From: Goodyear <>
Subject: Re: When and why did this NG die?
Newsgroups: alt.binaries.sounds.mp3.classical
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Date: 16 Jun 2017 13:31:53 GMT
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On Tue, 13 Jun 2017 08:05:58 +0100, JAMES wrote:
> On Sat, 10 Jun 2017 12:13:01 -0500, henrysibley
> <> wrote:
>>On 2017-06-08 16:17:59 +0000, who said:
>>> Does ANYONE bother with mp3 these days? Why have poor quality when you
>>> can have good?
>>Hi - just curious, how do you 'play' your FLACs?
> FLACs play on a Windows computer via Winamp.
> I have been told that VLC plays them on Linux. I haven't tried that
> myself. I did download VLC to Windows, but I couldn't get it to run.
> Jim
Audacious is a GREAT linux player that plays anything that is thrown at
it (flacs included). I still prefer mp3s. If mp3s are played over
bluetooth vs ethernet like chromecast, there is degradation more
noticeable than going with a different format. At least thats what my
older ears tell me.
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