alt.binaries.dvd.spanish Group List
Num Subject Author Time
1423 newseros - [01/48] - "Grease [DVD9 Full].nfo" yEnc (1/1) AutoRarPar 2015/09/20 14:34
1422 newseros - - Sin Rastro [DVD9 Full].par2 41-files 7GB "Sin_Rastro_[DVD9_Full].nzb" AutoRarPar 2015/09/20 11:43
1421 newseros - - Grease [DVD9 Full].par2 47-files 8GB "Grease_[DVD9_Full].nzb" AutoRarPar 2015/09/20 08:34
1420 AutoRarPar 2015/09/20 05:47
1419 newseros 2015/09/20 04:54
1418 AutoRarPar 2015/09/19 23:47
1417 newseros 2015/09/19 22:54
1416 newseros 2015/09/19 22:54
1415 newseros 2015/09/19 21:35
1414 newseros 2015/09/19 21:33
1413 newseros 2015/09/19 21:31
1412 newseros 2015/09/19 21:29
1411 newseros 2015/09/19 21:26
1410 newseros 2015/09/19 21:24
1409 newseros 2015/09/19 21:21
1408 newseros 2015/09/19 21:19
1407 newseros 2015/09/19 21:17
1406 newseros 2015/09/19 21:14
1405 newseros 2015/09/19 21:11
1404 newseros 2015/09/19 21:09
1403 newseros 2015/09/19 21:06
1402 newseros 2015/09/19 21:03
1401 newseros 2015/09/19 21:00
1400 newseros 2015/09/19 20:58
1399 newseros 2015/09/19 20:56
1398 Winnie the Pooh: Unas navidades Megapooh [DVD9][PAL] [01/14] - "D9CENTURYONWinnieThePoohNavidadesMegapoohCENTURYON.nfo" .. CENTURYON 2015/09/19 20:55
1397 newseros 2015/09/19 20:53
1396 newseros 2015/09/19 20:51
1395 newseros 2015/09/19 20:49
1394 newseros 2015/09/19 20:47
1393 newseros 2015/09/19 20:44
1392 newseros 2015/09/19 20:42
1391 newseros 2015/09/19 20:40
1390 newseros 2015/09/19 20:37
1389 newseros 2015/09/19 20:35
1388 newseros 2015/09/19 20:33
1387 newseros 2015/09/19 20:31
1386 newseros 2015/09/19 20:30
1385 Winnie the Pooh: Unas navidades Megapooh [DVD9][PAL] - D9CENTURYONWinnieThePoohNavidadesMegapoohCENTURYON.nzb 34-files .. CENTURYON 2015/09/19 14:55
1384 1IhYuv53o4 - [002/162] - "1IhYuv53o4.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/09/19 08:00
1383 1IhYuv53o4 - - 1IhYuv53o4.nzb 162-files 8GB "1IhYuv4.nzb.nzb" yEncBin 2015/09/19 03:22
1382 Marco, La Serie Animada [13xDVD5][PAL] [001/144] - "13xD5CENTURYONMarcoLaSerieCENTURYON.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CENTURYON 2015/09/17 15:46
1381 Newseros [01/39] - "La Brigada De Sharky 9.nfo" yEnc (1/1) <author> 2015/09/17 06:03
1380 <author> 2015/09/17 05:35
1379 wNkhhC9xTe - [02/90] - "wNkhhC9xTe.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/09/17 02:30
1378 5O37R6U1be - [02/98] - "5O37R6U1be.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/09/17 01:44
1377 deRjv37j34 - [02/85] - "deRjv37j34.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/09/17 01:05
1376 <author> 2015/09/16 23:35
1375 Newseros [01/44] - "La reina Margot.nfo" yEnc (1/1) <author> 2015/09/16 22:27
1374 wNkhhC9xTe - - wNkhhC9xTe.nzb 90-files 4GB "wNkhhC9xTe.nzb.nzb" yEncBin 2015/09/16 21:12
1373 5O37R6U1be - - 5O37R6U1be.nzb 98-files 5GB "37R6Ue.nzb.nzb" yEncBin 2015/09/16 20:30
1372 Los Picapiedra en Viva Rock Vegas [DVD9][PAL-MUI] [01/18] - "D9CENTURYONLosPicapiedraEnVivaRockVegasCENTURYON.nfo" yEnc .. CENTURYON 2015/09/16 20:22
1371 deRjv37j34 - - deRjv37j34.nzb 85-files 4GB "deRjv37j34.nzb.nzb" yEncBin 2015/09/16 19:44
1370 Los Picapiedra en Viva Rock Vegas [DVD9][PAL-MUI] - D9CENTURYONLosPicapiedraEnVivaRockVegasCENTURYON.nzb 18-files 14GB .. CENTURYON 2015/09/16 14:22
1369 21Bx3DVm6N - [02/97] - "21Bx3DVm6N.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/09/16 07:12
1368 K41qL08bPt - [002/111] - "K41qL08bPt.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/09/16 06:11
1367 W5cYmHmQ1o - [02/88] - "W5cYmHmQ1o.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/09/16 03:38
1366 21Bx3DVm6N - - 21Bx3DVm6N.nzb 97-files 5GB "x3DVm6N.nzb.nzb" yEncBin 2015/09/16 01:57
1365 K41qL08bPt - - K41qL08bPt.nzb 111-files 6GB "K41qLPt.nzb.nzb" yEncBin 2015/09/16 01:11
1364 W5cYmHmQ1o - - W5cYmHmQ1o.nzb 88-files 17GB "W5cYmHmQ.nzb.nzb" yEncBin 2015/09/16 00:11
1363 5iqH7G7Hc2 - [002/155] - "5iqH7G7Hc2.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/09/15 08:22
1362 i84Th2kGM0 - [02/97] - "i84Th2kGM0.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/09/15 07:44
1361 5iqH7G7Hc2 - - 5iqH7G7Hc2.nzb 155-files 8GB "5iqH7G7Hc2.nzb.nzb" yEncBin 2015/09/15 03:30
1360 i84Th2kGM0 - - i84Th2kGM0.nzb 97-files 5GB "i84Th2kGM0.nzb.nzb" yEncBin 2015/09/15 02:21
1359 Newseros - Lugares Oscuros [DVD9FULL].nzb 148-files 30GB "Lugares_Oscuros_[DVD9FULL].nzb.nzb" <author> 2015/09/14 20:51
1358 Los viajes de Gulliver [DVD9][PAL-MUI] [01/16] - "D9CENTURYONLosViajesDeGulliverCENTURYON.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CENTURYON 2015/09/14 20:07
1357 Mulan 2 [DVD9][PAL-MUI] [01/18] - "D9CENTURYONMulan2CENTURYON.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CENTURYON 2015/09/14 16:20
1356 Mulan 2 [DVD9][PAL-MUI] - D9CENTURYONMulan2CENTURYON.nzb 34-files 27GB "D9CENTURYONMulan2CENTURYON.nzb.nzb" CENTURYON 2015/09/14 10:20
1355 CENTURYON 2015/09/13 18:32
1354 CENTURYON 2015/09/11 02:12
1353 CENTURYON 2015/09/09 21:01
1352 CENTURYON 2015/09/09 20:51
1351 CENTURYON 2015/09/09 16:42
1350 CENTURYON 2015/09/09 15:01
1349 CENTURYON 2015/09/08 20:20
1348 Asterix: La residencia de los dioses [DVD9][PAL-MUI] [01/14] - "D9CENTURYONAsterixResidenciaDeLosDiosesCENTURYON.nfo" yE .. CENTURYON 2015/09/08 18:23
1347 Newseros - Headhunters_9.par2 34-files 6GB "Headhunters_9.nzb" <author> 2015/09/08 17:09
1346 La isla de Giovanni [DVD9][PAL-MUI] [01/18] - "D9CENTURYONLaIslaDeGiovanniCENTURYON.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CENTURYON 2015/09/08 08:40
1345 Barbie: El campamento de princesas [DVD9][PAL-MUI] [01/16] - "D9CENTURYONBarbieCampamentoPrincesasCENTURYON.nfo" yEnc (1 .. CENTURYON 2015/09/07 09:21
1344 E.T. el extraterrestre. E.E. [2xDVD9][PAL-MUI] [01/40] - "D9CENTURYON.ETExtraterrestre.EE.2xD9CENTURYON.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CENTURYON 2015/09/06 16:33
1343 La historia interminable: E.E.- 20 Aniversario [DVD9][PAL-MUI] [01/16] - "D9CENTURYONLaHistoriaInterminable.E.E.20Aniver .. CENTURYON 2015/09/06 09:12
1342 CENTURYON 2015/09/04 18:44
1341 CENTURYON 2015/09/04 02:49
1340 CENTURYON 2015/09/03 20:49
1339 Peter Pan: E.E [DVD9][PAL-MUI] - D9CENTURYONPeterPanEdicionEspecialCENTURYON.nfo 42-files 33GB "D9CENTURYONPeterPanEdic .. CENTURYON 2015/09/02 19:08
1338 Newseros [01/36] - "Concierto_inacabado_D9.nfo" yEnc (1/1) <author> 2015/09/02 00:48
1337 Newseros - Concierto_inacabado_D9.nzb 258-files 45GB "Concierto_inacabado_D9.nzb.nzb" <author> 2015/09/01 18:48
1336 Newseros [01/45] - "Un_timador_con_alas_D9.nfo" yEnc (1/1) <author> 2015/08/31 22:42
1335 Scooby-Doo: Misterio en la nieve [DVD5][PAL-MUI] [01/10] - "D5CENTURYONScoobyDooMisterioEnNieveCENTURYON.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CENTURYON 2015/08/31 20:21
1334 Spider-Man: El regreso del duende verde [DVD9][PAL-MUI] [01/16] - "D9CENTURYONSpidermanRegresoDuendeVerdeCENTURYON.nfo" .. CENTURYON 2015/08/31 18:28
1333 CENTURYON 2015/08/31 17:10
1332 Go Diego Go!: Diego rescata a los lobeznos [DVD5][PAL-MUI] [01/12] - "D5CENTURYONGoDiegoGoDiegoRescataLobeznosCENTURYON. .. CENTURYON 2015/08/31 15:45
1331 CENTURYON 2015/08/31 11:10
1330 Go Diego Go!: Diego rescata a los lobeznos [DVD5][PAL-MUI] - D5CENTURYONGoDiegoGoDiegoRescataLobeznosCENTURYON.nzb 22-f .. CENTURYON 2015/08/31 09:45
1329 Dora La Exploradora: La Gran Sorpresa De Perrito [DVD9][PAL-MUI] [01/16] - "D9DoraExploradoraLaGranSorpresaPerritoCENTUR .. CENTURYON 2015/08/30 15:55
1328 Dora La Exploradora: La Gran Sorpresa De Perrito [DVD9][PAL-MUI] - D9DoraExploradoraLaGranSorpresaPerritoCENTURYON.nzb .. CENTURYON 2015/08/30 09:55
1327 Winnie The Pooh: Descubre la naturaleza [DVD9][PAL-MUI] [01/14] - "D9CENTURYONWinnieThePoohDescubreNaturalezaCENTURYON.n .. CENTURYON 2015/08/28 01:49
1326 Winnie The Pooh: Amigos para Siempre [DVD9][PAL-MUI] [01/16] - "D9CENTURYONWinnieThePoohAmigosParaSiempreCENTURYON.nfo" .. CENTURYON 2015/08/27 23:17
1325 Winnie The Pooh: Amigos para Siempre [DVD9][PAL-MUI] - D9CENTURYONWinnieThePoohAmigosParaSiempreCENTURYON.nzb 30-files .. CENTURYON 2015/08/27 17:17
1324 9w1z8mO6Qj - [02/97] - "9w1z8mO6Qj.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/08/25 12:01
1323 z0qxm1gI7P - [02/96] - "z0qxm1gI7P.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/08/25 11:17
1322 9w1z8mO6Qj - - 9w1z8mO6Qj.nzb 97-files 5GB "9w1z6Qj.nzb.nzb" yEncBin 2015/08/25 06:55
1321 z0qxm1gI7P - - z0qxm1gI7P.nzb 96-files 5GB "z0qxm1gI7P.nzb.nzb" yEncBin 2015/08/25 06:01
1320 EHp97k6UXv - [02/80] - "EHp97k6UXv.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/08/23 15:38
1319 EHp97k6UXv - - EHp97k6UXv.nfo 81-files 4GB "EHp97k6UXv.nfo.nzb" yEncBin 2015/08/23 09:38
1318 EHp97k6UXv - - EHp97k6UXv.jpg 9933-files 4GB "EHp97k6UXv.nzb" yEncBin 2015/08/23 09:38
1317 f15rP95tR4 - [02/97] - "f15rP95tR4.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/08/23 08:49
1316 FanBoy y Chum Chum: Gritos de terror [DVD9][PAL-MUI] [01/16] - "D9CENTURYONFamboyYChumChumGritosDeTerrorCENTURYON.nfo" y .. CENTURYON 2015/08/23 05:32
1315 f15rP95tR4 - - f15rP95tR4.nzb 12212-files 5GB "f15rP95tR4.nzb.nzb" yEncBin 2015/08/23 03:38
1314 FanBoy y Chum Chum: Gritos de terror [DVD9][PAL-MUI] - D9CENTURYONFamboyYChumChumGritosDeTerrorCENTURYON.nzb 62084-file .. CENTURYON 2015/08/22 23:32
1313 Newseros [01/47] - "Movida_del_76_D9.nfo" yEnc (1/1) <author> 2015/08/22 22:37
1312 Newseros - Movida_del_76_D9.par2 12846-files 8GB "Movida_del_76_D9.nzb" <author> 2015/08/22 16:37
1311 Newseros - Movida_del_76_D9.nfo 47-files 8GB "Movida_del_76_D9.nfo.nzb" <author> 2015/08/22 16:37
1310 La gran aventura de los gnomos [DVD5][PAL-MUI] [01/10] - "D5CENTURYONLaGranAventuraDeLosGnomosCENTURYON.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CENTURYON 2015/08/22 14:41
1309 qN4F0oYHFL - [02/93] - "qN4F0oYHFL.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/08/22 10:49
1308 qN4F0oYHFL - - qN4F0oYHFL.nzb 11749-files 5GB "qN4FYHFL.nzb.nzb" yEncBin 2015/08/22 05:31
1307 CENTURYON 2015/08/21 20:21
1306 Los Gnomos [DVD9][PAL-MUI] [01/10] - "D5CENTURYONLosGnomosCENTURYON.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CENTURYON 2015/08/21 17:37
1305 The Little Cars 2 [DVD9][PAL-MUI] [1/8] - "D5CENTURYONTheLitleCars2CENTURYON.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CENTURYON 2015/08/21 14:18
1304 Madagascar 3 [DVD9][PAL-MUI] [01/20] - "D9CENTURYONMadagascar3CENTURYON.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CENTURYON 2015/08/21 09:05
1303 Madagascar 2 [DVD9][PAL-MUI] [01/18] - "D9CENTURYONMadagascar2CENTURYON.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CENTURYON 2015/08/21 09:00
