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From: Buck <Buck@Scanners.Inc>
Newsgroups: alt.binaries.pictures.earlmiller
Subject: Re: RA_Carmen C - Bidoj_000.jpg
Date: Tue, 02 Jul 2019 05:54:57 -0400
Organization: Scanners Inc
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On Mon, 01 Jul 2019 06:06:45 -0500, Randy Wang <r@ndy.wang> posted:
"Re: RA_Carmen C - Bidoj_000.jpg"
>In article <qfcmij0204h@news1.newsguy.com>, Buck <Buck@Scanners.Inc>
>> =ybegin part=1 line=128 size=159292 name=RA_Carmen C - Bidoj_000.jpg
>I can't help laughing at all of those Rylsky set names, and the ones
>from some other studios too. They crack me up. In this batch we have
>Bidoj, Staras, Marra, Gorria, Brebare, Yelcol, Camizo, Aintzira, Sopar,
>and Duin. Are those brand names of prescription drugs?
>More examples, from MET-Art, a few sets of one model: Agax, Mikilian,
>Asivias, Egalis, Eternias, Magia.
>It's all Greek to me.
I don't speak Greek so I stopped trying to pronounce them or wonder
about the name. Sometime it seems as if they just pulled them out of
their ass, because the name doesn't seem to have anything to do with
the photo set.