo" yEnc (1/1) <author> 2015/10/05 15:18
1506 Newseros - Tomorrowland9.nzb 104-files 21GB "Tomorrowland9.nzb.nzb" <author> 2015/10/05 10:52
1505 Porco Rosso [DVD9-MUI] [01/18] - "D9CENTURYONPorcoRossoCENTURYON.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CENTURYON 2015/10/05 01:14
1504 Porco Rosso [DVD9-MUI] - D9CENTURYONPorcoRossoCENTURYON.nzb 18-files 14GB "D9CENTURYONPorcoRossoCENTURYON.nzb.nzb" CENTURYON 2015/10/04 19:14
1503 DKNO8A459w - [02/90] - "DKNO8A459w.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/10/03 19:54
1502 C5d2pKB6ls - [02/85] - "C5d2pKB6ls.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/10/03 18:54
1501 JS65411pma - [02/85] - "JS65411pma.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/10/03 17:56
1500 TaW1Dzc7Dy - [02/92] - "TaW1Dzc7Dy.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/10/03 16:54
1499 DKNO8A459w - - DKNO8A459w.nzb 90-files 5GB "DKNO8A459w.nzb.nzb" yEncBin 2015/10/03 15:00
1498 C5d2pKB6ls - - C5d2pKB6ls.nzb 85-files 4GB "C5d2pKB6ls.nzb.nzb" yEncBin 2015/10/03 13:54
1497 JS65411pma - - JS65411pma.nzb 85-files 4GB "JS65411pma.nzb.nzb" yEncBin 2015/10/03 12:54
1496 TaW1Dzc7Dy - - TaW1Dzc7Dy.nzb 92-files 5GB "TaW1Dzc7Dy.nzb.nzb" yEncBin 2015/10/03 11:56
1495 Looney Tunes 3: Estrellas. Vol.1 [DVD9-MUI] [01/18] - "D9CENTURYONLooneyTunesEstrellasVol.1CENTURYON.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CENTURYON 2015/10/02 17:14
1494 Looney Tunes 2: Lo mejor del Pato Lucas y Porky [DVD9-MUI] [01/16] - "D9CENTURYONLooneyTunesLoMejorPatoLucasYPorkyCENTUR .. CENTURYON 2015/10/02 16:08
1493 Hammerboy [DVD5-MUI] [01/12] - "D5CENTURYONHammerboyCENTURYON.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CENTURYON 2015/10/02 14:30
1492 Looney Tunes 3: Estrellas. Vol.1 [DVD9-MUI] - 04- LOONEY TUNE ESTESTRELLAS VOL.1.nzb 1-file 9MB "04-_LOONEY_TUNE_ESTEST .. CENTURYON 2015/10/02 11:14
1491 Hammerboy [DVD5-MUI] - D5CENTURYONHammerboyCENTURYON.nzb 12-files 9GB "D5CENTURYONHammerboyCENTURYON.nzb.nzb" CENTURYON 2015/10/02 08:30
1490 M9NX4sLyMB - [02/94] - "M9NX4sLyMB.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/10/01 10:57
1489 FK7i2Z80xD - [002/116] - "FK7i2Z80xD.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/10/01 09:58
1488 V33FED2i8L - [002/111] - "V33FED2i8L.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/10/01 06:47
1487 M9NX4sLyMB - - M9NX4sLyMB.nzb 94-files 5GB "M9NX4sLyMB.nzb.nzb" yEncBin 2015/10/01 05:51
1486 FK7i2Z80xD - - FK7i2Z80xD.nzb 116-files 6GB "FK7i2Z80xD.nzb.nzb" yEncBin 2015/10/01 04:57
1485 V33FED2i8L - - V33FED2i8L.nzb 111-files 6GB "V33FED2i8L.nzb.nzb" yEncBin 2015/10/01 01:39
1484 El bosque animado E.E [DVD9-MUI] [01/20] - "D9CENTURYONElBosqueAnimado.E.E.CENTURYON.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CENTURYON 2015/09/30 19:27
1483 hURh91eP9e - [02/90] - "hURh91eP9e.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/09/26 22:07
1482 F4M7Qh5imS - [02/97] - "F4M7Qh5imS.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/09/26 20:39
1481 CgB9OMMlvh - [02/87] - "CgB9OMMlvh.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/09/26 19:14
1480 BXmhtmY9Nc - [02/96] - "BXmhtmY9Nc.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/09/26 18:05
1479 hURh91eP9e - - hURh91eP9e.nzb 90-files 4GB "hURh91eP9e.nzb.nzb" yEncBin 2015/09/26 17:15
1478 F4M7Qh5imS - - F4M7Qh5imS.nzb 97-files 5GB "F4M7Qh5imS.nzb.nzb" yEncBin 2015/09/26 16:07
1477 CgB9OMMlvh - - CgB9OMMlvh.nzb 87-files 4GB "CgBMMlvh.nzb.nzb" yEncBin 2015/09/26 14:39
1476 BXmhtmY9Nc - - BXmhtmY9Nc.nzb 96-files 5GB "BXmhtmY9Nc.nzb.nzb" yEncBin 2015/09/26 13:14
1475 newseros[43/53] - "Rio Lobo [DVD5 FULL].20150926.061518.7z.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CPP-User 2015/09/26 08:29
1474 newseros - Rio Lobo [DVD5 FULL].20150926.061518.7z.vol000+001.par2 9-files 451MB "Rio_Lobo_[DVD5_FULL].20150926.061518.7 .. CPP-User 2015/09/26 02:29
1473 newseros - Rio Lobo [DVD5 FULL].20150926.061518.7z.001 43-files 5GB "Rio_Lobo_[DVD5_FULL].20150926.061518.nzb" CPP-User 2015/09/26 01:50
1472 newseros - Rio Lobo [DVD5 FULL].20150926.061518.7z.nzb 1-file 910KB "Rio_Lobo_[DVD5_FULL].20150926.061518.7z.nzb.nzb" CPP-User 2015/09/26 01:50
1471 newseros[01/49] - "La Isla Misteriosa[DVD9FULL].nfo" yEnc (1/1) CPP-User 2015/09/25 23:38
1470 newseros - La Isla Misteriosa[DVD9FULL].nzb 1-file 2MB "La_Isla_Misteriosa[DVD9FULL].nzb.nzb" CPP-User 2015/09/25 17:38
1469 newseros - La Isla Misteriosa[DVD9FULL].nfo 50-files 9GB "La_Isla_Misteriosa[DVD9FULL].nfo.nzb" CPP-User 2015/09/25 17:38
1468 newseros - La Isla Misteriosa[DVD9FULL].par2 48-files 9GB "La_Isla_Misteriosa[DVD9FULL].nzb" CPP-User 2015/09/25 17:38
1467 newseros - JuraWo.7z.vol000+001.par2 9-files 849MB "JuraWo.7z.nzb" CPP-User 2015/09/25 17:16
1466 newseros - JuraWo.7z.003 41-files 9GB "JuraWo.nzb" CPP-User 2015/09/25 15:56
1465 newseros - JuraWo.7z.nzb 1-file 2MB "JuraWo.7z.nzb.nzb" CPP-User 2015/09/25 15:56
1464 newseros - Vengadores La Era De Ultron DVD9.nzb 1-file 2MB "Vengadores_La_Era_De_Ultron_DVD9.nzb.nzb" CPP-User 2015/09/25 05:35
1463 newseros - Vengadores La Era De Ultron DVD9.par2 48-files 9GB "Vengadores_La_Era_De_Ultron_DVD9.nzb" CPP-User 2015/09/25 05:35