1302 Madagascar [DVD9][PAL-MUI] [01/18] - "D9CENTURYONMadagascarCENTURYON.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CENTURYON 2015/08/21 08:55
1301 The Little Cars 2 [DVD9][PAL-MUI] - D5CENTURYONTheLitleCars2CENTURYON.nzb 143681-files 29GB "D5CENTURYONTheLitleCars2CE .. CENTURYON 2015/08/21 08:18
1300 Alvin y las ardillas 3 [DVD9][PAL-MUI] [01/14] - "D9CENTURYONAlvinYArdillas3CENTURYON.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CENTURYON 2015/08/20 07:31
1299 Alvin y las ardillas 2 [DVD9][PAL-MUI] [01/18] - "D9CENTURYONAlvinYArdillas2CENTURYON.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CENTURYON 2015/08/20 06:21
1298 Alvin y las ardillas [DVD9][PAL-MUI] [01/18] - "D9CENTURYONAlvinYArdillas1CENTURYON.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CENTURYON 2015/08/20 05:29
1297 Kung Fu Panda 2 [DVD9][PAL-MUI] [01/18] - "D9CENTURYONKungFuPanda2CENTURYON.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CENTURYON 2015/08/19 15:45
1296 Kung Fu Panda [DVD9][PAL-MUI] [01/16] - "D9CENTURYONKungFuPandaCENTURYON.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CENTURYON 2015/08/19 07:26
1295 Kung Fu Panda [DVD9][PAL-MUI] - D9CENTURYONKungFuPandaCENTURYON.nzb 137355-files 27GB "D9CENTURYONKungFuPandaCENTURYON. .. CENTURYON 2015/08/19 01:26
1294 Newseros [01/38] - "Superpoli_En_Las_Vegas_D9.nfo" yEnc (1/1) <author> 2015/08/18 22:05
1293 Newseros - Superpoli_En_Las_Vegas_D9.nfo 38-files 7GB "Superpoli_En_Las_Vegas_D9.nfo.nzb" <author> 2015/08/18 16:05
1292 Newseros - Superpoli_En_Las_Vegas_D9.par2 10209-files 7GB "Superpoli_En_Las_Vegas_D9.nzb" <author> 2015/08/18 16:05
1291 wcuIpy1DL7 - [02/99] - "wcuIpy1DL7.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/08/18 13:45
1290 32nA4v4w7Q - [02/70] - "32nA4v4w7Q.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/08/18 11:26
1289 wcuIpy1DL7 - - wcuIpy1DL7.nzb 12524-files 5GB "wcuIpy1DL7.nzb.nzb" yEncBin 2015/08/18 08:41
1288 32nA4v4w7Q - - 32nA4v4w7Q.nfo 71-files 3GB "32nA4v4w7Q.nfo.nzb" yEncBin 2015/08/18 05:26
1287 32nA4v4w7Q - - 32nA4v4w7Q.jpg 8377-files 3GB "32nA4v4w7Q.nzb" yEncBin 2015/08/18 05:26
1286 Newseros [01/29] - "Boda_Pasada_Por_Agua_D5.nfo" yEnc (1/1) <author> 2015/08/17 20:01
1285 Newseros - Boda_Pasada_Por_Agua_D5.nfo 29-files 5GB "Boda_Pasada_Por_Agua_D5.nfo.nzb" <author> 2015/08/17 14:01
1284 Newseros - Boda_Pasada_Por_Agua_D5.par2 6930-files 5GB "Boda_Pasada_Por_Agua_D5.nzb" <author> 2015/08/17 14:01
1283 Newseros [01/46] - "El_Ultimo_Hombre_Sobre_La_Tierra_D9.nfo" yEnc (1/1) <author> 2015/08/17 12:11
1282 Newseros - El_Ultimo_Hombre_Sobre_La_Tierra_D9.nfo 46-files 9GB "El_Ultimo_Hombre_Sobre_La_Tierra_D9.nfo.nzb" <author> 2015/08/17 06:11
1281 Newseros - El_Ultimo_Hombre_Sobre_La_Tierra_D9.par2 12927-files 9GB "El_Ultimo_Hombre_Sobre_La_Tierra_D9.nzb" <author> 2015/08/17 06:11
1280 Newseros [01/34] - "Un_Buen_Policia_D9.nfo" yEnc (1/1) <author> 2015/08/16 21:52
1279 Newseros [01/28] - "Maxie_D5.nfo" yEnc (1/1) <author> 2015/08/16 20:47
1278 A todo gas 6 [BDRip m1080p][Dual] [01/12] - "CENTURYON-ATodoGas6-BDRipm1080pDual+SubsCENTURYON.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CENTURYON 2015/08/16 19:15
1277 A todo gas 5 [BDRip m1080p][Dual] [01/14] - "CENTURYON-ATodoGas5-BDRipm1080pDual+SubsCENTURYON.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CENTURYON 2015/08/16 18:08
1276 A todo gas 4 [BDRip m1080p][Dual] [01/10] - "CENTURYON-ATodoGas4-BDRipm1080pDual+SubsCENTURYON.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CENTURYON 2015/08/16 15:33
1275 <author> 2015/08/16 13:03
1274 Newseros [01/41] - "Besalas_por_mi_D9.nfo" yEnc (1/1) <author> 2015/08/16 10:16
1273 A todo gas 3 [BDRip m1080p][Dual] [01/10] - "CENTURYON-ATodoGas3-BDRipm1080pDual+SubsCENTURYON.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CENTURYON 2015/08/16 06:04
1272 A todo gas 2 [BDRip 1080p][Dual] [01/10] - "CENTURYON-ATodoGas2-BDRipm1080pDual+SubsCENTURYON.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CENTURYON 2015/08/15 21:12
1271 A todo gas [BDRip1080p][Dual] [01/12] - "CENTURYON-ATodoGas-BDRipm1080pDual+SubsCENTURYON.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CENTURYON 2015/08/15 18:28
1270 v22X66K55g - [02/82] - "v22X66K55g.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/08/15 17:19
1269 ht2w4cs3bI - [02/98] - "ht2w4cs3bI.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/08/15 16:21
1268 A todo gas [BDRip1080p][Dual] - CENTURYON-ATodoGas-BDRipm1080pDual+SubsCENTURYON.nzb 84366-files 17GB "CENTURYON-ATodoG .. CENTURYON 2015/08/15 12:28
1267 v22X66K55g - - v22X66K55g.nzb 10217-files 4GB "v22X66K55g.nzb.nzb" yEncBin 2015/08/15 12:13
1266 ht2w4cs3bI - - ht2w4cs3bI.nzb 12389-files 5GB "ht2w4csI.nzb.nzb" yEncBin 2015/08/15 11:18
1265 Newseros [01/81] - "Venga3_9.nfo" yEnc (1/1) <author> 2015/08/15 08:31
1264 Newseros [01/81] - "Venga3_9.nfo" yEnc (1/1) <author> 2015/08/15 06:10
1263 Newseros [01/46] - "Kartum_D9.nfo" yEnc (1/1) <author> 2015/08/14 22:49
1262 Newseros [01/28] - "Maxie_D5.nfo" yEnc (1/1) <author> 2015/08/14 22:08
1261 Newseros [01/29] - "El_Dia_Negro_D5.nfo" yEnc (1/1) <author> 2015/08/14 21:16
1260 Newseros [01/31] - "Me_Gustan_Los_Lios_D5.nfo" yEnc (1/1) <author> 2015/08/14 19:48
1259 WGe1D32k1D - [02/92] - "WGe1D32k1D.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/08/14 16:50
1258 Newseros - Maxie_D5.nfo 73768-files 49GB "Maxie_D5.nfo.nzb" <author> 2015/08/14 16:08
1257 1N5e85K40O - [02/80] - "1N5e85K40O.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/08/14 15:52
1256 WGe1D32k1D - - WGe1D32k1D.nzb 11650-files 5GB "WGe1D32k1D.nzb.nzb" yEncBin 2015/08/14 11:39
1255 1N5e85K40O - - 1N5e85K40O.nfo 81-files 4GB "1N5e85K.nfo.nzb" yEncBin 2015/08/14 09:52
1254 1N5e85K40O - - 1N5e85K40O.jpg 9874-files 4GB "1N5e85K.nzb" yEncBin 2015/08/14 09:52
1253 1avisZ9d1e - [002/104] - "1avisZ9d1e.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/08/13 19:08
1252 DCto45ru9b - [002/112] - "DCto45ru9b.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/08/13 17:37
1251 8v7LvHT8V5 - [002/121] - "8v7LvHT8V5.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/08/13 16:12
1250 1avisZ9d1e - - 1avisZ9d1e.nzb 13241-files 5GB "1avisZ9d1e.nzb.nzb" yEncBin 2015/08/13 14:23
1249 DCto45ru9b - - DCto45ru9b.nzb 14277-files 6GB "DCto45ru.nzb.nzb" yEncBin 2015/08/13 12:36
1248 8v7LvHT8V5 - - 8v7LvHT8V5.nzb 15600-files 6GB "8v7LvHT8V5.nzb.nzb" yEncBin 2015/08/13 11:19
1247 s0IF5qs4r6 - [02/93] - "s0IF5qs4r6.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/08/13 06:11
1246 t1FTk31W6W - [02/97] - "t1FTk31W6W.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/08/13 05:29
1245 s0IF5qs4r6 - - s0IF5qs4r6.nzb 11729-files 5GB "s0IF5qs4r6.nzb.nzb" yEncBin 2015/08/13 00:53
1244 t1FTk31W6W - - t1FTk31W6W.nzb 12159-files 5GB "t1FTk31W6W.nzb.nzb" yEncBin 2015/08/13 00:11
1243 CENTURYON 2015/08/11 21:12
1242 CENTURYON 2015/08/11 20:11
1241 CENTURYON 2015/08/11 17:23
1240 CENTURYON 2015/08/11 15:12
1239 CENTURYON 2015/08/11 14:15
1238 CENTURYON 2015/08/11 14:11
1237 CENTURYON 2015/08/11 11:23
1236 83oWLw62u5 - [002/141] - "83oWLw62u5.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/08/10 13:45
1235 2m376eX08O - [02/85] - "2m376eX08O.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/08/10 12:58
1234 MQlclKN38T - [02/98] - "MQlclKN38T.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/08/10 11:07
1233 83oWLw62u5 - - 83oWLw62u5.nzb 18371-files 7GB "WLw62u5.nzb.nzb" yEncBin 2015/08/10 09:18
1232 2m376eX08O - - 2m376eX08O.nzb 10612-files 4GB "2m376eX.nzb.nzb" yEncBin 2015/08/10 07:45
1231 MQlclKN38T - - MQlclKN38T.nzb 12316-files 5GB "MQlclKN38T.nzb.nzb" yEncBin 2015/08/10 05:59
1230 Newseros [01/26] - "La muerte de vacaciones.nfo" yEnc (1/1) <author> 2015/08/10 04:00
1229 CENTURYON 2015/08/09 19:35
1228 BBd1RyawCF - [02/95] - "BBd1RyawCF.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/08/09 18:13
1227 Aventuras en Alaska [DVD9] [01/14] - "D9CENTURYONAventurasEnAlaskaCENTURYON.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CENTURYON 2015/08/09 17:47
1226 1b66JYY4s1 - [002/164] - "1b66JYY4s1.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/08/09 16:27
1225 QBzurD0R4I - [02/94] - "QBzurD0R4I.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/08/09 15:33
1224 CENTURYON 2015/08/09 13:39
1223 CENTURYON 2015/08/09 13:35
1222 BBd1RyawCF - - BBd1RyawCF.nzb 11962-files 5GB "BBd1RyawCF.nzb.nzb" yEncBin 2015/08/09 13:33
1221 1b66JYY4s1 - - 1b66JYY4s1.nzb 21606-files 9GB "66JYY4s1.nzb.nzb" yEncBin 2015/08/09 12:12
1220 Aventuras en Alaska [DVD9] - D9CENTURYONAventurasEnAlaskaCENTURYON.nzb 52476-files 10GB "D9CENTURYONAventurasEnAlaskaCE .. CENTURYON 2015/08/09 11:47
1219 QBzurD0R4I - - QBzurD0R4I.nzb 11927-files 5GB "QBzurD0R4I.nzb.nzb" yEncBin 2015/08/09 10:27
1218 Fuga de cerebros [DVD5] [01/12] - "D5CENTURYONFugaDeCerebrosCENTURYON.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CENTURYON 2015/08/09 06:32
1217 Fuga de cerebros [DVD5] - D5CENTURYONFugaDeCerebrosCENTURYON.nzb 45455-files 9GB " .. CENTURYON 2015/08/09 00:32
1216 CENTURYON 2015/08/08 18:47
1215 CENTURYON 2015/08/08 17:04
1214 s651Vyg58v - [02/97] - "s651Vyg58v.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/08/08 16:46
1213 CENTURYON 2015/08/08 15:13
1212 8k0xAseJ87 - [002/144] - "8k0xAseJ87.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/08/08 15:07
1211 HOME Hogar dulce hogar [DVD9] [01/20] - "D9CENTURYONHomeHogarDulceHogarCENTURYON.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CENTURYON 2015/08/08 13:33
1210 CENTURYON 2015/08/08 12:47
1209 s651Vyg58v - - s651Vyg58v.nzb 12145-files 5GB "s651Vyg58v.nzb.nzb" yEncBin 2015/08/08 11:56
1208 CENTURYON 2015/08/08 11:04
1207 8k0xAseJ87 - - 8k0xAseJ87.nzb 18866-files 7GB "8k0xAseJ87.nzb.nzb" yEncBin 2015/08/08 10:46
1206 CENTURYON 2015/08/08 09:13
1205 HOME Hogar dulce hogar [DVD9] - D9CENTURYONHomeHogarDulceHogarCENTURYON.nzb 77757-files 15GB "D9CENTURYONHomeHogarDulce .. CENTURYON 2015/08/08 07:33
1204 Newseros [01/46] - "Los Padres de Ella D9 [tt0212338].nfo" yEnc (1/1) <author> 2015/08/08 03:21
1203 CENTURYON 2015/08/07 21:45
1202 Ramona y su hermana [DVD9] [01/16] - "D9CENTURYONRamonaYSuHermanaCENTURYON.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CENTURYON 2015/08/07 19:55
1201 Phineas y Ferb: Star Wars [DVD9] [01/20] - "D9CENTURYONPhineasYFerbStarWarsCENTURYON.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CENTURYON 2015/08/07 18:12
1200 Newseros [01/29] - "Monstruos hambrientos D5.nfo" yEnc (1/1) <author> 2015/08/07 00:26
