Lines: 9
From: (Kwigd144)
Newsgroups: alt.surrealism
Date: 15 Sep 2003 22:22:05 GMT
Organization: AOL
Subject: All Biff Mullins does (who is also Xtian).........
Message-ID: <>
Xref: alt.surrealism:578
All Biff Mullins does (who is also Xtian) is keep on recycling the old
newsgroups from the service that banned him. Hey Xtian, what happened to your
mp3 song from your other band? Oh, It was pulled offline because of Slander.
By the way, this particular newgsroup is really hurting for posts. I miss
Morpheal's 1000 a day Frosty the Chicken posts that totally take up the entire
newsgroup. Good Job, Morpheal. Xtian we all know that you are Biff Mullins,
this is now old news. INSnet was real upset what you did with their newsgroup
service and now they banned you. Can't run from your IP, though, no matter how
many alias's you have. Carpe Carpum Xtian teh peope.