1462 Newseros [01/31] - "Rio_Grande_5.nfo" yEnc (1/1) <author> 2015/09/24 21:14
1461 Newseros - Rio_Grande_5.nzb 31-files 5GB "Rio_Grande_5.nzb.nzb" <author> 2015/09/24 15:14
1460 Newseros [01/42] - "La Espada Y La Cruz[DVD5FULL].nfo" yEnc (1/1) <author> 2015/09/24 05:30
1459 Newseros - La Espada Y La Cruz[DVD5FULL].par2 41-files 9GB "La_Espada_Y_La_Cruz[DVD5FULL].nzb" <author> 2015/09/23 23:30
1458 Newseros - La Espada Y La Cruz[DVD5FULL].nzb 1-file 2MB "La_Espada_Y_La_Cruz[DVD5FULL].nzb.nzb" <author> 2015/09/23 23:30
1457 HDVU5axgPp - [02/99] - "HDVU5axgPp.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/09/23 09:50
1456 Mc51mo3c4t - [02/98] - "Mc51mo3c4t.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/09/23 09:04
1455 3vN23hv0JY - [02/87] - "3vN23hv0JY.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/09/23 08:27
1454 HDVU5axgPp - - HDVU5axgPp.nzb 99-files 5GB "HDVU5axgPp.nzb.nzb" yEncBin 2015/09/23 04:36
1453 Mc51mo3c4t - - Mc51mo3c4t.nzb 98-files 5GB "Mc3c4t.nzb.nzb" yEncBin 2015/09/23 03:50
1452 3vN23hv0JY - - 3vN23hv0JY.nzb 87-files 4GB "3vN23hv0JY.nzb.nzb" yEncBin 2015/09/23 03:04
1451 newseros - [01/35] - "Star 80[DVD9FULL].nfo" yEnc (1/1) newseros 2015/09/23 02:38
1450 newseros - [01/26] - "America Violenta[DVD5FULL].nfo" yEnc (1/1) newseros 2015/09/22 22:09
1449 newseros - - Star 80[DVD9FULL].par2 34-files 6GB "Star_80[DVD9FULL].nzb" newseros 2015/09/22 20:38
1448 newseros - - Star 80[DVD9FULL].nfo 35-files 6GB "Star_80[DVD9FULL].nfo.nzb" newseros 2015/09/22 20:38
1447 Looney Tunes 8: Lo mejor de Correcaminos. Vol.1 [DVD9-MUI] [01/18] - "D9CENTURYONLooneyTunes8LoMejorCorrecaminosVol.1CEN .. CENTURYON 2015/09/22 18:31
1446 AutoRarPar 2015/09/22 17:15
1445 newseros - - America Violenta[DVD5FULL].nfo 26-files 3GB "America_Violenta[DVD5FULL].nfo.nzb" newseros 2015/09/22 16:09
1444 newseros - - America Violenta[DVD5FULL].par2 25-files 3GB "America_Violenta[DVD5FULL].nzb" newseros 2015/09/22 16:09
1443 Looney Tunes 8: Lo mejor de Correcaminos. Vol.1 [DVD9-MUI] - D9CENTURYONLooneyTunes8LoMejorCorrecaminosVol.1CENTURYON.n .. CENTURYON 2015/09/22 12:31
1442 AutoRarPar 2015/09/22 11:15
1441 newseros - [01/40] - "Caballos Salvajes (Chino)[DVD9FULL].nfo" yEnc (1/1) AutoRarPar 2015/09/22 02:16
1440 newseros - - Caballos Salvajes (Chino)[DVD9FULL].par2 39-files 6GB "Caballos_Salvajes_(Chino)[DVD9FULL].nzb" AutoRarPar 2015/09/21 20:16
1439 El gigante de hierro E.E.[DVD9][PAL] [01/20] - "D9CENTURYONElGiganteDeHierro.E.E.CENTURYON.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CENTURYON 2015/09/21 15:57
1438 se81N61C0w - [02/96] - "se81N61C0w.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/09/21 08:11
1437 P0E1qWFS8d - [02/85] - "P0E1qWFS8d.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/09/21 07:33
1436 T8zclpO53M - [02/40] - "T8zclpO53M.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/09/21 07:20
1435 newseros - [01/42] - "Muerte en Granada [DVD9Full].nfo" yEnc (1/1) AutoRarPar 2015/09/21 06:16
1434 AutoRarPar 2015/09/21 03:18
1433 se81N61C0w - - se81N61C0w.nzb 96-files 5GB "se81N61C0w.nzb.nzb" yEncBin 2015/09/21 02:56
1432 P0E1qWFS8d - - P0E1qWFS8d.nzb 85-files 4GB "P0E1qWFS8d.nzb.nzb" yEncBin 2015/09/21 02:11
1431 T8zclpO53M - - T8zclpO53M.nfo 41-files 2GB "T8zclpO53M.nfo.nzb" yEncBin 2015/09/21 01:20
1430 T8zclpO53M - - T8zclpO53M.jpg 40-files 2GB "T8zclpO53M.nzb" yEncBin 2015/09/21 01:20
1429 newseros - [01/33] - "Cuernos Con Salsa Picante[DVD5FULL].nfo" yEnc (1/1) newseros 2015/09/21 01:05
1428 newseros - [1/1] - "Sin Rastro [DVD9 Full].nfo" yEnc (1/1) newseros 2015/09/21 01:02
1427 newseros - - Muerte en Granada [DVD9Full].par2 41-files 7GB "Muerte_en_Granada_[DVD9Full].nzb" AutoRarPar 2015/09/21 00:16
1426 AutoRarPar 2015/09/20 21:18
1425 newseros - - Cuernos Con Salsa Picante[DVD5FULL].par2 32-files 5GB "Cuernos_Con_Salsa_Picante[DVD5FULL].nzb" newseros 2015/09/20 19:05
1424 newseros - - Cuernos Con Salsa Picante[DVD5FULL].nfo 33-files 5GB "Cuernos_Con_Salsa_Picante[DVD5FULL].nfo.nzb" newseros 2015/09/20 19:05
1423 newseros - [01/48] - "Grease [DVD9 Full].nfo" yEnc (1/1) AutoRarPar 2015/09/20 14:34
1422 newseros - - Sin Rastro [DVD9 Full].par2 41-files 7GB "Sin_Rastro_[DVD9_Full].nzb" AutoRarPar 2015/09/20 11:43
1421 newseros - - Grease [DVD9 Full].par2 47-files 8GB "Grease_[DVD9_Full].nzb" AutoRarPar 2015/09/20 08:34
1420 AutoRarPar 2015/09/20 05:47
1419 newseros 2015/09/20 04:54
1418 AutoRarPar 2015/09/19 23:47
1417 newseros 2015/09/19 22:54
1416 newseros 2015/09/19 22:54
1415 newseros 2015/09/19 21:35
1414 newseros 2015/09/19 21:33
1413 newseros 2015/09/19 21:31
1412 newseros 2015/09/19 21:29
1411 newseros 2015/09/19 21:26
1410 newseros 2015/09/19 21:24
1409 newseros 2015/09/19 21:21
1408 newseros 2015/09/19 21:19
1407 newseros 2015/09/19 21:17
1406 newseros 2015/09/19 21:14
1405 newseros 2015/09/19 21:11
1404 newseros 2015/09/19 21:09
1403 newseros 2015/09/19 21:06
1402 newseros 2015/09/19 21:03
1401 newseros 2015/09/19 21:00
1400 newseros 2015/09/19 20:58
1399 newseros 2015/09/19 20:56
1398 Winnie the Pooh: Unas navidades Megapooh [DVD9][PAL] [01/14] - "D9CENTURYONWinnieThePoohNavidadesMegapoohCENTURYON.nfo" .. CENTURYON 2015/09/19 20:55