1199 Newseros [01/50] - "insurgenteD9.nfo" yEnc (1/1) <author> 2015/08/06 21:22
1198 N0VxLyB610 - [002/111] - "N0VxLyB610.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/08/06 10:46
1197 N0VxLyB610 - - N0VxLyB610.nzb 14237-files 6GB "N0VxLyB610.nzb.nzb" yEncBin 2015/08/06 06:10
1196 Newseros [01/31] - "El cuarto mandamiento.nfo" yEnc (1/1) <author> 2015/08/05 21:26
1195 Colorful [DVD9] [01/15] - "D9CENTURYONColorFulCENTURYON.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CENTURYON 2015/08/05 20:58
1194 Newseros [01/28] - "Hibernatus5.nfo" yEnc (1/1) <author> 2015/08/05 20:50
1193 Hu6SCi8i2l - [002/143] - "Hu6SCi8i2l.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/08/05 17:13
1192 18T2UDhX0A - [02/97] - "18T2UDhX0A.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/08/05 16:10
1191 Hu6SCi8i2l - - Hu6SCi8i2l.nzb 18650-files 7GB "Hu6SCi8i2l.nzb.nzb" yEncBin 2015/08/05 12:41
1190 18T2UDhX0A - - 18T2UDhX0A.nzb 12242-files 5GB "18T2UDhX0A.nzb.nzb" yEncBin 2015/08/05 11:13
1189 La fabulosa aventura de Sharpay [DVD9] [01/14] - "D9CENTURYONFabulosaAventuraSharpayCENTURYON.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CENTURYON 2015/08/04 20:54
1188 CENTURYON 2015/08/04 18:40
1187 CENTURYON 2015/08/04 12:40
1186 Newseros [01/38] - "Arabesque (1966).nfo" yEnc (1/1) <author> 2015/08/04 02:29
1185 <author> 2015/08/03 05:58
1184 <author> 2015/08/02 22:35
1183 Newseros [00/25] - "Sabotaje (1936).nzb" yEnc (1/1) <author> 2015/08/02 21:29
1182 Newseros [01/25] - "Sabotaje (1936).nfo" yEnc (1/1) <author> 2015/08/02 21:29
1181 Newseros [01/46] - "Esencia de mujer D9[tt0105323].nfo" yEnc (1/1) <author> 2015/08/02 14:50
1180 a46fyYwS4M - [02/81] - "a46fyYwS4M.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/08/02 09:30
1179 046IxYhbNE - [02/74] - "046IxYhbNE.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/08/02 08:53
1178 YDQ2g5vv0O - [002/174] - "YDQ2g5vv0O.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/08/02 07:34
1177 Newseros [01/40] - "Solo en la noche D9[tt0038965].nfo" yEnc (1/1) <author> 2015/08/02 04:57
1176 a46fyYwS4M - - a46fyYwS4M.jpg 9659-files 4GB "a46fyYwS4M.nzb" yEncBin 2015/08/02 03:30
1175 046IxYhbNE - - 046IxYhbNE.jpg 8764-files 3GB "046IxYhbNE.nzb" yEncBin 2015/08/02 02:53
1174 YDQ2g5vv0O - - YDQ2g5vv0O.nzb 22416-files 9GB "YDQ2g5vv.nzb.nzb" yEncBin 2015/08/02 02:53
1173 Newseros [01/29] - "TarzanSelvaEscondida5.nfo" yEnc (1/1) <author> 2015/08/02 01:52
1172 Mi gran amigo Joe [DVD9] [01/20] - "D9CENTURYONMiGranAmigoJoeCENTURYON.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CENTURYON 2015/08/01 19:32
1171 4NM1Ym57n2 - [002/114] - "4NM1Ym57n2.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/08/01 17:50
1170 4NM1Ym57n2 - - 4NM1Ym57n2.nzb 58524-files 23GB "4NM1Ym57n2.nzb.nzb" yEncBin 2015/08/01 17:38
1169 7g0zKpCK30 - [002/100] - "7g0zKpCK30.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/08/01 16:43
1168 FT044Pxb0Q - [002/133] - "FT044Pxb0Q.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/08/01 15:14
1167 Mi gran amigo Joe [DVD9] - D9CENTURYONMiGranAmigoJoeCENTURYON.nzb 81542-files 16GB "D9CENTURYONMiGranAmigoJoeCENTURYON. .. CENTURYON 2015/08/01 13:32
1166 7g0zKpCK30 - - 7g0zKpCK30.nzb 12390-files 5GB "7g0zKpCK30.nzb.nzb" yEncBin 2015/08/01 11:50
1165 YrXKts6c5x - [02/95] - "YrXKts6c5x.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/08/01 11:48
1164 FT044Pxb0Q - - FT044Pxb0Q.nzb 16858-files 7GB "FT044Pxb0Q.nzb.nzb" yEncBin 2015/08/01 10:43
1163 06s48uK3YU - [02/99] - "06s48uK3YU.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/08/01 10:41
1162 L3xz25mF2e - [002/108] - "L3xz25mF2e.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/08/01 09:57
1161 YrXKts6c5x - - YrXKts6c5x.nzb 12071-files 5GB "YrXKts6c5x.nzb.nzb" yEncBin 2015/08/01 07:21
1160 31hd1NyWDW - [02/73] - "31hd1NyWDW.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/08/01 05:57
1159 06s48uK3YU - - 06s48uK3YU.nzb 12375-files 5GB "06s48uK3YU.nzb.nzb" yEncBin 2015/08/01 05:48
1158 Dk2598hZ1q - [02/82] - "Dk2598hZ1q.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/08/01 05:21
1157 L3xz25mF2e - - L3xz25mF2e.nzb 13837-files 5GB "L3xz25mF2e.nzb.nzb" yEncBin 2015/08/01 04:40
1156 Newseros [00/22] - "Mortdecai[tt3045616].nzb" yEnc (1/1) <author> 2015/08/01 04:35
1155 Dk2598hZ1q - - Dk2598hZ1q.nzb 10076-files 4GB "Dk2598hZ1q.nzb.nzb" yEncBin 2015/07/31 23:57
1154 31hd1NyWDW - - 31hd1NyWDW.jpg 8825-files 4GB "31hd1NyWDW.nzb" yEncBin 2015/07/31 23:57
1153 A1iv9HeFEe - - A1iv9HeFEe.nzb 65025-files 26GB "A1iv9HeFEe.nzb.nzb" yEncBin 2015/07/31 18:28
1152 A1iv9HeFEe - [002/127] - "A1iv9HeFEe.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/07/31 17:59
1151 6UzwjrGdE5 - [02/97] - "6UzwjrGdE5.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/07/31 16:40
1150 ZoF3qsy2kY - [02/97] - "ZoF3qsy2kY.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/07/31 14:24
1149 6UzwjrGdE5 - - 6UzwjrGdE5.nzb 12286-files 5GB "6UzwjrGdE5.nzb.nzb" yEncBin 2015/07/31 12:00
1148 hf09Jud2vf - [02/70] - "hf09Jud2vf.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/07/31 10:03
1147 f1LadROx3X - [02/62] - "f1LadROx3X.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/07/31 09:36
1146 0IGS3q2EA - [02/56] - "0IGS3q2EA.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/07/31 09:13
1145 ZoF3qsy2kY - - ZoF3qsy2kY.nzb 12319-files 5GB "ZoF3qsy2kY.nzb.nzb" yEncBin 2015/07/31 09:06
1144 hf09Jud2vf - - hf09Jud2vf.jpg 8433-files 3GB "hf09Jud2vf.nzb" yEncBin 2015/07/31 04:03
1143 f1LadROx3X - - f1LadROx3X.jpg 7391-files 3GB "f1LadROx3X.nzb" yEncBin 2015/07/31 03:36
1142 0IGS3q2EA - - 0IGS3q2EA.nfo 57-files 3GB "0IGS3q2EA.nfo.nzb" yEncBin 2015/07/31 03:13
1141 0IGS3q2EA - - 0IGS3q2EA.jpg 6489-files 3GB "0IGS3q2EA.nzb" yEncBin 2015/07/31 03:13
1140 91P50syw2V - [02/97] - "91P50syw2V.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/07/30 09:19
1139 buBblL9lW8 - [002/151] - "buBblL9lW8.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/07/30 08:15
1138 QGXxGti58y - [02/88] - "QGXxGti58y.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/07/30 05:03
1137 91P50syw2V - - 91P50syw2V.nzb 12226-files 5GB "91P50syw2V.nzb.nzb" yEncBin 2015/07/30 04:07
1136 buBblL9lW8 - - buBblL9lW8.nzb 19671-files 8GB "buBblL9lW8.nzb.nzb" yEncBin 2015/07/30 03:19
1135 QGXxGti58y - - QGXxGti58y.nzb 10992-files 4GB "QGXxGti58y.nzb.nzb" yEncBin 2015/07/29 23:40
1134 Newseros [01/49] - "Atodogas7D9.nfo" yEnc (1/1) <author> 2015/07/29 14:51
1133 Newseros [01/50] - "Samba_DVD9.nfo" yEnc (1/1) <author> 2015/07/29 05:52
1132 Rome Rise and Fall of an Empire (Serie de TV) (2008) 4 x DVD9 PAL - [002/127] - "Rome Rise and Fall of an Empire (Serie .. yEncBin 2015/07/29 04:03
1131 Rome Rise and Fall of an Empire (Serie de TV) 4 x DVD9 PAL - - Rome Rise and Fall of an Empire (Serie de TV) 4 x DVD9 .. yEncBin 2015/07/28 22:03
1130 Thr3e DVD5 (2006) PAL - [02/97] - "Thr3e DVD5 (2006) PAL.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/07/28 15:16
1129 Equilibrium (2002) DVD5 NTSC - [02/96] - "Equilibrium (2002) DVD5 NTSC.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/07/28 14:38
1128 Citizen Cohn DVD5 PAL 1992 new - [02/98] - "Citizen Cohn DVD5 PAL 1992 new.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/07/28 12:26
1127 Citizen Cohn DVD5 PAL 1992 - [002/134] - "Citizen Cohn DVD5 PAL 1992.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/07/28 10:10
1126 Citizen Cohn DVD5 PAL 1992 repost - [02/98] - "Citizen Cohn DVD5 PAL 1992 repost.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/07/28 09:22
1125 Thr3e DVD5 PAL - - Thr3e DVD5 PAL.jpg 12350-files 5GB "Thr3e.nzb" yEncBin 2015/07/28 09:16
1124 Equilibrium DVD5 NTSC - - Equilibrium DVD5 NTSC.nfo 97-files 5GB "Equilibrium_DVD5_NTSC.nfo.nzb" yEncBin 2015/07/28 08:38
1123 Equilibrium DVD5 NTSC - - Equilibrium DVD5 NTSC.jpg 12078-files 5GB "Equilibrium.nzb" yEncBin 2015/07/28 08:38
1122 Klute DVD5 PAL 1971 - [02/92] - "Klute DVD5 PAL 1971.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/07/28 07:43
1121 Citizen Cohn DVD5 PAL 1992 - [02/98] - "Citizen Cohn DVD5 PAL 1992.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/07/28 07:05
1120 Newseros [01/30] - "Fenomenos_9.nfo" yEnc (1/1) <author> 2015/07/28 05:11
1119 Newseros [01/26] - "Lobos Humanos.nfo" yEnc (1/1) <author> 2015/07/28 02:50
1118 Klute DVD5 PAL 1971 - - Klute DVD5 PAL 1971.jpg 11553-files 5GB "Klute.nzb" yEncBin 2015/07/28 01:43
1117 Citizen Cohn DVD5 PAL 1992 - - Citizen Cohn DVD5 PAL 1992.nfo 38919-files 15GB "Citizen_Cohn_DVD5_PAL_1992.nfo.nzb" yEncBin 2015/07/28 01:05
1116 CENTURYON 2015/07/27 13:17
1115 CENTURYON 2015/07/27 07:17
1114 caback.par2 12886-files 5GB "caback.nzb" tarariquetev .. 2015/07/26 20:55
1113 Newseros [01/32] - "CANAAIRE.nfo" yEnc (1/1) <author> 2015/07/26 20:26
1112 Zathura, una aventura espacial [DVD9] [01/22] - "D9CENTURYONZathuraAventuraEspacialCENTURYON.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CENTURYON 2015/07/21 08:42
1111 Zathura, una aventura espacial [DVD9] - D9CENTURYONZathuraAventuraEspacialCENTURYON.nzb 90527-files 18GB "D9CENTURYONZa .. CENTURYON 2015/07/21 02:42
1110 CENTURYON 2015/07/16 21:02
1109 Asesinos inocentes [2015][HDTS XviD][Castellano Mic][Suspense] "$F" yEnc - [01/93] - "Asesinos inocentes [2015][HDTS Xvi .. stirkerbst 2015/07/16 13:32
1108 Anonymous [DVD9] [01/20] - "D9CENTURYONAnonymous2011CENTURYON.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CENTURYON 2015/07/15 15:03
1107 Anonymous [DVD9] - D9CENTURYONAnonymous2011CENTURYON.nzb 153954-files 31GB "D9CENTURYONAnonymous2011CENTURYON.nzb.nzb" CENTURYON 2015/07/15 09:03
1106 yEncBin 2015/07/14 11:58
1105 Jack Strong (2014) DVD5 PAL - [02/96] - "Jack Strong (2014) DVD5 PAL.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/07/14 11:24
1104 yEncBin 2015/07/14 10:50
1103 El inventor de juegos - The Games Maker (2014) DVD5 Latino - [02/90] - "El inventor de juegos - The Games Maker (2014) D .. yEncBin 2015/07/14 10:17
1102 Jack Strong DVD5 PAL - - Jack Strong DVD5 PAL.jpg 12041-files 5GB "Jack.nzb" yEncBin 2015/07/14 05:24
1101 yEncBin 2015/07/14 04:50
1100 El inventor de juegos - The Games Maker DVD5 Latino - - El inventor de juegos - The Games Maker DVD5 Latino.nzb 11463 .. yEncBin 2015/07/14 04:50
1099 El inventor de juegos - The Games Maker DVD5 Latino - - El inventor de juegos - The Games Maker DVD5 Latino.nfo 186-f .. yEncBin 2015/07/14 04:17
1098 El inventor de juegos - The Games Maker (2014) DVD5 Latino - [02/91] - "1LSiF786897V4LL.nfo" yEnc (1/1) yEncBin 2015/07/11 12:34
