On 2017-05-06 03:45:05 +0000, Griffin said:
> On Fri, 5 May 2017 20:21:59 -0500, henrysibley
> <henrysibley@anywere.com> wrote:
>> On 2017-05-04 19:20:02 +0000, Griffin said:
>>> Thanks! How about flac?
>>> Geve me an inch & I'll take a mile! :)
>> Thank You Griffin!! :-)
>> 320 is wonderful! (what do you rip with? just curious!)
>> Hank
> You're welcome Hank.
> I almost always start with the flac files that I download from the
> internet, then use Audacity to create the 320 files.
> I also post the original flac files in the
> alt.binaries.sounds.lossless.new-age group.
> Griffin
> P.S. I have another Matt Borghi album, "For Running Time", but it
> appears to be "fake flac."
Thanks Griffin!
If that fake flac could be transmogrified :-) into MP3 , I'd give it a
listen. I'm a big fan of the ambient guitar genre!