1397 newseros 2015/09/19 20:53
1396 newseros 2015/09/19 20:51
1395 newseros 2015/09/19 20:49
1394 newseros 2015/09/19 20:47
1393 newseros 2015/09/19 20:44
1392 newseros 2015/09/19 20:42
1391 newseros 2015/09/19 20:40
1390 newseros 2015/09/19 20:37
1389 newseros 2015/09/19 20:35
1388 newseros 2015/09/19 20:33
1387 newseros 2015/09/19 20:31
1386 newseros 2015/09/19 20:30
1385 Winnie the Pooh: Unas navidades Megapooh [DVD9][PAL] - D9CENTURYONWinnieThePoohNavidadesMegapoohCENTURYON.nzb 34-files .. CENTURYON 2015/09/19 14:55
1384 1IhYuv53o4 - [002/162] - "1IhYuv53o4.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/09/19 08:00
1383 1IhYuv53o4 - - 1IhYuv53o4.nzb 162-files 8GB "1IhYuv4.nzb.nzb" yEncBin 2015/09/19 03:22
1382 Marco, La Serie Animada [13xDVD5][PAL] [001/144] - "13xD5CENTURYONMarcoLaSerieCENTURYON.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CENTURYON 2015/09/17 15:46
1381 Newseros [01/39] - "La Brigada De Sharky 9.nfo" yEnc (1/1) <author> 2015/09/17 06:03
1380 <author> 2015/09/17 05:35
1379 wNkhhC9xTe - [02/90] - "wNkhhC9xTe.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/09/17 02:30
1378 5O37R6U1be - [02/98] - "5O37R6U1be.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/09/17 01:44
1377 deRjv37j34 - [02/85] - "deRjv37j34.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/09/17 01:05
1376 <author> 2015/09/16 23:35
1375 Newseros [01/44] - "La reina Margot.nfo" yEnc (1/1) <author> 2015/09/16 22:27
1374 wNkhhC9xTe - - wNkhhC9xTe.nzb 90-files 4GB "wNkhhC9xTe.nzb.nzb" yEncBin 2015/09/16 21:12
1373 5O37R6U1be - - 5O37R6U1be.nzb 98-files 5GB "37R6Ue.nzb.nzb" yEncBin 2015/09/16 20:30
1372 Los Picapiedra en Viva Rock Vegas [DVD9][PAL-MUI] [01/18] - "D9CENTURYONLosPicapiedraEnVivaRockVegasCENTURYON.nfo" yEnc .. CENTURYON 2015/09/16 20:22
1371 deRjv37j34 - - deRjv37j34.nzb 85-files 4GB "deRjv37j34.nzb.nzb" yEncBin 2015/09/16 19:44
1370 Los Picapiedra en Viva Rock Vegas [DVD9][PAL-MUI] - D9CENTURYONLosPicapiedraEnVivaRockVegasCENTURYON.nzb 18-files 14GB .. CENTURYON 2015/09/16 14:22
1369 21Bx3DVm6N - [02/97] - "21Bx3DVm6N.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/09/16 07:12
1368 K41qL08bPt - [002/111] - "K41qL08bPt.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/09/16 06:11
1367 W5cYmHmQ1o - [02/88] - "W5cYmHmQ1o.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/09/16 03:38
1366 21Bx3DVm6N - - 21Bx3DVm6N.nzb 97-files 5GB "x3DVm6N.nzb.nzb" yEncBin 2015/09/16 01:57
1365 K41qL08bPt - - K41qL08bPt.nzb 111-files 6GB "K41qLPt.nzb.nzb" yEncBin 2015/09/16 01:11
1364 W5cYmHmQ1o - - W5cYmHmQ1o.nzb 88-files 17GB "W5cYmHmQ.nzb.nzb" yEncBin 2015/09/16 00:11
1363 5iqH7G7Hc2 - [002/155] - "5iqH7G7Hc2.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/09/15 08:22
1362 i84Th2kGM0 - [02/97] - "i84Th2kGM0.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/09/15 07:44
1361 5iqH7G7Hc2 - - 5iqH7G7Hc2.nzb 155-files 8GB "5iqH7G7Hc2.nzb.nzb" yEncBin 2015/09/15 03:30
1360 i84Th2kGM0 - - i84Th2kGM0.nzb 97-files 5GB "i84Th2kGM0.nzb.nzb" yEncBin 2015/09/15 02:21
1359 Newseros - Lugares Oscuros [DVD9FULL].nzb 148-files 30GB "Lugares_Oscuros_[DVD9FULL].nzb.nzb" <author> 2015/09/14 20:51
1358 Los viajes de Gulliver [DVD9][PAL-MUI] [01/16] - "D9CENTURYONLosViajesDeGulliverCENTURYON.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CENTURYON 2015/09/14 20:07
1357 Mulan 2 [DVD9][PAL-MUI] [01/18] - "D9CENTURYONMulan2CENTURYON.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CENTURYON 2015/09/14 16:20
1356 Mulan 2 [DVD9][PAL-MUI] - D9CENTURYONMulan2CENTURYON.nzb 34-files 27GB "D9CENTURYONMulan2CENTURYON.nzb.nzb" CENTURYON 2015/09/14 10:20
1355 CENTURYON 2015/09/13 18:32
1354 CENTURYON 2015/09/11 02:12
1353 CENTURYON 2015/09/09 21:01
1352 CENTURYON 2015/09/09 20:51
1351 CENTURYON 2015/09/09 16:42
1350 CENTURYON 2015/09/09 15:01
1349 CENTURYON 2015/09/08 20:20
1348 Asterix: La residencia de los dioses [DVD9][PAL-MUI] [01/14] - "D9CENTURYONAsterixResidenciaDeLosDiosesCENTURYON.nfo" yE .. CENTURYON 2015/09/08 18:23
1347 Newseros - Headhunters_9.par2 34-files 6GB "Headhunters_9.nzb" <author> 2015/09/08 17:09
1346 La isla de Giovanni [DVD9][PAL-MUI] [01/18] - "D9CENTURYONLaIslaDeGiovanniCENTURYON.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CENTURYON 2015/09/08 08:40
1345 Barbie: El campamento de princesas [DVD9][PAL-MUI] [01/16] - "D9CENTURYONBarbieCampamentoPrincesasCENTURYON.nfo" yEnc (1 .. CENTURYON 2015/09/07 09:21
1344 E.T. el extraterrestre. E.E. [2xDVD9][PAL-MUI] [01/40] - "D9CENTURYON.ETExtraterrestre.EE.2xD9CENTURYON.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CENTURYON 2015/09/06 16:33
1343 La historia interminable: E.E.- 20 Aniversario [DVD9][PAL-MUI] [01/16] - "D9CENTURYONLaHistoriaInterminable.E.E.20Aniver .. CENTURYON 2015/09/06 09:12
1342 CENTURYON 2015/09/04 18:44
1341 CENTURYON 2015/09/04 02:49
1340 CENTURYON 2015/09/03 20:49
1339 Peter Pan: E.E [DVD9][PAL-MUI] - D9CENTURYONPeterPanEdicionEspecialCENTURYON.nfo 42-files 33GB "D9CENTURYONPeterPanEdic .. CENTURYON 2015/09/02 19:08
1338 Newseros [01/36] - "Concierto_inacabado_D9.nfo" yEnc (1/1) <author> 2015/09/02 00:48