1097 yEncBin 2015/07/11 11:49
1096 yEncBin 2015/07/11 10:47
1095 El inventor de juegos - The Games Maker DVD5 Latino - - 1LSiF786897V4LL.nfo 93-files 5GB "1LSiF786897V4LL.nfo.nzb" yEncBin 2015/07/11 06:34
1094 El inventor de juegos - The Games Maker DVD5 Latino - - 1LSiF786897V4LL.jpg 11491-files 5GB "inventor.nzb" yEncBin 2015/07/11 06:34
1093 yEncBin 2015/07/11 05:49
1092 yEncBin 2015/07/11 04:47
1091 yEncBin 2015/07/11 04:47
1090 Gisaku - DVD9 [01/18] - "D9CENTURYONGisakuCENTURYON.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CENTURYON 2015/07/09 18:05
1089 Gisaku - DVD9 - D9CENTURYONGisakuCENTURYON.nzb 70019-files 14GB "D9CENTURYONGisakuCENTURYON.nzb.nzb" CENTURYON 2015/07/09 12:05
1088 American Dreamz (Salto a la fama) - DVD9 [01/20] - "D9CENTURYONAmericanDreamzCENTURYON.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CENTURYON 2015/07/06 17:33
1087 22 Balas (El inmortal) - DVD9 [01/20] - "D9CENTURYON22BalasCENTURYON.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CENTURYON 2015/07/06 03:41
1086 Le llamaban Shin Chan - DVD9 [01/28] - "D9CENTURYONLeLlamabanShinChanCENTURYON.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CENTURYON 2015/07/05 19:12
1085 CENTURYON 2015/07/05 15:52
1084 CENTURYON 2015/07/05 09:52
1083 CENTURYON 2015/07/03 18:05
1082 CENTURYON 2015/07/03 12:05
1081 Blade Runner: Montaje final - DVD9 [01/20] - "D9CENTURYONBladeRunnerFinalCutCENTURYON.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CENTURYON 2015/07/03 06:28
1080 Batman vs. Robin - DVD5 [01/12] - "D5CENTURYONBatmanContraRobinCENTURYON.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CENTURYON 2015/07/01 19:45
1079 CENTURYON 2015/07/01 17:35
1078 Las nuevas aventuras de Caperucita Roja - DVD9 [01/20] - "D9CENTURYONLasNuevasAventurasCaperucitaRojaCENTURYON.nfo" yEnc .. CENTURYON 2015/07/01 15:14
1077 Batman vs. Robin - DVD5 - D5CENTURYONBatmanContraRobinCENTURYON.nzb 23168-files 9GB "D5CENTURYONBatmanContraRobinCENTUR .. CENTURYON 2015/07/01 13:45
1076 Las nuevas aventuras de Caperucita Roja - DVD9 - D9CENTURYONLasNuevasAventurasCaperucitaRojaCENTURYON.nzb 149416-files .. CENTURYON 2015/07/01 09:14
1075 La princesa Cisne: El cuento de la familia real - DVD9 [01/14] - "D9CENTURYONPrincesaCisneUnCuentoFamiliaRealCENTURYON.n .. CENTURYON 2015/06/29 07:27
1074 CENTURYON 2015/06/28 19:49
1073 Lego Star Wars: La Amenaza Padawan - DVD5 [1/8] - "D5CENTURYONLegoStarWarsAmenazaPadawanCENTURYON.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CENTURYON 2015/06/28 15:03
1072 CENTURYON 2015/06/28 13:49
1071 Lego Star Wars: La Amenaza Padawan - DVD5 - D5CENTURYONLegoStarWarsAmenazaPadawanCENTURYON.nzb 14761-files 6GB "D5CENTU .. CENTURYON 2015/06/28 09:03
1070 Fofita, una foquita la mar de salada - DVD5 01 file - "D5CENTURYONFofitaUnaFoquitaMarSaladaCENTURYON.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CENTURYON 2015/06/26 20:25
1069 Lego Star Wars: El Imperio contra todos - DVD5 1 file - "D5CENTURYONLegoStarWarsImperioContraTodosCENTURYON.nfo" yEnc (1 .. CENTURYON 2015/06/26 07:56
1068 El libro de la vida - DVD9 01 file - "D9CENTURYOElLibroDLAVidaCENTURYON.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CENTURYON 2015/06/25 20:53
1067 CENTURYON 2015/06/25 18:42
1066 CENTURYON 2015/06/25 12:42
1065 Big Hero 6 - DVD9 - D9CENTURYONBigHero6CENTURYON.nfo 100117 files 40 GB "D9CENTURYONBigHero6CENTURYON.nfo.nzb" CENTURYON 2015/06/23 16:13
1064 La isla del cangrejo - DVD5 01 file - "IID5CENTURYONIslaDelCangrejoCENTURYON.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CENTURYON 2015/06/23 07:36
1063 FernGully, las aventuras de Zak y Crysta - DVD5 01 file - "D5CENTURYONFernGullyAventurasZakYCrystaCENTURYON.nfo" yEnc (1 .. CENTURYON 2015/06/22 15:43
1062 CENTURYON 2015/06/21 22:13
1061 Suite.Francese.2015.iTALiAN.AC3.DVDRip.XviD-TTN "$F" yEnc - 01 file - "Perdiendo el norte (2015)[HDRip][Castellano AC3 .. zargomena 2015/06/21 14:51
1060 CENTURYON 2015/06/21 12:22
1059 Fievel va al Oeste - DVD9 01 file - "D9CENTURYONFievelVaOesteCENTURYON.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CENTURYON 2015/06/21 07:37
1058 CENTURYON 2015/06/21 06:22
1057 Fievel va al Oeste - DVD9 - D9CENTURYONFievelVaOesteCENTURYON.nzb 63868 files 25 GB "D9CENTURYONFievelVaOesteCENTURYON. .. CENTURYON 2015/06/21 01:37
1056 Bob Esponja: Travesuras marinas - DVD9 01 file - "D9CENTURYONBobEsponjaTravesurasMarinaCENTURYON.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CENTURYON 2015/06/19 22:25
1055 Los Lunnis y su amigo Don Quijote - DVD9 01 file - "D9LunnisYAmigoDonQuijoteCENTURYON.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CENTURYON 2015/06/19 20:00
1054 La princesa Sofia: Fiestas en Encantia-DVD9 01 file - "D9CENTURYONPrincesaSofiaFiestasEncantiaCENTURYON.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CENTURYON 2015/06/18 22:34
1053 CENTURYON 2015/06/18 20:26
1052 Piratas del Caribe 4: En mareas misteriosas -BDRip m720 01 file - "CENTURYONPiratasCaribeMareasMisteriosasBDripm720pDual .. CENTURYON 2015/06/18 08:13
1051 Piratas del Caribe 4: En mareas misteriosas -BDRip m720 - CENTURYONPiratasCaribeMareasMisteriosasBDripm720pDualCENTURYO .. CENTURYON 2015/06/18 02:13
1050 Gigantes. La Leyenda De Tombatossals-DVD5 01 file - "D5CENTURYONGigantesLeyendaTombatossalsCENTURYON.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CENTURYON 2015/06/17 19:32
1049 George de la jungla 2-DVD9 01 file - "D9CENTURYONGeorgeDeLaJungla2CENTURYON.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CENTURYON 2015/06/17 17:06
1048 Newseros 01 file - "TierrasPenumbra5.nfo" yEnc (1/1) <author> 2015/06/17 15:27
1047 Gigantes. La Leyenda De Tombatossals-DVD5 - D5CENTURYONGigantesLeyendaTombatossalsCENTURYON.nzb 18944 files 8 GB "D5CEN .. CENTURYON 2015/06/17 13:32
1046 Newseros 01 file - "PraderaSangrienta.nfo" yEnc (1/1) <author> 2015/06/17 13:27
1045 CENTURYON 2015/06/17 08:48
1044 CENTURYON 2015/06/17 06:00
1043 CENTURYON 2015/06/17 00:00
1042 CENTURYON 2015/06/16 15:17
1041 Newseros 01 file - "TesorosMar.nfo" yEnc (1/1) <author> 2015/06/16 04:15
1040 Newseros 01 file - "PiratasMar.nfo" yEnc (1/1) <author> 2015/06/16 04:05
1039 CENTURYON 2015/06/16 00:01
1038 CENTURYON 2015/06/15 22:07
1037 Newseros 01 file - "Rufufu9.nfo" yEnc (1/1) <author> 2015/06/15 16:36
1036 CENTURYON 2015/06/14 20:09
1035 CENTURYON 2015/06/14 19:57
1034 CENTURYON 2015/06/14 13:57
1033 Newseros 01 file - "UltimoRefugio9.nfo" yEnc (1/1) <author> 2015/06/14 05:46
1032 Newseros 01 file - "Picnic9.nfo" yEnc (1/1) <author> 2015/06/13 15:33
1031 Newseros 01 file - "JardinesdePiedra5.nfo" yEnc (1/1) <author> 2015/06/13 13:37
1030 Newseros 01 file - "Stormbreaker9.nfo" yEnc (1/1) <author> 2015/06/12 18:00
1029 Newseros 01 file - "IcemanCometh.nfo" yEnc (1/1) <author> 2015/06/12 05:07
1028 Newseros 01 file - "ArteAmar9.nfo" yEnc (1/1) <author> 2015/06/12 00:34
1027 Newseros 01 file - "LeonCalles5.nfo" yEnc (1/1) <author> 2015/06/11 11:16
1026 Newseros 01 file - "LobosDeArga.nfo" yEnc (1/1) <author> 2015/06/11 05:20
1025 Newseros 01 file - "ADPolice9.nfo" yEnc (1/1) <author> 2015/06/11 01:08
1024 Newseros 01 file - "ClanAhorcados.nfo" yEnc (1/1) <author> 2015/06/10 20:51
1023 Newseros 01 file - "Lacautivadora.nfo" yEnc (1/1) <author> 2015/06/10 05:51
1022 Newseros 01 file - "5MunecaAgosto_9.nfo" yEnc (1/1) <author> 2015/06/09 18:59
1021 Newseros 01 file - "Asesinato_Hermana_George_9.nfo" yEnc (1/1) <author> 2015/06/08 05:27
1020 Newseros 01 file - "Capitanes_Intrepidos_9.nfo" yEnc (1/1) <author> 2015/06/07 14:05
1019 Newseros 01 file - "Quedate_conmigo_9.nfo" yEnc (1/1) <author> 2015/06/06 23:33
1018 Newseros 01 file - "FranAli9.nfo" yEnc (1/1) <author> 2015/06/06 12:22
1017 newseros01 file - "Noconfi_9.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CPP-User 2015/06/06 07:56
1016 newseros - Noconfi_9.nzb 8963 files 6 GB "Noconfi_9.nzb.nzb" CPP-User 2015/06/06 01:56
1015 newseros01 file - "Nightcrawler9.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CPP-User 2015/06/04 05:38
1014 newseros01 file - "Blckht9.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CPP-User 2015/06/03 13:47
1013 newseros01 file - "ventupolar9.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CPP-User 2015/06/03 10:51
1012 newseros - ventupolar9.nzb 36416 files 24 GB "ventupolar9.nzb.nzb" CPP-User 2015/06/03 04:51
1011 newseros01 file - "Clubimcomp9.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CPP-User 2015/06/02 10:42
1010 newseros01 file - "The Babadook_9.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CPP-User 2015/06/01 16:49
1009 newseros01 file - "Vince_9.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CPP-User 2015/06/01 05:36
1008 CENTURYON 2015/05/31 18:15
1007 newseros01 file - "50 sombras Grey.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CPP-User 2015/05/31 13:33
1006 CENTURYON 2015/05/31 12:15
1005 newseros - 50 sombras Grey.nzb 47756 files 32 GB "50_sombras_Grey.nzb.nzb" CPP-User 2015/05/31 07:33
1004 La casa de Mickey Mouse: Minnie-Cienta [DVD9] 01 file - "D9CasaMickeyMouseMinnieCientaDVD9CENTURYON.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CENTURYON 2015/05/30 20:24
1003 newseros01 file - "Extraterres_9.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CPP-User 2015/05/30 18:02
1002 La casa de Mickey Mouse: Minnie-Cienta [DVD9] - D9CasaMickeyMouseMinnieCientaDVD9CENTURYON.nzb 41123 files 8 GB "D9Casa .. CENTURYON 2015/05/30 14:24
1001 newseros01 file - "Cauti_9.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CPP-User 2015/05/30 13:23
1000 newseros01 file - "intervi_9.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CPP-User 2015/05/30 03:15
999 newseros01 file - "OvejasTren_9.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CPP-User 2015/05/29 13:52
998 newseros01 file - "Project Almanac_9.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CPP-User 2015/05/29 06:47
997 CPP-User 2015/05/29 04:56
996 CPP-User 2015/05/28 22:56
995 Panico en la granja [DVD9] 01 file - "D9PanicoGranja2009DVD9CENTURYON.nfo.txt" yEnc (1/1) CENTURYON 2015/05/28 20:35
994 Panico en la granja [DVD9] 01 file - "D9PanicoGranja2009DVD9CENTURYON.nfo.txt" yEnc (1/1) CENTURYON 2015/05/28 20:31
993 Panico en la granja [DVD9] - D9PanicoGranja2009DVD9CENTURYON.nfo.txt 77811 files 15 GB "D9PanicoGranja2009DVD9CENTURYON .. CENTURYON 2015/05/28 14:31
992 CENTURYON 2015/05/27 20:09
991 CENTURYON 2015/05/27 14:09
990 Beethoven: Aventura de navidad [DVD5] 32 files - "D5BeethovenAventuraNavidadDVD5CENTURYON.txt" yEnc (1/1) CENTURYON 2015/05/27 04:22
