From: Greg Carr <>
Newsgroups: alt
Subject: Man Pleads Guilty To Killing Ex-Calgarian
Organization: Awaiting The Third Coming. He Died For Our Sins And Rose From The Dead And Then Ascended To Heaven After Waking The Earth For Awhile. He Is Returning For A Third And Final Time.
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Date: Sat, 04 Oct 2008 21:00:27 -0700
Xref: alt:761
Man In Britain Pleads Guilty in Calgarians Death
October 04, 2008 - 10:00 am
Pete Curtis and Kelly Turner
A 44 year old man has pleaded guilty in Britain to the shooting death
of a former Calgarian on a highway in August of 2007.
Sean Creighton faces a life sentence for the murder of 35 year old
Gerry Tobin, who had been living in England for about 10 years after
leaving Calgary.
The motorcycle mechanic, who friends say was a devout Christian and
had hopes of being a missionary, was shot in the head from a passing
In today's Herald, investigators say they believe Tobin was targeted
because he was wearing a Hell's Angels insignia.
Six other men also face charges in the case, along with Creighton.
All are members of the Hell's Angels' rivals, The Outlaws.
No member of any Christian or Jewish or Catholic group should have
anything to do with Hell's Angels. This group is a terrorist org and
the man killed was a senior officer in it. It was his job to make the
English Hell's Angels tougher and smarter.
is involved with
extortion, homicide, kidnapping, prostitution, meth and cocaine
dealing, rape, armed robbery and motorcycle theft and child
as well as phony currency and witness intimidation and obstruction of
justice. They have been known to bribe and scare law enforcement
officers and judges into doing their bidding. These ppl must be
out of the Cdn justice system. Two judges have actually done their
and declared HAMC a criminal org and the Victoria Times-Colonist is
calling for it to be banned as a terrorist org.
"The Hells Angels should be treated as a domestic terror organization.
We should encourage those who make and enforce our laws in their
efforts to eradicate them."
The White Rock chapter Sgt.Of Arms, Villy Roy Lynnerup, recently was
arrested for trying to board an airplane at YVR
with a loaded firearm. Was probably going to crash the plane into the
Downtown courthouse or hold the passengers hostage in exchange for
release of Moms Boucher and all imprisoned full patch members. All
Hell's Angels, their supporters, associates etc. should be imprisoned
for twenty years
their children put in foster care and their assets seized.
Ppl are trying to get HAMC listed as a terrorist org. If you support
then write letters to editors of local newspapers and your local MP.
As well John Les the solicitor-general of BC before he resigned has
advocated banning
the wearing of gang colours such as biker patches in bars. Perhaps
John VanDongen can finish the job he started. Since HA
various bars in BC that would be an improvement. The gang has a
history of intimidating
bartenders, infiltrating unions involved in the bar industry, beating
and killing strippers and beating customers to death at random for no
reason. Contact your MLA as well as the local media and tell them you
want this implemented sooner rather than later.
VPD is appealing again for info about the homicide of Maria Yvette
Monzon who was shot dead on the westside of Vancouver. She was killed
by HA but the police have never stated that. There is a reward.
Colleen Reiter (Ryder?) of Surrey was killed by HAMC but the RCMP
refuse to confirm this.
The following is my sig file updated as of 12th of Elul, 5768 :
ELECT DONA CADMAN Conservative candidate in North-Surrey.
We are awaiting the return of our JHVH in the flesh or his Son. His Son Yu'shua died on the cross for our sins, was resurrected and walked the earth for awhile then ascended unto Heaven. We await the Third Coming not the Second.
Scottish Quaker Robert Barclay-"The weighty Truths of God were neglected, and, as it were, went into Desuetude. ...
Who will be the last Coalition soldier to be maimed in Iraq?
Canadian troops out of Afghanistan and into Darfur.
Good luck to anyone trying to learn Hebrew. I am looking for a Hebrew-Gregorian calendar in both Hebrew and English lettering.
I am looking for my missing automobile. Left in the care of Low's Tire (Firestone) on King George Hwy which has since gone out of business. A man who claimed to be a tow truck driver named Jerry (sounded Black) called me and said he had it
but when I called him back he denied it. JVD-298 "89 Plymouth Reliant white with red interior. Devellis in lettering on the rear trunk. Contact me by email or the GRC if you are one of those ppl. Am looking for the address of Dave Reynolds and any info about him. He used to run Low's Tires and since he refuses to answer his email I can only assume he is the person who stole my vehicle and the contents in it. I have talked to the new owners and they claim to know nothing.
3P3BK41D9KT921716 is the vin number. Dave Reynolds still has a valid email but refuses to return my inquiries.Any info about this thief is appreciated.
I am also looking for various books and CD's that I have discovered missing. All are marked Greg Carr on the inside cover or somewhere in the CD booklet. $5 reward for each CD and for each book. Will pay $200 for info regarding how they disappeared because I honestly don't know.
Jonathon Gregory and Craig Wong are thieves and liars and smokers.They live at 344 E.Hastings St. They call and lie to Vancouver Police and the Landlord-Tenancy Branch.
Mike Poirier is HA and works at DPS at 817 Denman St. This company is such a bunch of liars that besides stealing from ppl they claim to be 100% Cdn owned on their signs when in fact they are owned by a rich man in Seattle. You anti-semitic types might like to know the man is a Jew. Poirier is a liar and perjurer and he attacks ppl for no reason and then calls Vancouver Police if he loses.
DPS 817 Denman St
V6G 2L7 Canada
(604) 681-8797
(604) 684-0329 Fax
Mailing Address
P.O. Box 3055
Vancouver, BC V6B 3X5 Canada
He lives in Burnaby. Caucasian 5"8 in platform shoes.
I am no longer using Google as my default search engine and home page preferring instead to use AltaVista
This is just a line I typed to see if you would read it :-)