1337 Newseros - Concierto_inacabado_D9.nzb 258-files 45GB "Concierto_inacabado_D9.nzb.nzb" <author> 2015/09/01 18:48
1336 Newseros [01/45] - "Un_timador_con_alas_D9.nfo" yEnc (1/1) <author> 2015/08/31 22:42
1335 Scooby-Doo: Misterio en la nieve [DVD5][PAL-MUI] [01/10] - "D5CENTURYONScoobyDooMisterioEnNieveCENTURYON.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CENTURYON 2015/08/31 20:21
1334 Spider-Man: El regreso del duende verde [DVD9][PAL-MUI] [01/16] - "D9CENTURYONSpidermanRegresoDuendeVerdeCENTURYON.nfo" .. CENTURYON 2015/08/31 18:28
1333 CENTURYON 2015/08/31 17:10
1332 Go Diego Go!: Diego rescata a los lobeznos [DVD5][PAL-MUI] [01/12] - "D5CENTURYONGoDiegoGoDiegoRescataLobeznosCENTURYON. .. CENTURYON 2015/08/31 15:45
1331 CENTURYON 2015/08/31 11:10
1330 Go Diego Go!: Diego rescata a los lobeznos [DVD5][PAL-MUI] - D5CENTURYONGoDiegoGoDiegoRescataLobeznosCENTURYON.nzb 22-f .. CENTURYON 2015/08/31 09:45
1329 Dora La Exploradora: La Gran Sorpresa De Perrito [DVD9][PAL-MUI] [01/16] - "D9DoraExploradoraLaGranSorpresaPerritoCENTUR .. CENTURYON 2015/08/30 15:55
1328 Dora La Exploradora: La Gran Sorpresa De Perrito [DVD9][PAL-MUI] - D9DoraExploradoraLaGranSorpresaPerritoCENTURYON.nzb .. CENTURYON 2015/08/30 09:55
1327 Winnie The Pooh: Descubre la naturaleza [DVD9][PAL-MUI] [01/14] - "D9CENTURYONWinnieThePoohDescubreNaturalezaCENTURYON.n .. CENTURYON 2015/08/28 01:49
1326 Winnie The Pooh: Amigos para Siempre [DVD9][PAL-MUI] [01/16] - "D9CENTURYONWinnieThePoohAmigosParaSiempreCENTURYON.nfo" .. CENTURYON 2015/08/27 23:17
1325 Winnie The Pooh: Amigos para Siempre [DVD9][PAL-MUI] - D9CENTURYONWinnieThePoohAmigosParaSiempreCENTURYON.nzb 30-files .. CENTURYON 2015/08/27 17:17
1324 9w1z8mO6Qj - [02/97] - "9w1z8mO6Qj.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/08/25 12:01
1323 z0qxm1gI7P - [02/96] - "z0qxm1gI7P.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/08/25 11:17
1322 9w1z8mO6Qj - - 9w1z8mO6Qj.nzb 97-files 5GB "9w1z6Qj.nzb.nzb" yEncBin 2015/08/25 06:55
1321 z0qxm1gI7P - - z0qxm1gI7P.nzb 96-files 5GB "z0qxm1gI7P.nzb.nzb" yEncBin 2015/08/25 06:01
1320 EHp97k6UXv - [02/80] - "EHp97k6UXv.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/08/23 15:38
1319 EHp97k6UXv - - EHp97k6UXv.nfo 81-files 4GB "EHp97k6UXv.nfo.nzb" yEncBin 2015/08/23 09:38
1318 EHp97k6UXv - - EHp97k6UXv.jpg 9933-files 4GB "EHp97k6UXv.nzb" yEncBin 2015/08/23 09:38
1317 f15rP95tR4 - [02/97] - "f15rP95tR4.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/08/23 08:49
1316 FanBoy y Chum Chum: Gritos de terror [DVD9][PAL-MUI] [01/16] - "D9CENTURYONFamboyYChumChumGritosDeTerrorCENTURYON.nfo" y .. CENTURYON 2015/08/23 05:32
1315 f15rP95tR4 - - f15rP95tR4.nzb 12212-files 5GB "f15rP95tR4.nzb.nzb" yEncBin 2015/08/23 03:38
1314 FanBoy y Chum Chum: Gritos de terror [DVD9][PAL-MUI] - D9CENTURYONFamboyYChumChumGritosDeTerrorCENTURYON.nzb 62084-file .. CENTURYON 2015/08/22 23:32
1313 Newseros [01/47] - "Movida_del_76_D9.nfo" yEnc (1/1) <author> 2015/08/22 22:37
1312 Newseros - Movida_del_76_D9.par2 12846-files 8GB "Movida_del_76_D9.nzb" <author> 2015/08/22 16:37
1311 Newseros - Movida_del_76_D9.nfo 47-files 8GB "Movida_del_76_D9.nfo.nzb" <author> 2015/08/22 16:37
1310 La gran aventura de los gnomos [DVD5][PAL-MUI] [01/10] - "D5CENTURYONLaGranAventuraDeLosGnomosCENTURYON.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CENTURYON 2015/08/22 14:41
1309 qN4F0oYHFL - [02/93] - "qN4F0oYHFL.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/08/22 10:49
1308 qN4F0oYHFL - - qN4F0oYHFL.nzb 11749-files 5GB "qN4FYHFL.nzb.nzb" yEncBin 2015/08/22 05:31
1307 CENTURYON 2015/08/21 20:21
1306 Los Gnomos [DVD9][PAL-MUI] [01/10] - "D5CENTURYONLosGnomosCENTURYON.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CENTURYON 2015/08/21 17:37
1305 The Little Cars 2 [DVD9][PAL-MUI] [1/8] - "D5CENTURYONTheLitleCars2CENTURYON.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CENTURYON 2015/08/21 14:18
1304 Madagascar 3 [DVD9][PAL-MUI] [01/20] - "D9CENTURYONMadagascar3CENTURYON.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CENTURYON 2015/08/21 09:05
1303 Madagascar 2 [DVD9][PAL-MUI] [01/18] - "D9CENTURYONMadagascar2CENTURYON.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CENTURYON 2015/08/21 09:00
1302 Madagascar [DVD9][PAL-MUI] [01/18] - "D9CENTURYONMadagascarCENTURYON.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CENTURYON 2015/08/21 08:55
1301 The Little Cars 2 [DVD9][PAL-MUI] - D5CENTURYONTheLitleCars2CENTURYON.nzb 143681-files 29GB "D5CENTURYONTheLitleCars2CE .. CENTURYON 2015/08/21 08:18
1300 Alvin y las ardillas 3 [DVD9][PAL-MUI] [01/14] - "D9CENTURYONAlvinYArdillas3CENTURYON.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CENTURYON 2015/08/20 07:31
1299 Alvin y las ardillas 2 [DVD9][PAL-MUI] [01/18] - "D9CENTURYONAlvinYArdillas2CENTURYON.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CENTURYON 2015/08/20 06:21
1298 Alvin y las ardillas [DVD9][PAL-MUI] [01/18] - "D9CENTURYONAlvinYArdillas1CENTURYON.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CENTURYON 2015/08/20 05:29