989 Beethoven: Aventura de navidad [DVD5] - D5BeethovenAventuraNavidadDVD5CENTURYON.nzb 48631 files 10 GB "DeethovenAventur .. CENTURYON 2015/05/26 20:48
988 MATS 2015/05/23 04:32
987 MATS 2015/05/22 21:58
986 MATS 2015/05/22 08:51
985 MATS 2015/05/22 06:07
984 MATS 2015/05/21 09:28
983 MATS 2015/05/20 11:53
982 MATS 2015/05/17 23:32
981 MATS 2015/05/16 23:11
980 MATS 2015/05/16 09:03
979 MATS 2015/05/15 20:32
978 MATS 2015/05/14 00:00
977 MATS 2015/05/11 20:36
976 MATS 2015/05/08 22:03
975 MATS 2015/05/08 11:20
974 MATS 2015/05/08 08:39
973 Redirected [DVD9] - - Redirected [DVD9].nzb - 916,78 kB - 14242 files 9 GB "Redirected_[DVD9].nzb.nzb" ?MATS? 2015/05/06 01:06
972 MATS 2015/05/03 02:17
971 MATS 2015/05/02 10:53
970 MATS 2015/04/30 09:25
969 MATS 2015/04/30 06:15
968 MATS 2015/04/30 02:36
967 MATS 2015/04/29 10:37
966 MATS 2015/04/25 07:03
965 MATS 2015/04/24 11:04
964 Perdiendo el norte (2015) Cam.Castellano - "Perdiendo el norte (2015) Cam.Castellano.nzb" yEnc (1/1) hlalabey 2015/04/24 04:45
963 Perdiendo el norte (2015) Cam.Castellano - "Perdiendo el norte (2015) Cam.Castellano.nfo" yEnc (1/1) hlalabey 2015/04/24 04:45
962 MATS 2015/04/24 03:13
961 MATS 2015/04/23 08:54
960 MATS 2015/04/23 04:42
959 MATS 2015/04/23 02:08
958 MATS 2015/04/22 22:51
957 MATS 2015/04/22 12:03
956 MATS 2015/04/21 09:19
955 MATS 2015/04/19 03:29
954 MATS 2015/04/17 12:24
953 MATS 2015/04/17 06:15
952 MATS 2015/04/17 04:16
951 MATS 2015/04/17 02:40
950 MATS 2015/04/16 11:47
949 MATS 2015/04/16 10:15
948 MATS 2015/04/16 08:21
947 MATS 2015/04/16 04:31
946 MATS 2015/04/16 01:09
945 MATS 2015/04/15 21:35
944 newseros - - 449349.par2 10697 files 7 GB "449349.nzb" newseros 2015/04/12 08:13
943 newseros - - 939029.par2 11515 files 8 GB "939029.nzb" newseros 2015/04/12 05:00
942 MATS 2015/04/12 03:40
941 newseros - - 386450.par2 10752 files 7 GB "386450.nzb" newseros 2015/04/11 18:45
940 MATS 2015/04/09 05:04
939 MATS 2015/04/09 03:05
938 MATS 2015/04/08 22:19
937 MATS 2015/04/08 21:48
936 MATS 2015/04/06 11:35
935 MATS 2015/04/06 09:03
934 CPP-User 2015/04/06 04:11
933 newseros01 file - "Laser Mission D5.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CPP-User 2015/04/05 23:50
932 CPP-User 2015/04/05 22:11
931 newseros01 file - "El Chino D9.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CPP-User 2015/04/05 21:48
930 MATS 2015/04/05 02:20
929 newseros01 file - "El capitan fuego D5.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CPP-User 2015/04/04 23:24
928 Perdiendo el norte [HDTS-Screener]2015 files[Castellano MIC][Comedia]- "Perdiendo el norte [HDTS-Screener]2015 files[Ca .. hlalabey 2015/04/04 11:00
927 Perdiendo el norte [HDTS-Screener]2015 files[Castellano MIC][Comedia]- "Perdiendo el norte [HDTS-Screener]2015 files[Ca .. hlalabey 2015/04/04 11:00
926 La conspiracion del silencio (2015) [HDTS-SCREENER XviD][Castellano MiC DubbeD HQ] - "La conspiracion del silencio (201 .. hlalabey 2015/04/04 06:57
925 newseros01 file - "Birdman D9.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CPP-User 2015/04/04 05:52
924 newseros01 file - "El halcon y la flecha D9.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CPP-User 2015/04/04 02:32
923 newseros - Destino.Canada..nfo 55883 files 37 GB "Destino.Canada..nfo.nzb" CPP-User 2015/04/03 19:29
922 MATS 2015/04/02 23:21
921 newseros01 file - "Marlowe, detective muy privado D9.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CPP-User 2015/04/02 16:59
920 newseros01 file - "Tienes Un E-Mail D9.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CPP-User 2015/04/02 10:00
919 newseros01 file - "X Ben.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CPP-User 2015/04/02 08:00
918 newseros01 file - "Jimmy's Hall D9.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CPP-User 2015/04/01 22:10
917 newseros01 file - "El ultimo golpe D9.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CPP-User 2015/04/01 11:49
916 newseros01 file - "Vicio.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CPP-User 2015/04/01 06:27
915 01 file - "La horca puede esperar.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CPP-User 2015/04/01 03:21
914 newseros - Vicio.nzb 62908 files 42 GB "Vicio.nzb.nzb" CPP-User 2015/04/01 00:27
913 La horca puede esperar.par2 5521 files 4 GB "La_horca_puede_esperar.nzb" CPP-User 2015/03/31 21:21
912 MATS? 2015/03/30 11:05
911 MATS? 2015/03/30 07:07
910 Doble o nada [DVD9] - - Doble o nada [DVD9].jpg - 5,23 GB - 8799 files 6 GB "Doble.nzb" ?MATS? 2015/03/27 22:49
909 MATS? 2015/03/27 05:13
908 MATS? 2015/03/27 02:34
907 01 file - "Los juegos del hambre Sinsajo. Parte I D9.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CPP-User 2015/03/26 05:43
906 Los juegos del hambre Sinsajo. Parte I D9.nzb 12114 files 8 GB "Los_juegos_del_hambre_Sinsajo._Parte_I_D9.nzb.nzb" CPP-User 2015/03/25 23:43
905 MATS? 2015/03/25 12:43
904 MATS? 2015/03/22 23:10
903 DVD01 file - "Harry Black y el tigre D5.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CPP-User 2015/03/22 03:59
902 MATS? 2015/03/22 01:37
901 MATS? 2015/03/22 00:59
900 DVD - Harry Black y el tigre D5.par2 7112 files 5 GB "Harry_Black_y_el_tigre_D5.nzb" CPP-User 2015/03/21 21:59
899 CPP-User 2015/03/21 21:16
898 CPP-User 2015/03/21 15:16
897 MATS? 2015/03/21 11:19
896 MATS? 2015/03/21 06:46
895 MATS? 2015/03/21 03:31
894 MATS? 2015/03/21 00:07
893 MATS? 2015/03/20 23:42
892 MATS®® 2015/03/20 19:09
891 newseros01 file - "Palabra De Ley D9.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CPP-User 2015/03/20 15:16
890 newseros01 file - "Dos tontos todavia mas tontos D9.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CPP-User 2015/03/20 13:31
889 MATS?? 2015/03/20 13:09
888 MATS?? 2015/03/20 13:09
887 MATS?? 2015/03/20 08:02
886 MATS?? 2015/03/20 00:03
885 newseros01 file - "Birdman D9.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CPP-User 2015/03/19 22:47
884 newseros01 file - "Calvary D9.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CPP-User 2015/03/19 20:09
883 newseros - Calvary D9.nzb 48180 files 32 GB "Calvary_D9.nzb.nzb" CPP-User 2015/03/19 14:09
882 MATS?? 2015/03/19 12:34
881 MATS?? 2015/03/19 07:03
880 MATS?? 2015/03/19 05:59
879 MATS?? 2015/03/19 05:04
878 MATS?? 2015/03/19 04:22
877 MATS?? 2015/03/19 03:23
876 newseros01 file - "El tigre de San Francisco D5.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CPP-User 2015/03/17 15:04
875 newseros01 file - "La Muchacha del Sendero D5.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CPP-User 2015/03/17 14:03
874 MATS?? 2015/03/17 10:21
873 newseros01 file - "Loreak D9.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CPP-User 2015/03/16 17:15
872 newseros - Loreak D9.nzb 37640 files 25 GB "Loreak_D9.nzb.nzb" CPP-User 2015/03/16 11:15
871 Oculus El espejo del mal [DVD9] - - Oculus El espejo del mal [DVD9].jpg - 6,91 GB - 11610 files 8 GB "Oculus.nzb" ?MATS? 2015/03/14 01:01
870 newseros01 file - "Filth D9.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CPP-User 2015/03/13 07:21
869 MATS? 2015/03/13 00:26
868 MATS? 2015/03/12 12:59
867 newseros01 file - "Origenes D9.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CPP-User 2015/03/12 05:40
866 newseros - Origenes D9.nzb 23747 files 16 GB "Origenes_D9.nzb.nzb" CPP-User 2015/03/11 23:40
865 Matar al mensajero (2014) [HDRip XviD][Castellano AC3 5.1] [Thriller - Drama] "Matar al mensajero (2014) [HDRip XviD][Ca .. vinajakas 2015/03/11 20:17
864 Matar al mensajero (2014) [DVDRip XviD][Castellano.aviAC3 5.1] [Thriller - Drama] "Matar al mensajero (2014) [DVDRip Xvi .. vinajakas 2015/03/11 19:54
863 newseros01 file - "Dos a la carta D9.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CPP-User 2015/03/11 14:51
862 MATS? 2015/03/11 08:41
861 newseros01 file - "Un regalo para papa D9.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CPP-User 2015/03/11 07:24
860 MATS? 2015/03/11 02:50
859 newseros01 file - "La sombra del zar amarillo D9.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CPP-User 2015/03/11 02:21
858 newseros01 file - "La loba D5.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CPP-User 2015/03/10 18:33
857 newseros01 file - "Volando a casa D9.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CPP-User 2015/03/10 16:42
856 newseros01 file - "Sonatine D9.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CPP-User 2015/03/10 14:46
855 newseros01 file - "Rocketeer D5.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CPP-User 2015/03/10 09:43
854 newseros01 file - "Dos cabalgan juntos D5.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CPP-User 2015/03/09 17:07
853 newseros - Dos cabalgan juntos D5.part01.rar 81783 files 54 GB "Dos_cabalgan_juntos_D5.nzb" CPP-User 2015/03/09 11:07
852 newseros01 file - "Skelenon D9.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CPP-User 2015/03/09 05:54
851 newseros01 file - "Skizo D9.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CPP-User 2015/03/08 15:49
850 newseros01 file - "Pareja Chiflada D5.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CPP-User 2015/03/08 14:47
849 newseros01 file - "Zulu D9.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CPP-User 2015/03/08 06:49
848 newseros01 file - "Dragones y mazmorras 4 D9.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CPP-User 2015/03/08 05:28
847 MATS? 2015/03/08 03:54
846 newseros01 file - "Dragones y mazmorras 3 D9.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CPP-User 2015/03/08 01:55
845 newseros01 file - "Fat City D5.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CPP-User 2015/03/07 13:50
844 newseros - Fat City D5.part02.rar 70090 files 46 GB "Fat_City_D5.nzb" CPP-User 2015/03/07 06:50
843 MATS? 2015/03/07 00:17
842 [tt1856053] - - Niko2 D5.part01.rar 8401 files 6 GB "Niko2_D5.nzb" AutoRarPar 2015/03/06 22:19
841 MATS? 2015/03/06 08:17
840 Dragones y mazmorras 2 D9 - - [tt0085011]Dragones y mazmorras 2 D9.part02.rar 9660 files 6 GB "[tt0085011]Dragones_y_ma .. AutoRarPar 2015/03/06 07:35
839 MATS? 2015/03/06 04:08
838 MATS? 2015/03/03 09:11
837 newseros01 file - "Coherence D5.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CPP-User 2015/03/02 21:33
836 newseros01 file - "Diner D5.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CPP-User 2015/03/02 20:23
835 newseros01 file - "DOSDIAS D9.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CPP-User 2015/03/02 18:26
834 newseros - DOSDIAS D9.nzb 27948 files 18 GB "DOSDIAS_D9.nzb.nzb" CPP-User 2015/03/02 11:26
833 MATS? 2015/03/01 23:20
832 MATS? 2015/03/01 08:09
