On 29 Mar 2010 13:01:10 GMT, muckrat <muckrat@modelworship.com> wrote:
>I have updates ready to post for a popular tinymodel we both know, but,
>sadly, I failed to follow your advice.
>In particular, I failed to use a proxy when purchasing, as well as when
>downloading; thus, my real IP may likely be encoded in the images. I also
>used a previous username to register. I, did, though, use an anonymous
>prepaid card.
>A far as determining whether my images have hidden identifying data, JStrip
>does nothing; and JpegSnoop doesn't really tell me much.
>Defering to your superior posting expertise, what do you recommend that I
>do -- post or not post?
I believe only every 10th image is watermarked. If your sub has
expired, it's OK to post. DO NOT post them in the Newstar group as
the webmaster monitors it.