"Steve Leyland" <steveREMOVEDOTINVALIDTOREPLY@meow.org.invalid> wrote in
> Once upon a time in a magickal land far far away the being called Tiger
> Tamer stirred from its deep slumber and pronounced to usenet:
>: An earlier request.
> reported. get out of utb groups pedo.
This is without a doubt the dumbest group of pedos I've ever seen. Have
you looked at prettyboy? All the child abusers seem to have left there.
I wonder why that might be.
For your information, the real Frogbutt doesn't post with other nics,
and doesn't impersonate other posters. Yes, he is a vile Troll, butt,
unlike many of them, he DOES have standards.-Y-Tard, the self proclaimed
"inventor of usenet", in alt.fan.prettyboy 10/15/06