831 MATS? 2015/02/28 09:05
830 MATS? 2015/02/26 11:07
829 MATS? 2015/02/26 10:35
828 MATS? 2015/02/26 08:18
827 MATS? 2015/02/26 02:20
826 MATS? 2015/02/25 07:24
825 MATS? 2015/02/25 03:38
824 MATS? 2015/02/24 07:30
823 La Conspiracion Del Silencio (2015) [HDCAM XviD][Mic Castellano][Drama] "La Conspiracion Del Silencio (2015) [HDCAM XviD .. vinajakas 2015/02/22 17:08
822 vinajakas 2015/02/19 16:41
821 Relatos Salvajes (2015) [microHD 720p] [Castellano AC3 5.1] [Thriller] "Relatos Salvajes (2015) [microHD 720p] [Castella .. vinajakas 2015/02/17 16:15
820 Relatos Salvajes (2015) [microHD 720p] [Castellano AC3 5.1] [Thriller] "Relatos Salvajes (2015) [microHD 720p] [Castella .. vinajakas 2015/02/17 16:15
819 Relatos Salvajes (2014) [HDRip XviD] [Castellano AC3 5.1] [Thriller] "Relatos Salvajes (2014) [HDRip XviD] [Castellano A .. vinajakas 2015/02/17 15:52
818 Relatos Salvajes (2014) [HDRip XviD] [Castellano AC3 5.1] [Thriller] "Relatos Salvajes (2014) [HDRip XviD] [Castellano A .. vinajakas 2015/02/17 15:52
817 Relatos Salvajes (2014) [BDRip m720p][Castellano AC3 5.1][Suspenso Drama] "Relatos Salvajes (2014) [BDRip m720p][Castell .. vinajakas 2015/02/14 18:18
816 MATS? 2015/02/11 09:33
815 MATS?? 2015/02/11 06:04
814 MATS?? 2015/02/11 00:27
813 MATS® 2015/02/10 17:11
812 newseros - W2ZpbG04Mzg4NTRdIElucXVpc2ljaW9uW2VzXSBKTURWRA==.7z.nzb 21687 files 14 GB "W2ZpbG04Mzg4NTRdIElucXVpc2ljaW9uW2 .. CPP-User 2015/02/10 17:01
811 MATS? 2015/02/10 10:12
810 ?MATS? 2015/02/06 11:01
809 ?MATS? 2015/02/06 10:04
808 ®MATS® 2015/02/06 08:22
807 ?MATS? 2015/02/06 00:06
806 ?MATS? 2015/02/05 23:07
805 ?MATS? 2015/02/05 21:44
804 ?MATS? 2015/02/05 21:20
803 ?MATS? 2015/02/05 20:40
802 ?MATS? 2015/02/05 08:49
801 ?MATS? 2015/02/05 07:50
800 ?MATS? 2015/02/02 01:10
799 ?MATS? 2015/02/01 10:17
798 ?MATS? 2015/02/01 07:22
797 Matar al mensajero (2014) [BR-LiNE XviD] [LiNE 2.0 HQ Castellano] [Thriller - Drama] "Matar al mensajero (2014) [BR-LiNE .. vinajakas 2015/01/30 20:04
796 Matar al mensajero (2014) [BR-LiNE XviD] [LiNE 2.0 HQ Castellano] [Thriller - Drama] "Matar al mensajero (2014) [BR-LiNE .. vinajakas 2015/01/30 20:04
795 ?MATS? 2015/01/30 06:32
794 ?MATS? 2015/01/29 03:31
793 ?MATS? 2015/01/29 03:11
792 ?MATS? 2015/01/29 02:54
791 ?MATS? 2015/01/26 09:46
790 ?MATS? 2015/01/26 05:31
789 La Conspiracion Del Silencio (2015)[HDCAM Xvid][Castellano Mic][Drama]- "La Conspiracion Del Silencio (2015)[HDCAM Xvid] .. vinajakas 2015/01/25 13:29
788 ?MATS? 2015/01/25 04:45
787 Automata (2014) [BR-SCREENER XviD] [MiC xTreme HQ Castellano] [Accion]- "Automata (2014) [BR-SCREENER XviD] [MiC xTreme .. vinajakas 2015/01/24 13:06
786 Automata (2014) [BR-SCREENER XviD] [MiC xTreme HQ Castellano] [Accion]- "Automata (2014) [BR-SCREENER XviD] [MiC xTreme .. vinajakas 2015/01/24 13:06
785 ?MATS? 2015/01/24 12:40
784 Automata (2014) [DVDrip XviD][Castellano AC3 5.1][Ciencia ficcion] "Automata (2014) [DVDrip XviD][Castellano AC3 5.1][Ci .. vinajakas 2015/01/23 16:04
783 ®MATS® 2015/01/23 11:16
782 ?MATS? 2015/01/23 00:09
781 ?MATS? 2015/01/22 20:50
780 ?MATS? 2015/01/22 13:00
779 ?MATS? 2015/01/22 09:07
778 ?MATS? 2015/01/22 06:06
777 ?MATS? 2015/01/22 05:52
776 MATS? 2015/01/18 23:34
775 ?MATS? 2015/01/18 01:46
774 Relatos Salvajes (2014) [DVD5][PAL][Castellano][Sub.Ingles][Drama] "Relatos Salvajes (2014) [DVD5][PAL][Castellano][Sub. .. vinajakas 2015/01/17 15:01
773 I Feel Good [DVD9] - - I Feel Good [DVD9].jpg - 6,66 GB - 11198 files 7 GB "Feel.nzb" MATS? 2015/01/17 10:47
772 Dracula, la leyenda jamas contada [DVD9] - - Dracula, la leyenda jamas contada [DVD9].jpg - 6,35 GB - 16057 files 11 GB .. MATS? 2015/01/17 10:04
771 Relatos Salvajes (2014) [DVD5][PAL][Castellano][Sub.Ingles][Drama] "Relatos Salvajes (2014) [DVD5][PAL][Castellano][Sub. .. vinajakas 2015/01/16 21:49
770 ?MATS? 2015/01/15 21:50
769 Relatos Salvajes (2014) [DVDrip XviD][Castellano AC3 5.1][Drama] "Relatos Salvajes (2014) [DVDrip XviD][Castellano AC3 5 .. vinajakas 2015/01/15 15:43
768 ?MATS? 2015/01/15 08:49
767 ?MATS? 2015/01/15 04:35
766 ?MATS? 2015/01/09 04:18
765 ?MATS? 2015/01/08 10:06
764 ?MATS? 2014/12/31 01:50
763 ?MATS? 2014/12/28 23:36
762 ?MATS? 2014/12/27 08:31
761 ?MATS? 2014/12/24 23:23
760 ?MATS? 2014/12/24 08:20
759 ?MATS? 2014/12/24 08:19
758 ?MATS? 2014/12/24 00:40
757 ?MATS? 2014/12/23 08:12
756 vinajakas 2014/12/22 20:38
755 vinajakas 2014/12/22 18:19
754 vinajakas 2014/12/22 18:19
753 ®MATS® 2014/12/22 15:27
752 ?MATS? 2014/12/21 02:20
751 ?MATS? 2014/12/20 07:08
750 ?MATS? 2014/12/20 03:17
749 ?MATS? 2014/12/20 02:38
748 ®MATS® 2014/12/19 20:46
747 ®MATS® 2014/12/19 20:44
746 ®MATS® 2014/12/19 20:44
745 ®MATS® 2014/12/19 20:44
744 ®MATS® 2014/12/19 20:44
743 ®MATS® 2014/12/19 20:44
742 ®MATS® 2014/12/19 20:43
741 ®MATS® 2014/12/19 20:43
740 ®MATS® 2014/12/19 20:42
739 vinajakas 2014/12/19 17:35
738 ®MATS® 2014/12/19 13:04
737 Matar Al Mensajero [CAMRip][Cast Mic][Thriller]2014 files-"Matar Al Mensajero [CAMRip][Cast Mic][Thriller]2014 files.nfo .. vinajakas 2014/12/19 12:32
736 Mortadelo y filemon contra jimmy el cachondo (2014)[CAM][Cast Mic HQ][Animation]-"Mortadelo y filemon contra jimmy el ca .. vinajakas 2014/12/19 11:40
735 Mortadelo y filemon contra jimmy el cachondo (2014)[CAM][Cast Mic HQ][Animation]-"Mortadelo y filemon contra jimmy el ca .. vinajakas 2014/12/19 11:40
734 ®MATS® 2014/12/18 22:50
733 ®MATS® 2014/12/18 22:47
732 ®MATS® 2014/12/18 22:46
731 ®MATS® 2014/12/18 22:46
730 ®MATS® 2014/12/18 22:46
729 ®MATS® 2014/12/18 22:44
728 ®MATS® 2014/12/18 22:38
727 ®MATS® 2014/12/18 22:22
726 ?MATS? 2014/12/18 02:28
725 ?MATS? 2014/12/18 02:02
724 ?MATS? 2014/12/17 08:28
723 ?MATS? 2014/12/17 01:12
722 CENTURYON 2014/12/16 09:40
721 ?MATS? 2014/12/16 08:24
720 ®MATS® 2014/12/15 05:34
719 ®MATS® 2014/12/15 05:21
718 ®MATS® 2014/12/15 05:07
717 ®MATS® 2014/12/15 04:52
716 ?MATS? 2014/12/13 05:21
715 ?MATS? 2014/12/11 23:31
714 ?MATS? 2014/12/11 22:18
713 ?MATS? 2014/12/11 09:52
712 ?MATS? 2014/12/11 07:16
711 ?MATS? 2014/12/11 06:59
710 ?MATS? 2014/12/11 06:38
709 ?MATS? 2014/12/11 06:19
708 ?MATS? 2014/12/11 06:01
707 ®MATS® 2014/12/11 05:22
706 ®MATS® 2014/12/11 05:21
705 ?MATS? 2014/12/10 08:00
704 ?MATS? 2014/12/10 04:06
703 ®MATS® 2014/12/09 23:39
702 ®MATS® 2014/12/09 23:38
701 ®MATS® 2014/12/09 23:38
700 ®MATS® 2014/12/09 23:38
699 ®MATS® 2014/12/09 23:38
698 ?MATS? 2014/12/09 04:18
697 ®MATS® 2014/12/08 09:54
696 vinajakas 2014/12/07 23:33
695 vinajakas 2014/12/07 23:31
694 Garfield 2 [DVD9]01 file - "DVD9Garfield2CENTURYON.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CENTURYON 2014/12/07 19:01
693 CENTURYON 2014/12/07 15:45
692 ?MATS? 2014/12/07 10:14
691 ?MATS? 2014/12/06 22:48
690 ®MATS® 2014/12/06 21:38
689 ®MATS® 2014/12/06 21:38
688 ®MATS® 2014/12/06 21:36
687 CENTURYON 2014/12/06 18:38
686 CENTURYON 2014/12/06 11:38
685 MATS® 2014/12/05 21:15
684 MATS® 2014/12/05 21:14
683 MATS® 2014/12/05 21:14
682 MATS® 2014/12/05 21:14
681 MATS® 2014/12/04 21:56
680 MATS® 2014/12/04 21:56
679 MATS® 2014/12/04 21:55
678 MATS® 2014/12/03 22:50
677 MATS® 2014/12/03 22:49
676 MATS® 2014/12/03 22:48
675 MATS® 2014/12/02 21:58
674 Teen Titans: Intercambio [DVD9]01 file - "DVD9TeentitansIntercambioCENTURYON.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CENTURYON 2014/12/02 19:57
673 CENTURYON 2014/12/02 19:42
672 CPP-User 2014/12/02 13:32
671 MATS® 2014/12/02 00:51
670 Los Mini Monstruos 1 [DVD5]01 file - "DVD5LosMinimonstruos1CENTURYON.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CENTURYON 2014/12/01 22:49
669 La Bella y la Bestia 2 [DVD9]01 file - "DVD9LaBellaYLaBestia2CENTURYON.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CENTURYON 2014/12/01 22:32
668 La Bella y la Bestia: EE [DVD9]01 file - "DVD9LaBellaYLaBestiaEECENTURYON.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CENTURYON 2014/12/01 22:15
667 newseros01 file - "Guardianes de la galaxia D9.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CPP-User 2014/12/01 22:15
666 MATS® 2014/12/01 00:26
665 MATS® 2014/12/01 00:22
664 Toy Story 3 [DVD9]01 file - "DVD9ToyStory3CENTURYON.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CENTURYON 2014/11/30 20:35
663 Ulises 31 Disco 5 D 5 [DVD5]01 file - "DVD5Ulises31Disco5CENTURYON.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CENTURYON 2014/11/30 20:18
662 Ulises 31 Disco 4 D 5 [DVD5]01 file - "DVD5Ulises31Disco4D5CENTURYON.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CENTURYON 2014/11/30 20:06
661 Ulises 31 Disco 3 D 5 [DVD5]01 file - "DVD5Ulises31Disco3D5CENTURYON.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CENTURYON 2014/11/30 19:54
660 Ulises 31 Disco 2 D 5 [DVD5]01 file - "DVD5Ulises31Disco2D5CENTURYON.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CENTURYON 2014/11/30 19:43
659 Ulises 31 Disco 1 D 5 [DVD5]01 file - "DVD5Ulises31Disco1D5CENTURYON.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CENTURYON 2014/11/30 19:34
658 Toy Story 3 [DVD9] - DVD9ToyStory3CENTURYON.nzb 199656 files 79 GB "DVD9ToyStory3CENTURYON.nzb.nzb" CENTURYON 2014/11/30 13:35
657 Ulises 31 Disco 1 D 5 [DVD5] - DVD5Ulises31Disco1D5CENTURYON.nzb 149763 files 59 GB "DVD5Ulises31Disco1D5CENTURYON.nzb.n .. CENTURYON 2014/11/30 12:34
656 MATS® 2014/11/29 22:42
655 MATS® 2014/11/29 22:40
654 newseros01 file - "El Imperio Del Mal (1991).nfo" yEnc (1/1) CPP-User 2014/11/29 15:41
653 newseros01 file - "Pata negra (2001).nfo" yEnc (1/1) CPP-User 2014/11/29 14:07
652 Mortadelo y Filemon contra Jimmy el Cachondo (2014) [CAMRip][Castellano][Animation]-"Mortadelo y Filemon contra Jimmy el .. vinajakas 2014/11/29 07:36
651 Mortadelo y Filemon contra Jimmy el Cachondo (2014) [CAMRip][Castellano][Animation]-"Mortadelo y Filemon contra Jimmy el .. vinajakas 2014/11/29 07:35
650 newseros - Pata negra .nzb 23774 files 16 GB "Pata_negra_.nzb.nzb" CPP-User 2014/11/29 07:07
649 MATS® 2014/11/28 21:46
648 MATS® 2014/11/28 21:46
647 MATS® 2014/11/28 21:44
646 MATS® 2014/11/28 21:43
645 MATS® 2014/11/28 21:42
644 MATS® 2014/11/28 21:36
643 MATS® 2014/11/28 21:34
642 MATS® 2014/11/28 21:30
641 MATS® 2014/11/28 21:24
640 MATS® 2014/11/28 21:16
639 MATS® 2014/11/28 21:12
638 MATS® 2014/11/27 22:26
637 MATS® 2014/11/27 22:24
636 MATS® 2014/11/27 22:24
635 MATS® 2014/11/27 22:24
634 MATS® 2014/11/27 22:24
633 MATS® 2014/11/27 22:23
632 MATS® 2014/11/27 22:22
631 MATS® 2014/11/27 22:16
630 MATS® 2014/11/27 22:16
629 MATS® 2014/11/26 19:12
628 MATS® 2014/11/24 23:38
627 MATS® 2014/11/24 23:37
626 CENTURYON 2014/11/23 15:25