1297 Kung Fu Panda 2 [DVD9][PAL-MUI] [01/18] - "D9CENTURYONKungFuPanda2CENTURYON.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CENTURYON 2015/08/19 15:45
1296 Kung Fu Panda [DVD9][PAL-MUI] [01/16] - "D9CENTURYONKungFuPandaCENTURYON.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CENTURYON 2015/08/19 07:26
1295 Kung Fu Panda [DVD9][PAL-MUI] - D9CENTURYONKungFuPandaCENTURYON.nzb 137355-files 27GB "D9CENTURYONKungFuPandaCENTURYON. .. CENTURYON 2015/08/19 01:26
1294 Newseros [01/38] - "Superpoli_En_Las_Vegas_D9.nfo" yEnc (1/1) <author> 2015/08/18 22:05
1293 Newseros - Superpoli_En_Las_Vegas_D9.nfo 38-files 7GB "Superpoli_En_Las_Vegas_D9.nfo.nzb" <author> 2015/08/18 16:05
1292 Newseros - Superpoli_En_Las_Vegas_D9.par2 10209-files 7GB "Superpoli_En_Las_Vegas_D9.nzb" <author> 2015/08/18 16:05
1291 wcuIpy1DL7 - [02/99] - "wcuIpy1DL7.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/08/18 13:45
1290 32nA4v4w7Q - [02/70] - "32nA4v4w7Q.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/08/18 11:26
1289 wcuIpy1DL7 - - wcuIpy1DL7.nzb 12524-files 5GB "wcuIpy1DL7.nzb.nzb" yEncBin 2015/08/18 08:41
1288 32nA4v4w7Q - - 32nA4v4w7Q.nfo 71-files 3GB "32nA4v4w7Q.nfo.nzb" yEncBin 2015/08/18 05:26
1287 32nA4v4w7Q - - 32nA4v4w7Q.jpg 8377-files 3GB "32nA4v4w7Q.nzb" yEncBin 2015/08/18 05:26
1286 Newseros [01/29] - "Boda_Pasada_Por_Agua_D5.nfo" yEnc (1/1) <author> 2015/08/17 20:01
1285 Newseros - Boda_Pasada_Por_Agua_D5.nfo 29-files 5GB "Boda_Pasada_Por_Agua_D5.nfo.nzb" <author> 2015/08/17 14:01
1284 Newseros - Boda_Pasada_Por_Agua_D5.par2 6930-files 5GB "Boda_Pasada_Por_Agua_D5.nzb" <author> 2015/08/17 14:01
1283 Newseros [01/46] - "El_Ultimo_Hombre_Sobre_La_Tierra_D9.nfo" yEnc (1/1) <author> 2015/08/17 12:11
1282 Newseros - El_Ultimo_Hombre_Sobre_La_Tierra_D9.nfo 46-files 9GB "El_Ultimo_Hombre_Sobre_La_Tierra_D9.nfo.nzb" <author> 2015/08/17 06:11
1281 Newseros - El_Ultimo_Hombre_Sobre_La_Tierra_D9.par2 12927-files 9GB "El_Ultimo_Hombre_Sobre_La_Tierra_D9.nzb" <author> 2015/08/17 06:11
1280 Newseros [01/34] - "Un_Buen_Policia_D9.nfo" yEnc (1/1) <author> 2015/08/16 21:52
1279 Newseros [01/28] - "Maxie_D5.nfo" yEnc (1/1) <author> 2015/08/16 20:47
1278 A todo gas 6 [BDRip m1080p][Dual] [01/12] - "CENTURYON-ATodoGas6-BDRipm1080pDual+SubsCENTURYON.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CENTURYON 2015/08/16 19:15
1277 A todo gas 5 [BDRip m1080p][Dual] [01/14] - "CENTURYON-ATodoGas5-BDRipm1080pDual+SubsCENTURYON.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CENTURYON 2015/08/16 18:08
1276 A todo gas 4 [BDRip m1080p][Dual] [01/10] - "CENTURYON-ATodoGas4-BDRipm1080pDual+SubsCENTURYON.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CENTURYON 2015/08/16 15:33
1275 <author> 2015/08/16 13:03
1274 Newseros [01/41] - "Besalas_por_mi_D9.nfo" yEnc (1/1) <author> 2015/08/16 10:16
1273 A todo gas 3 [BDRip m1080p][Dual] [01/10] - "CENTURYON-ATodoGas3-BDRipm1080pDual+SubsCENTURYON.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CENTURYON 2015/08/16 06:04
1272 A todo gas 2 [BDRip 1080p][Dual] [01/10] - "CENTURYON-ATodoGas2-BDRipm1080pDual+SubsCENTURYON.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CENTURYON 2015/08/15 21:12
1271 A todo gas [BDRip1080p][Dual] [01/12] - "CENTURYON-ATodoGas-BDRipm1080pDual+SubsCENTURYON.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CENTURYON 2015/08/15 18:28
1270 v22X66K55g - [02/82] - "v22X66K55g.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/08/15 17:19
1269 ht2w4cs3bI - [02/98] - "ht2w4cs3bI.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/08/15 16:21
1268 A todo gas [BDRip1080p][Dual] - CENTURYON-ATodoGas-BDRipm1080pDual+SubsCENTURYON.nzb 84366-files 17GB "CENTURYON-ATodoG .. CENTURYON 2015/08/15 12:28
1267 v22X66K55g - - v22X66K55g.nzb 10217-files 4GB "v22X66K55g.nzb.nzb" yEncBin 2015/08/15 12:13
1266 ht2w4cs3bI - - ht2w4cs3bI.nzb 12389-files 5GB "ht2w4csI.nzb.nzb" yEncBin 2015/08/15 11:18
1265 Newseros [01/81] - "Venga3_9.nfo" yEnc (1/1) <author> 2015/08/15 08:31
1264 Newseros [01/81] - "Venga3_9.nfo" yEnc (1/1) <author> 2015/08/15 06:10
1263 Newseros [01/46] - "Kartum_D9.nfo" yEnc (1/1) <author> 2015/08/14 22:49
1262 Newseros [01/28] - "Maxie_D5.nfo" yEnc (1/1) <author> 2015/08/14 22:08
1261 Newseros [01/29] - "El_Dia_Negro_D5.nfo" yEnc (1/1) <author> 2015/08/14 21:16
1260 Newseros [01/31] - "Me_Gustan_Los_Lios_D5.nfo" yEnc (1/1) <author> 2015/08/14 19:48
1259 WGe1D32k1D - [02/92] - "WGe1D32k1D.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/08/14 16:50
1258 Newseros - Maxie_D5.nfo 73768-files 49GB "Maxie_D5.nfo.nzb" <author> 2015/08/14 16:08
1257 1N5e85K40O - [02/80] - "1N5e85K40O.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/08/14 15:52
1256 WGe1D32k1D - - WGe1D32k1D.nzb 11650-files 5GB "WGe1D32k1D.nzb.nzb" yEncBin 2015/08/14 11:39
1255 1N5e85K40O - - 1N5e85K40O.nfo 81-files 4GB "1N5e85K.nfo.nzb" yEncBin 2015/08/14 09:52
1254 1N5e85K40O - - 1N5e85K40O.jpg 9874-files 4GB "1N5e85K.nzb" yEncBin 2015/08/14 09:52
1253 1avisZ9d1e - [002/104] - "1avisZ9d1e.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/08/13 19:08
1252 DCto45ru9b - [002/112] - "DCto45ru9b.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/08/13 17:37
