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Subject: Al madinah international university opening apply for university
colleges (September season)
From: Marwa Kotb <marwa.kotb@mediu.ws>
Injection-Date: Sun, 08 Jun 2014 12:20:20 +0000
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* al madinah international university which win dependence Malaysian Minist
ry of Higher Education Malaysia (MOHE) and also winning the adoption of all
academic programs and courses, the university that are approved by the Mal
aysian funds and private academy, which deals with quality control and effi
ciency Academy, known for short as [MQA ] to congratulate you on the occasi
on of the new academic September year - 2014 . Its pleasure to tell you th
at the university opening apply for university colleges.
The flowing colleges :
* faculty of Islamic Sciences
* faculty of languages
*faculty of computer Science .
*faculty of education .
* Faculty of Science, Finance and Administration .
*Language center
*.faculty of engineering ( soon)
The university offer :
* Bachelor degree
* Master degree
* PH degree
Both online and on campus learning for more information you can visit
for more information about Bachelor degree
for more information about master degree
Best Regard international city university