625 Unico en la Isla de la Magia [DVD9]01 file - "DVD9UnicoEnLaIslaDeLaMagiaCENTURYON.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CENTURYON 2014/11/23 12:12
624 CENTURYON 2014/11/23 08:25
623 Unico en la Isla de la Magia [DVD9] - DVD9UnicoEnLaIslaDeLaMagiaCENTURYON.nzb 27950 files 11 GB "DVD9UnicoEnLaIslaDeLaMa .. CENTURYON 2014/11/23 05:12
622 newseros01 file - "Macbeth (1971).nfo" yEnc (1/1) CPP-User 2014/11/23 04:55
621 Serena (2014)[HDRip x264][Castellano Mic][Drama]-"Serena (2014)[HDRip x264][Castellano Mic][Drama].nfo" yEnc (1/1) vinajakas 2014/11/22 09:41
620 Anunnaki 2014/11/21 22:48
619 La aldea del arce [DVDRIP]01 file - "DVDRIPLaAldea DelArceCompleta-52De52CENTURYON.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CENTURYON 2014/11/19 20:16
618 La aldea del arce [DVDRIP] - DVDRIPLaAldea DelArceCompleta-52De52CENTURYON.nzb 36183 files 14 GB "DVDRIPLaAldea_DelArceC .. CENTURYON 2014/11/19 13:16
617 Vecinos invasores [DVD9-PAL]01 file - "DVD9VecinosInvasoresCENTURYON.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CENTURYON 2014/11/19 08:45
616 Zwei Rechnen ab Geman 1957 DVD 9 Untouched.part01.rar - 7,53 GB - 21117 files 8 GB "Zwei_Rechnen_ab_Geman_1957_DVD_9_Unt .. NoName 2014/11/19 08:30
615 Vecinos invasores [DVD9-PAL] - DVD9VecinosInvasoresCENTURYON.nzb 36190 files 14 GB " .. CENTURYON 2014/11/19 01:46
614 newseros01 file - "20141113143751.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CPP-User 2014/11/18 07:09
613 newseros01 file - "Freeze Frame.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CPP-User 2014/11/18 06:10
612 newseros - Freeze Frame.part03.rar 33040 files 22 GB "Freeze_Frame.nzb" CPP-User 2014/11/17 23:14
611 El guerrero sin nombre [DVD5-PAL]01 file - "DVD5ElGuerreroSinNombreCENTURYON.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CENTURYON 2014/11/17 15:26
610 newseros01 file - "Hasta que la muerte nos separe (2008).nfo" yEnc (1/1) CPP-User 2014/11/17 13:29
609 El guerrero sin nombre [DVD5-PAL] - DVD5ElGuerreroSinNombreCENTURYON.nzb 23159 files 9 GB "DVD5ElGuerreroSinNombreCENTUR .. CENTURYON 2014/11/17 08:26
608 Babe, el cerdito en la ciudad [DVD5-PAL]01 file - "DVD5Babe2CerditoEnCiudadCENTURYON.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CENTURYON 2014/11/16 16:41
607 newseros01 file - "20141115094256.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CPP-User 2014/11/16 15:21
606 newseros68 files - "Barbacoa de amigos (2014).nfo" yEnc (1/1) CPP-User 2014/11/16 15:15
605 vinajakas 2014/11/16 09:43
604 newseros01 file - "20141115093359.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CPP-User 2014/11/16 05:29
603 newseros68 files - "Barbacoa de amigos (2014).nfo" yEnc (1/1) CPP-User 2014/11/16 04:08
602 newseros - Barbacoa de amigos (2014.par2 57866 files 38 GB "Barbacoa_de_amigos_(2014.nzb" CPP-User 2014/11/15 21:08
601 newseros01 file - "20141113063953.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CPP-User 2014/11/15 16:14
600 newseros01 file - "20141114053652.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CPP-User 2014/11/15 13:43
599 newseros01 file - "20141113145211.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CPP-User 2014/11/15 07:31
598 newseros01 file - "20141113044448.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CPP-User 2014/11/15 05:35
597 newseros01 file - "20141113044055.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CPP-User 2014/11/15 03:49
596 newseros01 file - "20141114054911.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CPP-User 2014/11/15 01:30
595 Anunnaki 2014/11/15 00:32
594 Babe, el cerdito valiente [DVD5-PAL]01 file - "DVD5BabeElCerditoValienteCENTURYON.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CENTURYON 2014/11/14 20:25
593 Dora la exploradora: Canta con Dora [DVD5-PAL]01 file - "DVD5DoraExploradoraCantaConDoraCENTURYON.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CENTURYON 2014/11/14 17:00
592 Babe, el cerdito valiente [DVD5-PAL] - DVD5BabeElCerditoValienteCENTURYON.nzb 48308 files 19 GB "DVDabeElCerditoValiente .. CENTURYON 2014/11/14 13:25
591 Dora la exploradora: Canta con Dora [DVD5-PAL] - DVD5DoraExploradoraCantaConDoraCENTURYON.nzb 23260 files 9 GB "DVD5Dora .. CENTURYON 2014/11/14 10:00
590 newseros01 file - "Castores zombies.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CPP-User 2014/11/14 06:02
589 newseros01 file - "20141114043013.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CPP-User 2014/11/13 23:20
588 newseros01 file - "20141113144010.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CPP-User 2014/11/13 21:42
587 newseros - 20141113144010.par2 113281 files 75 GB "20141113144010.nzb" CPP-User 2014/11/13 14:42
586 newseros01 file - "Sex Tape. Algo pasa en la nube.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CPP-User 2014/11/13 08:33
585 newseros01 file - "20141113044801.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CPP-User 2014/11/12 23:37
584 Anunnaki 2014/11/12 21:11
583 Nocturna [DVD9-PAL]01 file - "DVD9NocturnaUnaAventuraMagicaCENTURYON.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CENTURYON 2014/11/12 17:18
582 Nocturna [DVD9-PAL] - DVD9NocturnaUnaAventuraMagicaCENTURYON.nzb 33483 files 13 GB "DVD9NocturnaUnaAventuraMagicaCENTURY .. CENTURYON 2014/11/12 10:18
581 Futurama: El gran golpe de Bender [DVD9-PAL]01 file - "DVD9FuturamaGranGolpeBenderCENTURYON.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CENTURYON 2014/11/11 20:20
580 Bubble Guppies [DVD9-PAL]01 file - "DVD9BubbleGuppiesCENTURYON.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CENTURYON 2014/11/11 15:35
579 Futurama: El gran golpe de Bender [DVD9-PAL] - DVD9FuturamaGranGolpeBenderCENTURYON.nzb 36212 files 14 GB "DVD9FuturamaG .. CENTURYON 2014/11/11 13:20
578 newseros01 file - "Chef.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CPP-User 2014/11/11 05:19
577 newseros - Chef.par2 11692 files 8 GB "Chef.nzb" CPP-User 2014/11/10 22:19
576 newseros01 file - "tt010812220141110070709.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CPP-User 2014/11/10 14:36
575 newseros01 file - "Jugando sucio.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CPP-User 2014/11/10 13:29
574 newseros01 file - "Operacion Canada.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CPP-User 2014/11/10 06:19
573 newseros01 file - "Biba La banda.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CPP-User 2014/11/10 05:19
572 newseros53 files - "Pinprick (2009).nfo" yEnc (1/1) CPP-User 2014/11/10 04:33
571 CPP-User 2014/11/10 02:36
570 Dragon Ball Z: La batalla de los dioses [DVD9-PAL]01 file - "DVD9DragonBallZLaBatallaDiosesCENTURYON.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CENTURYON 2014/11/09 20:10
569 CENTURYON 2014/11/09 17:27
568 Serena [TELESYNC XviD][Cast Mic][Drama]2014 files-"Serena [TELESYNC XviD][Cast Mic][Drama]2014 files.nfo" yEnc (1/1) vinajakas 2014/11/09 16:39
567 Serena [TELESYNC XviD][Cast Mic][Drama]2014 files-"Serena [TELESYNC XviD][Cast Mic][Drama]2014 files.nzb" yEnc (1/1) vinajakas 2014/11/09 16:39
566 newseros01 file - "Viajo sola.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CPP-User 2014/11/09 13:07
565 CENTURYON 2014/11/09 10:27
564 newseros01 file - "Foxfire Confesiones de una banda de chicas.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CPP-User 2014/11/09 01:28
563 newseros68 files - "The Prince (2014).nfo" yEnc (1/1) CPP-User 2014/11/09 00:47
562 newseros01 file - "El abuelo que salto por la ventana y se largo.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CPP-User 2014/11/08 21:01
561 newseros83 files - "Sabotage.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CPP-User 2014/11/08 14:04
560 newseros - El abuelo que salto por la ventana y se largo.nzb 108985 files 72 GB "El_abuelo_que_salto_por_la_ventana_y_se .. CPP-User 2014/11/08 14:01
559 Torrente 5 operacion eurovegas (2014)[TS-Screener HQ][Castellano][Accion]-"Torrente 5 operacion eurovegas (2014)[TS-Scre .. vinajakas 2014/11/08 13:27
558 Torrente 5 operacion eurovegas (2014)[TS-Screener HQ][Castellano][Accion]-"Torrente 5 operacion eurovegas (2014)[TS-Scre .. vinajakas 2014/11/08 13:27
557 Anunnaki 2014/11/08 00:26
556 newseros01 file - "Streetdance Kids.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CPP-User 2014/11/07 13:24
555 CENTURYON 2014/11/07 08:48
554 CENTURYON 2014/11/07 01:48
553 Anunnaki 2014/11/06 22:17
552 Go Diego Go Rescate en el artico [DVD5-PAL]01 file - "DVD5GoDiegoGoRescateArticoCENTURYON.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CENTURYON 2014/11/06 20:51
551 CPP-User 2014/11/06 16:59
550 newseros01 file - "2 francos, 40 pesetas.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CPP-User 2014/11/06 15:26
549 Go Diego Go Rescate en el artico [DVD5-PAL] - DVD5GoDiegoGoRescateArticoCENTURYON.nzb 19749 files 8 GB "DVD5GoDiegoGoRes .. CENTURYON 2014/11/06 13:51
548 newseros - 2 francos, 40 pesetas.nzb 87103 files 58 GB "2_francos,_40_pesetas.nzb.nzb" CPP-User 2014/11/06 08:26
547 newseros01 file - "Salida desesperada.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CPP-User 2014/11/05 15:21
546 newseros01 file - "Mi ex, mi novia y yo (2002).nfo" yEnc (1/1) CPP-User 2014/11/05 13:49
545 newseros01 file - "Pequeno gran guerrero.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CPP-User 2014/11/05 06:56
544 newseros01 file - "Ausentes.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CPP-User 2014/11/05 05:07
543 Descubriendo a los Robinsons [DVD9-PAL]01 file - "DVD9DescubriendoALosRobinsonCENTURYON.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CENTURYON 2014/11/04 18:13
542 Franklin y el tesoro del lago [DVD5-PAL]01 file - "FranklinYElTesoroLagoDVD5CENTURYON.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CENTURYON 2014/11/04 18:03
541 Barrio Sesamo: La aventura musical de Elmo [DVD5-PAL]01 file - "BarrioSesamoAventuraMusicalDeElmoDVD5CENTURYON.nfo" yEnc .. CENTURYON 2014/11/04 17:56
540 CENTURYON 2014/11/04 17:44
539 CPP-User 2014/11/04 16:06
538 newseros01 file - "Mujeres Del F.B.I (1988).nfo" yEnc (1/1) CPP-User 2014/11/04 13:48
537 Descubriendo a los Robinsons [DVD9-PAL] - DVD9DescubriendoALosRobinsonCENTURYON.nzb 40715 files 16 GB "DVD9DescubriendoA .. CENTURYON 2014/11/04 11:13
536 Franklin y el tesoro del lago [DVD5-PAL] - FranklinYElTesoroLagoDVD5CENTURYON.nzb 19937 files 8 GB "FranklinYElTesoroLag .. CENTURYON 2014/11/04 11:03
535 Barrio Sesamo: La aventura musical de Elmo [DVD5-PAL] - BarrioSesamoAventuraMusicalDeElmoDVD5CENTURYON.nzb 17149 files 7 .. CENTURYON 2014/11/04 10:56