1251 8v7LvHT8V5 - [002/121] - "8v7LvHT8V5.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/08/13 16:12
1250 1avisZ9d1e - - 1avisZ9d1e.nzb 13241-files 5GB "1avisZ9d1e.nzb.nzb" yEncBin 2015/08/13 14:23
1249 DCto45ru9b - - DCto45ru9b.nzb 14277-files 6GB "DCto45ru.nzb.nzb" yEncBin 2015/08/13 12:36
1248 8v7LvHT8V5 - - 8v7LvHT8V5.nzb 15600-files 6GB "8v7LvHT8V5.nzb.nzb" yEncBin 2015/08/13 11:19
1247 s0IF5qs4r6 - [02/93] - "s0IF5qs4r6.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/08/13 06:11
1246 t1FTk31W6W - [02/97] - "t1FTk31W6W.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/08/13 05:29
1245 s0IF5qs4r6 - - s0IF5qs4r6.nzb 11729-files 5GB "s0IF5qs4r6.nzb.nzb" yEncBin 2015/08/13 00:53
1244 t1FTk31W6W - - t1FTk31W6W.nzb 12159-files 5GB "t1FTk31W6W.nzb.nzb" yEncBin 2015/08/13 00:11
1243 CENTURYON 2015/08/11 21:12
1242 CENTURYON 2015/08/11 20:11
1241 CENTURYON 2015/08/11 17:23
1240 CENTURYON 2015/08/11 15:12
1239 CENTURYON 2015/08/11 14:15
1238 CENTURYON 2015/08/11 14:11
1237 CENTURYON 2015/08/11 11:23
1236 83oWLw62u5 - [002/141] - "83oWLw62u5.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/08/10 13:45
1235 2m376eX08O - [02/85] - "2m376eX08O.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/08/10 12:58
1234 MQlclKN38T - [02/98] - "MQlclKN38T.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/08/10 11:07
1233 83oWLw62u5 - - 83oWLw62u5.nzb 18371-files 7GB "WLw62u5.nzb.nzb" yEncBin 2015/08/10 09:18
1232 2m376eX08O - - 2m376eX08O.nzb 10612-files 4GB "2m376eX.nzb.nzb" yEncBin 2015/08/10 07:45
1231 MQlclKN38T - - MQlclKN38T.nzb 12316-files 5GB "MQlclKN38T.nzb.nzb" yEncBin 2015/08/10 05:59
1230 Newseros [01/26] - "La muerte de vacaciones.nfo" yEnc (1/1) <author> 2015/08/10 04:00
1229 CENTURYON 2015/08/09 19:35
1228 BBd1RyawCF - [02/95] - "BBd1RyawCF.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/08/09 18:13
1227 Aventuras en Alaska [DVD9] [01/14] - "D9CENTURYONAventurasEnAlaskaCENTURYON.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CENTURYON 2015/08/09 17:47
1226 1b66JYY4s1 - [002/164] - "1b66JYY4s1.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/08/09 16:27
1225 QBzurD0R4I - [02/94] - "QBzurD0R4I.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/08/09 15:33
1224 CENTURYON 2015/08/09 13:39
1223 CENTURYON 2015/08/09 13:35
1222 BBd1RyawCF - - BBd1RyawCF.nzb 11962-files 5GB "BBd1RyawCF.nzb.nzb" yEncBin 2015/08/09 13:33
1221 1b66JYY4s1 - - 1b66JYY4s1.nzb 21606-files 9GB "66JYY4s1.nzb.nzb" yEncBin 2015/08/09 12:12
1220 Aventuras en Alaska [DVD9] - D9CENTURYONAventurasEnAlaskaCENTURYON.nzb 52476-files 10GB "D9CENTURYONAventurasEnAlaskaCE .. CENTURYON 2015/08/09 11:47
1219 QBzurD0R4I - - QBzurD0R4I.nzb 11927-files 5GB "QBzurD0R4I.nzb.nzb" yEncBin 2015/08/09 10:27
1218 Fuga de cerebros [DVD5] [01/12] - "D5CENTURYONFugaDeCerebrosCENTURYON.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CENTURYON 2015/08/09 06:32
1217 Fuga de cerebros [DVD5] - D5CENTURYONFugaDeCerebrosCENTURYON.nzb 45455-files 9GB " .. CENTURYON 2015/08/09 00:32
1216 CENTURYON 2015/08/08 18:47
1215 CENTURYON 2015/08/08 17:04
1214 s651Vyg58v - [02/97] - "s651Vyg58v.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/08/08 16:46
1213 CENTURYON 2015/08/08 15:13
1212 8k0xAseJ87 - [002/144] - "8k0xAseJ87.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/08/08 15:07
1211 HOME Hogar dulce hogar [DVD9] [01/20] - "D9CENTURYONHomeHogarDulceHogarCENTURYON.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CENTURYON 2015/08/08 13:33
1210 CENTURYON 2015/08/08 12:47
1209 s651Vyg58v - - s651Vyg58v.nzb 12145-files 5GB "s651Vyg58v.nzb.nzb" yEncBin 2015/08/08 11:56
1208 CENTURYON 2015/08/08 11:04
1207 8k0xAseJ87 - - 8k0xAseJ87.nzb 18866-files 7GB "8k0xAseJ87.nzb.nzb" yEncBin 2015/08/08 10:46
1206 CENTURYON 2015/08/08 09:13
1205 HOME Hogar dulce hogar [DVD9] - D9CENTURYONHomeHogarDulceHogarCENTURYON.nzb 77757-files 15GB "D9CENTURYONHomeHogarDulce .. CENTURYON 2015/08/08 07:33
1204 Newseros [01/46] - "Los Padres de Ella D9 [tt0212338].nfo" yEnc (1/1) <author> 2015/08/08 03:21
1203 CENTURYON 2015/08/07 21:45
1202 Ramona y su hermana [DVD9] [01/16] - "D9CENTURYONRamonaYSuHermanaCENTURYON.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CENTURYON 2015/08/07 19:55
1201 Phineas y Ferb: Star Wars [DVD9] [01/20] - "D9CENTURYONPhineasYFerbStarWarsCENTURYON.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CENTURYON 2015/08/07 18:12
1200 Newseros [01/29] - "Monstruos hambrientos D5.nfo" yEnc (1/1) <author> 2015/08/07 00:26
1199 Newseros [01/50] - "insurgenteD9.nfo" yEnc (1/1) <author> 2015/08/06 21:22
1198 N0VxLyB610 - [002/111] - "N0VxLyB610.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/08/06 10:46
1197 N0VxLyB610 - - N0VxLyB610.nzb 14237-files 6GB "N0VxLyB610.nzb.nzb" yEncBin 2015/08/06 06:10
1196 Newseros [01/31] - "El cuarto mandamiento.nfo" yEnc (1/1) <author> 2015/08/05 21:26
1195 Colorful [DVD9] [01/15] - "D9CENTURYONColorFulCENTURYON.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CENTURYON 2015/08/05 20:58
1194 Newseros [01/28] - "Hibernatus5.nfo" yEnc (1/1) <author> 2015/08/05 20:50
1193 Hu6SCi8i2l - [002/143] - "Hu6SCi8i2l.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/08/05 17:13
1192 18T2UDhX0A - [02/97] - "18T2UDhX0A.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/08/05 16:10
1191 Hu6SCi8i2l - - Hu6SCi8i2l.nzb 18650-files 7GB "Hu6SCi8i2l.nzb.nzb" yEncBin 2015/08/05 12:41
1190 18T2UDhX0A - - 18T2UDhX0A.nzb 12242-files 5GB "18T2UDhX0A.nzb.nzb" yEncBin 2015/08/05 11:13
1189 La fabulosa aventura de Sharpay [DVD9] [01/14] - "D9CENTURYONFabulosaAventuraSharpayCENTURYON.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CENTURYON 2015/08/04 20:54
1188 CENTURYON 2015/08/04 18:40
1187 CENTURYON 2015/08/04 12:40
1186 Newseros [01/38] - "Arabesque (1966).nfo" yEnc (1/1) <author> 2015/08/04 02:29
1185 <author> 2015/08/03 05:58
1184 <author> 2015/08/02 22:35
1183 Newseros [00/25] - "Sabotaje (1936).nzb" yEnc (1/1) <author> 2015/08/02 21:29
1182 Newseros [01/25] - "Sabotaje (1936).nfo" yEnc (1/1) <author> 2015/08/02 21:29
1181 Newseros [01/46] - "Esencia de mujer D9[tt0105323].nfo" yEnc (1/1) <author> 2015/08/02 14:50
1180 a46fyYwS4M - [02/81] - "a46fyYwS4M.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/08/02 09:30
1179 046IxYhbNE - [02/74] - "046IxYhbNE.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/08/02 08:53
1178 YDQ2g5vv0O - [002/174] - "YDQ2g5vv0O.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/08/02 07:34
1177 Newseros [01/40] - "Solo en la noche D9[tt0038965].nfo" yEnc (1/1) <author> 2015/08/02 04:57
1176 a46fyYwS4M - - a46fyYwS4M.jpg 9659-files 4GB "a46fyYwS4M.nzb" yEncBin 2015/08/02 03:30
1175 046IxYhbNE - - 046IxYhbNE.jpg 8764-files 3GB "046IxYhbNE.nzb" yEncBin 2015/08/02 02:53
1174 YDQ2g5vv0O - - YDQ2g5vv0O.nzb 22416-files 9GB "YDQ2g5vv.nzb.nzb" yEncBin 2015/08/02 02:53
1173 Newseros [01/29] - "TarzanSelvaEscondida5.nfo" yEnc (1/1) <author> 2015/08/02 01:52
1172 Mi gran amigo Joe [DVD9] [01/20] - "D9CENTURYONMiGranAmigoJoeCENTURYON.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CENTURYON 2015/08/01 19:32
1171 4NM1Ym57n2 - [002/114] - "4NM1Ym57n2.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/08/01 17:50
1170 4NM1Ym57n2 - - 4NM1Ym57n2.nzb 58524-files 23GB "4NM1Ym57n2.nzb.nzb" yEncBin 2015/08/01 17:38
1169 7g0zKpCK30 - [002/100] - "7g0zKpCK30.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/08/01 16:43
1168 FT044Pxb0Q - [002/133] - "FT044Pxb0Q.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/08/01 15:14
1167 Mi gran amigo Joe [DVD9] - D9CENTURYONMiGranAmigoJoeCENTURYON.nzb 81542-files 16GB "D9CENTURYONMiGranAmigoJoeCENTURYON. .. CENTURYON 2015/08/01 13:32
1166 7g0zKpCK30 - - 7g0zKpCK30.nzb 12390-files 5GB "7g0zKpCK30.nzb.nzb" yEncBin 2015/08/01 11:50
1165 YrXKts6c5x - [02/95] - "YrXKts6c5x.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/08/01 11:48
1164 FT044Pxb0Q - - FT044Pxb0Q.nzb 16858-files 7GB "FT044Pxb0Q.nzb.nzb" yEncBin 2015/08/01 10:43
1163 06s48uK3YU - [02/99] - "06s48uK3YU.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/08/01 10:41
1162 L3xz25mF2e - [002/108] - "L3xz25mF2e.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/08/01 09:57
1161 YrXKts6c5x - - YrXKts6c5x.nzb 12071-files 5GB "YrXKts6c5x.nzb.nzb" yEncBin 2015/08/01 07:21
1160 31hd1NyWDW - [02/73] - "31hd1NyWDW.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/08/01 05:57
1159 06s48uK3YU - - 06s48uK3YU.nzb 12375-files 5GB "06s48uK3YU.nzb.nzb" yEncBin 2015/08/01 05:48
1158 Dk2598hZ1q - [02/82] - "Dk2598hZ1q.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/08/01 05:21
1157 L3xz25mF2e - - L3xz25mF2e.nzb 13837-files 5GB "L3xz25mF2e.nzb.nzb" yEncBin 2015/08/01 04:40
1156 Newseros [00/22] - "Mortdecai[tt3045616].nzb" yEnc (1/1) <author> 2015/08/01 04:35
1155 Dk2598hZ1q - - Dk2598hZ1q.nzb 10076-files 4GB "Dk2598hZ1q.nzb.nzb" yEncBin 2015/07/31 23:57
1154 31hd1NyWDW - - 31hd1NyWDW.jpg 8825-files 4GB "31hd1NyWDW.nzb" yEncBin 2015/07/31 23:57
1153 A1iv9HeFEe - - A1iv9HeFEe.nzb 65025-files 26GB "A1iv9HeFEe.nzb.nzb" yEncBin 2015/07/31 18:28
1152 A1iv9HeFEe - [002/127] - "A1iv9HeFEe.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/07/31 17:59
1151 6UzwjrGdE5 - [02/97] - "6UzwjrGdE5.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/07/31 16:40
1150 ZoF3qsy2kY - [02/97] - "ZoF3qsy2kY.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/07/31 14:24
1149 6UzwjrGdE5 - - 6UzwjrGdE5.nzb 12286-files 5GB "6UzwjrGdE5.nzb.nzb" yEncBin 2015/07/31 12:00
1148 hf09Jud2vf - [02/70] - "hf09Jud2vf.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/07/31 10:03
1147 f1LadROx3X - [02/62] - "f1LadROx3X.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/07/31 09:36
1146 0IGS3q2EA - [02/56] - "0IGS3q2EA.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/07/31 09:13
1145 ZoF3qsy2kY - - ZoF3qsy2kY.nzb 12319-files 5GB "ZoF3qsy2kY.nzb.nzb" yEncBin 2015/07/31 09:06
1144 hf09Jud2vf - - hf09Jud2vf.jpg 8433-files 3GB "hf09Jud2vf.nzb" yEncBin 2015/07/31 04:03
1143 f1LadROx3X - - f1LadROx3X.jpg 7391-files 3GB "f1LadROx3X.nzb" yEncBin 2015/07/31 03:36
1142 0IGS3q2EA - - 0IGS3q2EA.nfo 57-files 3GB "0IGS3q2EA.nfo.nzb" yEncBin 2015/07/31 03:13
1141 0IGS3q2EA - - 0IGS3q2EA.jpg 6489-files 3GB "0IGS3q2EA.nzb" yEncBin 2015/07/31 03:13
1140 91P50syw2V - [02/97] - "91P50syw2V.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/07/30 09:19