534 CENTURYON 2014/11/04 10:44
533 newseros01 file - "Todos los hombres sois iguales.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CPP-User 2014/11/04 05:15
532 newseros01 file - "Amor en conserva (1949).nfo" yEnc (1/1) CPP-User 2014/11/03 15:23
531 newseros01 file - "Repentance.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CPP-User 2014/11/03 13:51
530 newseros - Amor en conserva .part01.rar 60617 files 40 GB "Amor_en_conserva_.nzb" CPP-User 2014/11/03 08:24
529 newseros01 file - "007 Diamantes para la eternidad (1971).nfo" yEnc (1/1) CPP-User 2014/11/03 05:25
528 Anunnaki 2014/11/03 00:50
527 newseros01 file - "Matar a traicion.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CPP-User 2014/11/02 16:03
526 newseros01 file - "El maullido del gato.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CPP-User 2014/11/02 14:12
525 CENTURYON 2014/11/01 22:18
524 CENTURYON 2014/11/01 22:09
523 CENTURYON 2014/11/01 22:00
522 CENTURYON 2014/11/01 21:49
521 CENTURYON 2014/11/01 21:38
520 CENTURYON 2014/11/01 21:27
519 CENTURYON 2014/11/01 21:16
518 CENTURYON 2014/11/01 21:07
517 CENTURYON 2014/11/01 21:00
516 CENTURYON 2014/11/01 20:52
515 CENTURYON 2014/11/01 20:46
514 CENTURYON 2014/11/01 20:44
513 CPP-User 2014/11/01 17:08
512 newseros01 file - "Faust.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CPP-User 2014/11/01 15:20
511 CENTURYON 2014/11/01 14:44
510 newseros - Faust.nzb 56702 files 37 GB "Faust.nzb.nzb" CPP-User 2014/11/01 09:20
509 Automata (2014) 1080p Espanol Subtitulado - on3-"Automata (2014) 1080p Espanol Subtitulado.nzb" yEnc (1/1) vinajakas 2014/11/01 03:12
508 Automata (2014) 1080p Espanol Subtitulado - on3-"Automata (2014) 1080p Espanol Subtitulado.nfo" yEnc (1/1) vinajakas 2014/11/01 03:12
507 newseros01 file - "El Ultimo Marshall.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CPP-User 2014/10/31 23:57
506 newseros01 file - "El reportero de la calle 42.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CPP-User 2014/10/31 20:54
505 CPP-User 2014/10/31 16:31
504 01 file - "Contra la pared.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CPP-User 2014/10/31 13:13
503 El Hombre De Rio Nevado.par2 33321 files 22 GB "El_Hombre_De_Rio_Nevado.nzb" CPP-User 2014/10/31 09:24
502 Contra la pared.nzb 13809 files 9 GB "Contra_la_pared.nzb.nzb" CPP-User 2014/10/31 07:13
501 Newseros 01 file - "Dos vidas en un instante.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CPP-User 2014/10/30 20:44
500 Newseros 01 file - "Anarchy La noche de las bestias.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CPP-User 2014/10/30 15:27
499 Newseros - Nicky, la aprendiz de bruja.nzb 18956 files 13 GB "Nicky,_la_aprendiz_de_bruja.nzb.nzb" CPP-User 2014/10/30 10:43
498 El viento se levanta [DVD9-PAL]01 file - "ElVientoSeLevantaDVD9CENTURYON.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CENTURYON 2014/10/29 21:59
497 Acto de valor [DVD9-PAL]01 file - "ActoDeValorDVD9CENTURYON.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CENTURYON 2014/10/29 21:43
496 El viento se levanta [DVD9-PAL] - ElVientoSeLevantaDVD9CENTURYON.nzb 44001 files 17 GB "ElVientoSeLevantaDVD9CENTURYON.n .. CENTURYON 2014/10/29 15:59
495 Acto de valor [DVD9-PAL] - ActoDeValorDVD9CENTURYON.nzb 36167 files 14 GB "ActoDeValorDVD9CENTURYON.nzb.nzb" CENTURYON 2014/10/29 15:43
494 Newseros 01 file - "Anarchy La noche de las bestias.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CPP-User 2014/10/29 03:40
493 Tarzan - 2013 [DVD9-PAL]01 file - "Tarzan2013DVD9CENTURYON.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CENTURYON 2014/10/28 19:22
492 Atlantis: El regreso de Milo [DVD9-PAL]01 file - "AtlantisRegresoMiloDVD9CENTURYON.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CENTURYON 2014/10/28 19:03
491 Atlantis: El imperio perdido [DVD9-PAL]01 file - "AtlantisImperioPerdidoDVD9CENTURYON.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CENTURYON 2014/10/28 18:44
490 Newseros 01 file - "Bajo la misma estrella.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CPP-User 2014/10/28 14:49
489 Tarzan - 2013 [DVD9-PAL] - Tarzan2013DVD9CENTURYON.nzb 38680 files 15 GB "Tarzan2013DVD9CENTURYON.nzb.nzb" CENTURYON 2014/10/28 13:22
488 Atlantis: El imperio perdido [DVD9-PAL] - AtlantisImperioPerdidoDVD9CENTURYON.nzb 88605 files 35 GB "AtlantisImperioPerd .. CENTURYON 2014/10/28 12:44
487 Anunnaki 2014/10/28 01:54
486 Newseros 01 file - "La playa de los galgos.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CPP-User 2014/10/27 23:15
485 CPP-User 2014/10/27 18:08
484 CPP-User 2014/10/27 12:08
483 Newseros 01 file - "Legend.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CPP-User 2014/10/27 03:21
482 <SUBJECT> 002 files - "Korra1.nfo" yEnc (1/1) tarariquetev .. 2014/10/27 02:08
481 <SUBJECT> 002 files - "Korra2.nfo" yEnc (1/1) tarariquetev .. 2014/10/27 01:00
480 <SUBJECT> - Korra1.par2 43648 files 17 GB "Korra1.nzb" tarariquetev .. 2014/10/26 20:08
479 <SUBJECT> - Korra2.par2 41204 files 16 GB "Korra2.nzb" tarariquetev .. 2014/10/26 19:00
478 CPP-User 2014/10/26 15:37
477 Newseros 01 file - "Armados de poder.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CPP-User 2014/10/26 14:32
476 Newseros 01 file - "El extraordinario viaje de T.S. Spivet.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CPP-User 2014/10/26 06:35
475 Newseros 01 file - "Mil maneras de morder el polvo.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CPP-User 2014/10/25 14:09
474 La abeja Maya. La pelicula (2014) [WEBRip][Castellano Mic][Animation]-"La abeja Maya. La pelicula (2014) [WEBRip][Castel .. vinajakas 2014/10/25 11:09
473 La abeja Maya. La pelicula (2014) [WEBRip][Castellano Mic][Animation]-"La abeja Maya. La pelicula (2014) [WEBRip][Castel .. vinajakas 2014/10/25 11:09
472 Newseros - Mil maneras de morder el polvo.nzb 51154 files 34 GB "Mil_maneras_de_morder_el_polvo.nzb.nzb" CPP-User 2014/10/25 08:09
471 CENTURYON 2014/10/24 21:25
470 CENTURYON 2014/10/24 21:11
469 CENTURYON 2014/10/24 15:25
468 CENTURYON 2014/10/24 15:11
467 Newseros 01 file - "Magic Mike.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CPP-User 2014/10/24 14:14
466 Newseros 01 file - "VioletteD9.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CPP-User 2014/10/24 05:56
465 Newseros 01 file - "Yo, Frankenstein.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CPP-User 2014/10/24 00:05
464 Anunnaki 2014/10/23 22:20
463 Newseros 01 file - "Not That Funny.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CPP-User 2014/10/23 19:41
462 Barbie: la Princesa y la Costurera [DVD9-PAL]01 file - "BarbieLaPrincesaYCostureraDVD9CENTURYON.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CENTURYON 2014/10/23 18:44
461 CPP-User 2014/10/23 13:53
460 Barbie: la Princesa y la Costurera [DVD9-PAL] - BarbieLaPrincesaYCostureraDVD9CENTURYON.nzb 40560 files 16 GB "BarbieLaP .. CENTURYON 2014/10/23 12:44
459 Newseros 01 file - "Un largo viaje.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CPP-User 2014/10/23 05:20
458 Newseros - Un largo viaje.nzb 68627 files 45 GB "Un_largo_viaje.nzb.nzb" CPP-User 2014/10/22 23:20
457 Newseros 01 file - "El Dragon Del Lago De Fuego.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CPP-User 2014/10/22 04:22
456 Newseros 01 file - "Cafe solo o con ellas.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CPP-User 2014/10/21 06:34
455 Newseros 01 file - "Malditos vecinos.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CPP-User 2014/10/21 04:44
454 Anunnaki 2014/10/21 04:02
453 Newseros 01 file - "Aimee y Jaguar.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CPP-User 2014/10/20 22:51
452 Newseros - Malditos vecinos.nzb 32634 files 22 GB "Malditos_vecinos.nzb.nzb" CPP-User 2014/10/20 22:44
451 [] MysticRiver-2003-DVD9.nzb 19794 files 8 GB "MysticRiver-2003-DVD9.nzb.nzb" Maria 2014/10/20 14:39
450 Kill Bill Volumen 1 [DVD9] - Kill Bill Volumen 1 [DVD9].jpg - 6,52 GB - 19367 files 15 GB "Kill.nzb" SSL-News.inf .. 2014/10/20 11:13
449 Anunnaki 2014/10/20 09:09
448 Anunnaki 2014/10/20 07:23
447 Anunnaki 2014/10/20 03:09
446 Anunnaki 2014/10/20 01:23
445 La abeja maya. La pelicula [TS CAM][Castellano HQ][Animation]2014 files-"La abeja maya. La pelicula [TS CAM][Castellano .. vinajakas 2014/10/19 17:42
444 La abeja maya. La pelicula [TS CAM][Castellano HQ][Animation]2014 files-"La abeja maya. La pelicula [TS CAM][Castellano .. vinajakas 2014/10/19 17:42
443 Newseros 01 file - "GranjasArdientes.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CPP-User 2014/10/19 13:40
442 Newseros 01 file - "Misfire.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CPP-User 2014/10/19 13:29
441 Anunnaki 2014/10/19 03:21
440 Newseros 01 file - "Misfire.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CPP-User 2014/10/19 02:02
439 Newseros - Misfire.nfo 26494 files 18 GB "Misfire.nfo.nzb" CPP-User 2014/10/18 20:02
438 CENTURYON 2014/10/18 17:22
437 El nino (2014)[TS CAM][Castellano MIC][Drama,Thriller]-"El nino (2014)[TS CAM][Castellano MIC][Drama,Thriller].nfo" yEnc .. vinajakas 2014/10/18 11:33
436 CENTURYON 2014/10/18 11:22
435 El Encargo [DVD9] - El Encargo [DVD9].jpg - 6,48 GB - 90836 files 72 GB "Encargo.nzb" SSL-News.inf .. 2014/10/18 10:07
434 Big Ass Spider [DVD5] - Big Ass Spider [DVD5].jpg - 4,26 GB - 6029 files 5 GB "Big.nzb" SSL-News.inf .. 2014/10/18 06:22
433 CPP-User 2014/10/18 06:02
432 Maria 2014/10/18 05:03
431 Mil Maneras De Morder El Polvo [DVD9] - Mil Maneras De Morder El Polvo [DVD9].jpg - 6,93 GB - 9800 files 8 GB "Mil.nzb" SSL-News.inf .. 2014/10/18 04:48
430 Misfire Agente Antidroga [DVD9] - Misfire Agente Antidroga [DVD9].jpg - 4,63 GB - 6540 files 5 GB "Misfire.nzb" SSL-News.inf .. 2014/10/18 04:23
429 Tokarev [DVD9] - Tokarev [DVD9].jpg - 5,83 GB - 8240 files 6 GB "Tokarev.nzb" SSL-News.inf .. 2014/10/18 04:01
428 Newseros 01 file - "Tokarev.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CPP-User 2014/10/18 03:04
427 Newseros 01 file - "En El Filo De La Duda.nfo" yEnc (1/1) CPP-User 2014/10/17 14:08
426 La isla minima (2014)[TELESYNC XviD][MiC Castellano][Thriller]-"La isla minima (2014)[TELESYNC XviD][MiC Castellano][Thr .. vinajakas 2014/10/17 10:53
425 La isla minima (2014)[TELESYNC XviD][MiC Castellano][Thriller]-"La isla minima (2014)[TELESYNC XviD][MiC Castellano][Thr .. vinajakas 2014/10/17 10:53
424 La abeja maya. La pelicula (2014)[HDCAM Xvid][Castellano HQ][Animation]-"La abeja maya. La pelicula (2014)[HDCAM Xvid][C .. vinajakas 2014/10/17 07:55
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