1139 buBblL9lW8 - [002/151] - "buBblL9lW8.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/07/30 08:15
1138 QGXxGti58y - [02/88] - "QGXxGti58y.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/07/30 05:03
1137 91P50syw2V - - 91P50syw2V.nzb 12226-files 5GB "91P50syw2V.nzb.nzb" yEncBin 2015/07/30 04:07
1136 buBblL9lW8 - - buBblL9lW8.nzb 19671-files 8GB "buBblL9lW8.nzb.nzb" yEncBin 2015/07/30 03:19
1135 QGXxGti58y - - QGXxGti58y.nzb 10992-files 4GB "QGXxGti58y.nzb.nzb" yEncBin 2015/07/29 23:40
1134 Newseros [01/49] - "Atodogas7D9.nfo" yEnc (1/1) <author> 2015/07/29 14:51
1133 Newseros [01/50] - "Samba_DVD9.nfo" yEnc (1/1) <author> 2015/07/29 05:52
1132 Rome Rise and Fall of an Empire (Serie de TV) (2008) 4 x DVD9 PAL - [002/127] - "Rome Rise and Fall of an Empire (Serie .. yEncBin 2015/07/29 04:03
1131 Rome Rise and Fall of an Empire (Serie de TV) 4 x DVD9 PAL - - Rome Rise and Fall of an Empire (Serie de TV) 4 x DVD9 .. yEncBin 2015/07/28 22:03
1130 Thr3e DVD5 (2006) PAL - [02/97] - "Thr3e DVD5 (2006) PAL.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/07/28 15:16
1129 Equilibrium (2002) DVD5 NTSC - [02/96] - "Equilibrium (2002) DVD5 NTSC.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/07/28 14:38
1128 Citizen Cohn DVD5 PAL 1992 new - [02/98] - "Citizen Cohn DVD5 PAL 1992 new.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/07/28 12:26
1127 Citizen Cohn DVD5 PAL 1992 - [002/134] - "Citizen Cohn DVD5 PAL 1992.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/07/28 10:10
1126 Citizen Cohn DVD5 PAL 1992 repost - [02/98] - "Citizen Cohn DVD5 PAL 1992 repost.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/07/28 09:22
1125 Thr3e DVD5 PAL - - Thr3e DVD5 PAL.jpg 12350-files 5GB "Thr3e.nzb" yEncBin 2015/07/28 09:16
1124 Equilibrium DVD5 NTSC - - Equilibrium DVD5 NTSC.nfo 97-files 5GB "Equilibrium_DVD5_NTSC.nfo.nzb" yEncBin 2015/07/28 08:38
1123 Equilibrium DVD5 NTSC - - Equilibrium DVD5 NTSC.jpg 12078-files 5GB "Equilibrium.nzb" yEncBin 2015/07/28 08:38
1122 Klute DVD5 PAL 1971 - [02/92] - "Klute DVD5 PAL 1971.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/07/28 07:43
1121 Citizen Cohn DVD5 PAL 1992 - [02/98] - "Citizen Cohn DVD5 PAL 1992.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/07/28 07:05
1120 Newseros [01/30] - "Fenomenos_9.nfo" yEnc (1/1) <author> 2015/07/28 05:11
1119 Newseros [01/26] - "Lobos Humanos.nfo" yEnc (1/1) <author> 2015/07/28 02:50
1118 Klute DVD5 PAL 1971 - - Klute DVD5 PAL 1971.jpg 11553-files 5GB "Klute.nzb" yEncBin 2015/07/28 01:43
1117 Citizen Cohn DVD5 PAL 1992 - - Citizen Cohn DVD5 PAL 1992.nfo 38919-files 15GB "Citizen_Cohn_DVD5_PAL_1992.nfo.nzb" yEncBin 2015/07/28 01:05
1116 CENTURYON 2015/07/27 13:17
1115 CENTURYON 2015/07/27 07:17
1114 caback.par2 12886-files 5GB "caback.nzb" tarariquetev .. 2015/07/26 20:55
1113 Newseros [01/32] - "CANAAIRE.nfo" yEnc (1/1) <author> 2015/07/26 20:26
1112 Zathura, una aventura espacial [DVD9] [01/22] - "D9CENTURYONZathuraAventuraEspacialCENTURYON.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CENTURYON 2015/07/21 08:42
1111 Zathura, una aventura espacial [DVD9] - D9CENTURYONZathuraAventuraEspacialCENTURYON.nzb 90527-files 18GB "D9CENTURYONZa .. CENTURYON 2015/07/21 02:42
1110 CENTURYON 2015/07/16 21:02
1109 Asesinos inocentes [2015][HDTS XviD][Castellano Mic][Suspense] "$F" yEnc - [01/93] - "Asesinos inocentes [2015][HDTS Xvi .. stirkerbst 2015/07/16 13:32
1108 Anonymous [DVD9] [01/20] - "D9CENTURYONAnonymous2011CENTURYON.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CENTURYON 2015/07/15 15:03
1107 Anonymous [DVD9] - D9CENTURYONAnonymous2011CENTURYON.nzb 153954-files 31GB "D9CENTURYONAnonymous2011CENTURYON.nzb.nzb" CENTURYON 2015/07/15 09:03
1106 yEncBin 2015/07/14 11:58
1105 Jack Strong (2014) DVD5 PAL - [02/96] - "Jack Strong (2014) DVD5 PAL.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/07/14 11:24
1104 yEncBin 2015/07/14 10:50
1103 El inventor de juegos - The Games Maker (2014) DVD5 Latino - [02/90] - "El inventor de juegos - The Games Maker (2014) D .. yEncBin 2015/07/14 10:17
1102 Jack Strong DVD5 PAL - - Jack Strong DVD5 PAL.jpg 12041-files 5GB "Jack.nzb" yEncBin 2015/07/14 05:24
1101 yEncBin 2015/07/14 04:50
1100 El inventor de juegos - The Games Maker DVD5 Latino - - El inventor de juegos - The Games Maker DVD5 Latino.nzb 11463 .. yEncBin 2015/07/14 04:50
1099 El inventor de juegos - The Games Maker DVD5 Latino - - El inventor de juegos - The Games Maker DVD5 Latino.nfo 186-f .. yEncBin 2015/07/14 04:17
1098 El inventor de juegos - The Games Maker (2014) DVD5 Latino - [02/91] - "1LSiF786897V4LL.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/07/11 12:34
1097 yEncBin 2015/07/11 11:49
1096 yEncBin 2015/07/11 10:47
1095 El inventor de juegos - The Games Maker DVD5 Latino - - 1LSiF786897V4LL.nfo 93-files 5GB "1LSiF786897V4LL.nfo.nzb" yEncBin 2015/07/11 06:34
1094 El inventor de juegos - The Games Maker DVD5 Latino - - 1LSiF786897V4LL.jpg 11491-files 5GB "inventor.nzb" yEncBin 2015/07/11 06:34
1093 yEncBin 2015/07/11 05:49
1092 yEncBin 2015/07/11 04:47
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